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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957081


Anonymous No. 957082

shit i forgot to put /BG/ blender general in the title

Anonymous No. 957085

There are so many new shit threads here today and I'm replying to them all!

Anonymous No. 957140

6:23 Eevee-Next is coming in Blender 4.1, not 4.0
1:00:22 What's new in Workbench-Next
1:08:48 Wrapping up
2:58 Anim: replace Bone Groups & Armature Layers with Bone Collections
4:35 Anim: add custom property support for Bone Collections
4:49 Anim: move bone colors from bone groups to individual bones
5:47 Animation: Shear operator for Graph Editor
6:40 Armature: apply new DualQuat scale handling to constraints and crazyspace.
7:25 Camera: Move panoramic projection settings to DNA
8:20 Color management: Add AgX view transform and make it default
10:47 Compositor: Refactor Add menu
13:13 Compositor: Re-organize Add menu
14:43 Shading Nodes: Refactor Add menu
15:54 Cycles: Match Eevee when processing ramp/camera curves
17:06 EEVEE: change Glass BSDF to match Cycles
17:47 EEVEE: change Principled BSDF to match Cycles
18:24 Geometry Nodes: Points to Curves node
19:01 Geometry Nodes: Move tool-specific nodes to proper menus
19:51 Geometry Nodes: Initial basic rotation socket nodes
20:38 Geometry Nodes: Support drag & drop for Materials
21:23 Keymap: Left and Right Click consistency improvements
22:01 Keymap: improve tweak tool consistency & behavior
22:40 Mesh: Share normals caches by splitting vertex and face calculation
23:10 Mesh: Parallelize vertex and edge to corner topology map creation
23:49 Mesh: Rewrite split edges algorithm
24:53 Mesh: Add three cached topology maps
25:27 Subdiv: Use index instead of pointer for grid to face map
25:42 Nodes: Panels integration with blend files and UI
28:26 Nodes: Remove "Make Group" and "Ungroup" from add menu
29:01 Nodes: Move Auto-Offset toggle to User Preferences
31:15 Nodes: fix Voronoi Noise discontinuities when Lacunarity is 0.0.
35:42 UI: Fix scrollbar highlighting outside of regions
44:24 UI: Allow eyedropper outside of Blender
59:16 Workbench-Next: Enabled by default

Anonymous No. 957181

>8:20 Color management: Add AgX view transform and make it default

Its over. BF just dunked on the entire industry

Anonymous No. 957583

I'm probably one of the 5 people who've actually used library overrides, but I just want to say how powerful yet so poorly designed it is.
>You can have a base model (most often a collection) link to different files, and make small variations of that model on a per-project basis while still linking back to the original.
Awesome, I can't wait to-
>You can't rename the original collection, or any of the contained objects that you've overridden in other files, otherwise the links get completely fucked, with no way to repair them other than reverting the name change.
Oh. I guess just git gud at naming things and committing to them? What a great idea to have the user-editable name be the one link that holds everything together. What's a UID? Never heard of it.

Anonymous No. 957719

So yes, I need a tutorial about the geometry nodes, but about the new tools thing no about the modifier, where to start?

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Anonymous No. 957891

Blender gents, I have this mesh here. It's an upper jaw(teeth). As you can see I've created UV maps for it.
I also have a high poly version with matching seams. Is there a way to transfer the UV layout of the low poly to the high poly mesh so that they match?
I'm actually trying to bake AO maps. When I try and bake from the high poly to the low poly I get a lot of clipping artifacts though. This is why I am thinking If I can just get matching UV layouts for both I can just bake an AO map of high poly alone, an then use it on the low poly.

Anonymous No. 957919

What I'd recomend is that you use a mutires modifier, you can subdivide your lowpoly a few times and then use a shrinkwrap modifier to conform it to the HP, there's even a built in way to bake AO, Normals, etc, from a multires modifier

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Anonymous No. 957921

Ah, based, thanks brother. It never crossed my mind.
I've started remaking my UV maps trying to match my low poly map to the high poly map, but it's pure hell.
Your method will be so much better.

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Anonymous No. 957942

Worked like a charm too. Thanks again you really saved me hours of suffering.

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Anonymous No. 958023

New Open Movie:

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Anonymous No. 958131

I've got this posed figure I would like to sculpt over.
Entering edit or sculpt mode, the mesh returns to the default pose.

What I currently want to do it:
Sculpt over the body both in-pose and in the default pose, toggling between them as I want.
I also want to keep the rig, so I can do minor adjustments to the pose/expression as I work.

