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๐Ÿงต the state of american AAA games

Anonymous No. 956922

You need people with 15 years of 3D experience and 2 degrees in art and 250 million usd to make this render.

Anonymous No. 956923

incredible ,they just put you into the game !

Anonymous No. 956925

AI will fix this

Anonymous No. 956926

unironically i want to play this, since asmon hated on it

Anonymous No. 956927

Still better than low poly pixelshit made by indie studios in blender. At least they're trying to make something impressive on a technical level instead of settling for mediocrity by using outdated workflows and bad graphics and calling it a "style".

Anonymous No. 956932

the only solution is to return to monke and write to the frame buffer directly yourself

Anonymous No. 956935

>settling for mediocrity by using outdated workflows and bad graphics and calling it a "style".
that's exactly what Bethesda did with Starfield

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Anonymous No. 956936

Starfield bros...

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Anonymous No. 956939

Bethesda games have been like this since the beginning

Anonymous No. 956941

they just grabbed wathever engine they could license and put some mid models on it, how is this impressive on a technical level?
A: It isn't

Anonymous No. 956942

where did the models come from?

Anonymous No. 956944

PBR! Can't expect characters to look good in every lighting environment

Anonymous No. 956945

really anon


Anonymous No. 956975

Cut scene vs actual gameplay?

Anonymous No. 956977

un ironically yes it will. games will reach an immersive level and itll be amazing. eventually art will be an even harder over saturated niche to earn a living... which will make art even better cause those who truly love it will continue it.

ai has been a win win honestly

Anonymous No. 956997

Looks like an accurate depiction of the future. I don't see the problem.

Anonymous No. 957024

implying niggers will ever get off this rock

Anonymous No. 957054

>Try to attack a Redguard in Skyrim2
>Game freezes
>Text appears "As an AI Game System I cannot allow you to do this action, it considered offensive.
It is important that we remember that diversity and inclusion is our strength."
>game reloads last save
>AI games are a win win

Anonymous No. 957056

>there are ugly people therefore its shit

Anonymous No. 957057

replace "ugly people" with blacks and your statement is spot on

Anonymous No. 957066

you know i thought of this as well, but consider this:
We are at an age now where we don't need to rely on pre-rendered cutscenes anymore, we can render the cutscenes in-engine at runtime now. So the quality of the silent hill character should be no problem by modern standards, i mean, look at the last of us. This is just a case of lazy devs.

Anonymous No. 957068

non important characters I believe are generated at randomly, and don't have enough weighted sliders essentially causing a lot of mongoloids. I'm sure they will eventually patch it.

Eight years from now you all will be crying about how all characters look took perfect in Starfield 2, and reminisce about this game.... Fucking faggots.

Anonymous No. 957188


Anonymous No. 957193


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Anonymous No. 957197

I do believe we should respect the artist's vision instead of trying to better what is, by definition, perfection.

Pic related. The artist on the left, free from the shackle of wants and needs, shackles of vision, pure, did what he wanted to do - and needed to do. The ``Ameliorator`` on the right, who is simply a boor, a low IQ retard who tried to improve upon perfection, failed to improve over the 150+ kg redhead monster that was once created.

This is an important message. You pirates shan't be tolerated.

Anonymous No. 957198

Ugliness aside, how come they have no eyebrows nor eyelashes?

Anonymous No. 957210

A good game could be made with this level of graphics, its just this isn't a good game

Anonymous No. 957211

what was this rendered in?

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Anonymous No. 957244

It's fake.

Anonymous No. 957249

They're both hideous and I don't want to see either of them again.

Anonymous No. 957253

its not fake. SF got blasted by 2003

Anonymous No. 957266

That may be, but it's still fake.

Anonymous No. 957298

To reiterate, some fags do these bait videos where they turn down all the graphics settings and manipulate the mipmap lod bias to make the game look as bad as possible.
Now it certainly looks bad regardless, such as picrel from OP.
The reason for that is no subsurface scattering and missing shaders, those are unfinished models, which is just stupid when using a pbr engine.

Anonymous No. 957309

What do you mean? Forward, non pbr rendering is not fake, its just different, just like an apple and a pear are different.

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Anonymous No. 957311

>Al will fix this

Anonymous No. 957321

already elaborated on that here >>957298
It's still a bpr engine btw, you need pbr to aim for photo realism but don't need to and can stylize it.

Anonymous No. 957350

if something is in the game, it is not fake. You can go to old games and turn down the settings and it will still look fine, because the game was well optimized. You should know this if you develop games.

Anonymous No. 957354

They couldn't even bake their AOs properly. They're all at like 200-300%.
It's a dated studio using dated technology.