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🧡 Financial advice

Anonymous No. 957061

Im not a 3d artist, learning 3d is not in my plans rigth now, but i really want to produce a short of about 10 minutes that looks like pic rel, really early cgi type of thing
How much money should i realistically be charged with?
Should i commission an individual artist or studio?
I really dont know shit about 3d

Anonymous No. 957064

If you look at fiveer prices that’s
>$50 per model for film
>$100 for animation
>$?? for background or items (you can buy them at stores).

I say about $200-$300 at best.

Anonymous No. 957065

If you really want to make something like the early Toy Story tests I could do it for you if you have the voice overs and the music. I could work with a budget of around 25-55k usd depending on the script, production design, final media and number of characters.
I have at my disposal a couple of 3d artists and an editor that could work with me, a licensed workplace and a royalty licensed library of assets that could let you publish and distribute in any platform this short of yours.
I am not shitting you. If you are interested tell me.

Anonymous No. 957111

If you want it to be good enough that it's worth spending any money on it at all then you're going to have to spend a LOT of money.
The anon saying $300 is probably trolling, you can get people who will make models for $50, you can't get someone to do $100 for 10 minutes of animation.
There's a lot of moving pieces. Trying to get everything working together would be hard.
There are artists who can do everything, but you'd be paying them to work full time for probably more than a month.

Just because it's early CGI doesn't mean it's less work.

Anonymous No. 957182

realistically this is like 100 hours of work at $7 malaysian prices, but finding one that wont run away with the money and deliver nothing is hard

if you do it yourself:
download blender
optionally download and import free assets from somewhere
make characters (just throw a bunch of spheres together and remesh/join until it looks roughly like what you want)
do uv mapping and texturing if youre feeling confident, else just work with base colors and a simple principled bsdf shader for your mesh for now
rig the character with bones (though for facial animation theyre probably just doing some vertex based animation instead)
start making keyframes and trying to match the characters position/rotation with the audio/scene you are trying to recreate

good luck lol

Anonymous No. 957183

>download blender

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γ‚ͺピ No. 957302


>, you can't get someone to do $100 for 10 minutes of animation.
>There's a lot of moving pieces. Trying to get everything working together would be hard.
Regarding this, how hard would it be to learn cgi to a degree in wich you can move models like >>957182
How long does it take on average?
And if so what program should i use? ( i once tried blender but never went anywhere with it

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 957303

stop trying to make 10 minutes of garbage of instead try making 10 seconds of absolute gold.

Anonymous No. 957304

stop trying to make 10 minutes of garbage and instead try making 10 seconds of absolute gold.

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Rescue#1 Trabalho....jpg

Anonymous707 No. 957353

This is just an academic work. Last year I made it and presented it in the classroom.

Please in case of copying or sharing send feedback to me!

Anonymous No. 957355

10 minutes? Try seconds.

Anonymous No. 957365

>Regarding this, how hard would it be to learn cgi to a degree in wich you can move models like
Depends on how smart you are and how much time you have per day.
If you just want to move shit around like that anon said, maybe a month.
If you to make something 10 minutes long that wouldn't be excruciating to watch, probably a six months to a year if you have any talent.

Anonymous No. 957366

>If you to make something 10 minutes long that wouldn't be excruciating to watch, probably a six months to a year if you have any talent.
lol yeah right

Anonymous No. 957368

I started selling 3D commissions after 6 months.
If you're not retarded and have lots of spare time it's an achievable goal. Six months before you start work, and by then you should be able to figure out how to write a script to where you can animate the least shit and work to your strengths in 3D. That's IF you can write a script to begin with, and IF you have the talent to write something compelling enough to make up for rudimentary animation.

Anonymous No. 957369

i did freelance too. It was utter, utter utter cringe. Stop embarrassing yourself and stop typing out the word "retarded". You are only making yourself look bad

Anonymous No. 957370

Do you have a point?

Anonymous No. 957372

Stop embarrassing yourself and stop typing out the word "retarded". You are only making yourself look bad

Anonymous No. 957385

Don't lecture me on what words I'm using when you say "cringe". You're not on linkedin, faggot.

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γ‚ͺピ No. 957394

>If you to make something 10 minutes long that wouldn't be excruciating to watch
Something excruciating to watch is what im aiming for, straigth visual torture, if im able to get to brinquedo level im fine

Anonymous No. 957660

what kind of comissions did you start doing? I've been learning animation through courses for about 4 months but I don't think I'm nearly good enough to start doing comissions

Anonymous No. 957670

>through courses
Just moving a character is not enough. You have to render it correctly, put effort in lighting, work the camera, video editing, sound and music. Your not done in any level, the best you can upload is a sloppy video.

Anonymous No. 957696

organic modelling pretty much. I had a lot of experience with different kinds of art, there's a lot of skill overlap between drawing and sculpting.