Is what I'm talking about even possible? Any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 958132

pose library to save poses
and why are you trying to sculpt over the model, what's the desired effect

Anonymous No. 958134

Essentially, I'm trying to match it to an illustration as close I can get
I'll be redoing the face, parts of the body that are warped (knees, armpits, elbow), the folds in the dress.

I don't even know if this is a good workflow for this sort of thing desu, I'm pretty inexperienced in 3D.

Anonymous No. 958139

when i go into render preview it shows fins but when i try to actually render an image with cycles it gets stuck at 0/512 samples and never does anything, any idea why?

Anonymous No. 958155

>Trying copy a 2d image 1:1
what's the fucking point, retard. It's one thing to recreate an image or pose but if you're going to sculpt over it to make it match it as close as possible then what's the point of doing it?

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Anonymous No. 958156

Incredible, matching a sculpt to an illustration has NEVER been done before because why on earth would anyone EVER do it??

Anonymous No. 958196

>two anthro characters
>open movie
>which means literally ALL assets are freely available

Place your bets, how long will it take for them to pop up somewhere fugging

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Anonymous No. 958343

What sort of PC am I gonna need if I want to work on beefy sculpts? I'm talking like 7Mil+ Verts.
Current PC:
16GB DDR4 3200
RTX 3060TI 8GB

It's laggy as fuck. I can't even rotate my screen let alone actually work on the project.

Anonymous No. 958346

You're probably running out of ram and hitting swap. Or you're trying to use Dyntopo, which will never work at that vert count.

Anonymous No. 958350

>7 million vertices
>"beefy sculpt"
the absolute STATE of freetards, you can work with 10x that in zbrush with your CURRENT hardware. But NO better drop 2000 dollars in a new pc to get 1.5x improvement. Freetardism is a mental illness that's costing you money, blender is 10 years behind the curve.

Anonymous No. 958351

My computer is way worse than that anon's and I only start to worry at 20 million active verts. Gotta love pixols.

Anonymous No. 958355

with that computer and playing with the multires (lvs 4 to 6) you can sculpt 25-30M faces, no all the brushes are optimized so some of them lag a fuckton > clay and others don't work at all > trim, yes in zbrush you can get 50-70M easily.

Anonymous No. 958356

Can't understand why this board is so adverse to piracy.
Are you guys just zoomers who can't torrent, or do you think you'll get caught somehow?

Not saying anything against blender, I use it and love it, but if you're in a situation where you're struggling to work with it and another program would solve your problems, why not use it?

Anonymous No. 958357

I haven't used Zbrush in years but I encourage everybody to use it if needed, either pirate or the free version even with all the limitations, yes the navigation is a shitfest and the menus horrible but the interface is fully customizable, I only sculpt shit to print and blender is more than enough to make a 12-16m sculpt, yes you have to play with the visibility options and other shits too.

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Anonymous No. 958376

would someone with a blender studio account share these "wing it" asset files on a mega or somewhere?

Anonymous No. 958402

They already give you industry grade product for free AND fully open source and you wanna steal from them?
I hope you burn in hell for this.

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Anonymous No. 958428

how do i stop fluid simulation from looking like this but instead as a solid "beam" of fluid like from a hose?
and don't tell me the only solution is bumping up domain rez even more, it already takes ages to bake

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Anonymous No. 958444

doubling the rez to 512 barely improved it and took like an hour to bake 10 frames so going even higher is not an option, what the fug do i do

Anonymous No. 958445

take the houdini pill

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Anonymous No. 958450

Trust me I TRIED ZBrush. It's just so utterly alien I genuinely don't enjoy using it even after I kind of figured out how to sculpt and get around in it...

Besides that, some of my favorite pro artists are Blender-only. They can do insanely good stuff in it, and as a hobbyist I kinda do want to be like them.
Also, I tried using GoZ/GoB bridge. It was cool for a moment, but I spent most of my session just troubleshooting...
Latest would import from ZB, but couldn’t export from Blender. I ver. down seemed to work fine, but wouldn't display the full mesh in ZB no matter what I did... Despite that reimporting to Blender would show the full model (stripped of texture though).

All in all, while ZBrush is definitely more powerful and there's a lot more high-levdl courses on it I simply don't enjoy using it one bit. I enjoy using Blender, so that's what I want to figure out how to work with.

>I only sculpt shit to print and blender is more than enough to make a 12-16m sculpt
You got any tips for that? I really am struggling to get any editing done on these models.

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Anonymous No. 958456

>You got any tips for that?
Facesets, multires lv 4, box hide, blender should have a fast navigation option somewhere but some people don't like it, it is better to have several objects instead of just one too, to use the local view .... it is not that hard, this is done on a i5 old with 16 gb of ram.

Anonymous No. 958457

multires can take 2-3 minutes sometimes so be aware of that too

Anonymous No. 958461

Some brushes are disabled on multires and others lag, the clay, the pose, cloth are things that you shouldn't use on these lvs and the trim is really broken too if you want to do something like that it is better to use the carver addon (free inside blender) or the boxcutter (free in cgpeers), you can use the mask slice, that works in 2-4m meshes.

Anonymous No. 958479

I forgot to add the delay viewport updates, it is in the options with the fast navigate and you can't use the booleans with multires because it crash.

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Anonymous No. 958517

Blender is fucking me about. I can't figure out why it's doing this:
Every time I save, these messed up looking meshes show up again on my sculpt.

I have a feeling it has to do with frames. I didn't setup anything, but my frame 1 looks different to my frame 2.
I genuinely lost 1HR+ of sculpting because I accidentally presses Space and it shifted everything.

I went into the "Dope Sheet" and deleted all the keyframes (why where they there in the first place?) but it hasn't helped.

Anonymous No. 958586

something is killing my viewport fps and i can't figure out what. when i start playback at frame 0 i get smooth 24fps for about two seconds and then it starts falling to 20 15 10.. and when i get to frame 100 i am at like 6 fps, and even if i start the playback at those frames, like at frame 100 i get 6fps, the fuck is going on? i even tried hiding everything in the scene so it's literally an empty scene with everything in it hidden and it still does this

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Anonymous No. 958597

I'm new to Blender. I have questions about add-ons.
1) Which of the pre-installed add-ons I should know about?
2) Which not pre-installed add-ons are considered mandatory. For example, I've only just found out about PolyQuilt, and knowing about it earlier would have saved me a decent amount of trouble in the past. This is the main reason why I'm making this post.
3) Which payed add-ons are worth pirating?

Anonymous No. 958599

>Which of the pre-installed add-ons I should know about?
looptools, carver, pose library, rigify, f2, node wrangler.
>Which not pre-installed add-ons are considered mandatory.
Substance for blender, TexTools, Archimesh, cad sketcher.
>Which not pre-installed add-ons are considered mandatory.
Animation layers, Sculpt layers, RetopoFlow, Bpainter, hardops and boxcutter.

Anonymous No. 958600

Philogix PBR Painter

Anonymous No. 958609

Where can I download it?

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Anonymous No. 958612

Holy fuck it's grown.
Is this hopeless? What can I even do about this?

Anonymous No. 958618

Thank you. And what is a good place to pirate Blender add-ons?

Anonymous No. 958619

if you're going to pirate stuff why don't you just use maya?

Anonymous No. 958622

Mostly on principle. And I've also watched too many Blender tutorials to just change the software.

Anonymous No. 958623

Been a while since I touched Blender, the developer focus is always shifting so what is Blender currently good for versus the alternatives? Still no good for sculpting?

Anonymous No. 958625

what principles? you just said you intend to steal the plugins made by indie developers. if you're going to steal, you might as well get something good.

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Anonymous No. 958626

A good few hours and got a nice train going :)

Anonymous No. 958627

Funny monkey

Anonymous No. 958628

Piracy isn't theft. Man, what is up with this board? People are weird here.

Anonymous No. 958629

Why did you post random beginner resources all of a sudden?

Anonymous No. 958632

if blender users weren't beginners they wouldn't use blender

Anonymous No. 958633

it's the donut shit though. you're saying they're noobs to that degree?

Anonymous No. 958635

NTA, but it makes sense to put beginner resources into the OP.

Anonymous No. 958637

some of them are on github, I suppose you can try cgpeers or cgpersia too

Anonymous No. 958640

lol, nobody does this retard, learn how to bake properly, and use painter or marmoset

Anonymous No. 958642

try changing the overall scale of the simulation setup, iirc

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Anonymous No. 958651

I restarted this whole fucking sculpt.
Did all my shape keys at the start. Did NOT touch them at ALL. I did NOT touch the base mesh in any way after I added Multi-Res
I did ALL my editing in Sculpt mode, exclusively on the higher layer.

I even tried to save it by deleting all my shape keys and applying the Multi-Res... The vertices fucking exploded. Her elbow looks like a sea urchin.
I don't know what the fuck to do. How am I supposed to sculpt in this god damn program I hate it so fucking much.

Anonymous No. 958678

Buy more memory 16 GB is too low.

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Anonymous No. 958684

any tips on doing lights inside skyscraper for night city scenes? I just straight up put lights inside the rooms behind the glass and wasn't sure if there was another way to do it

Anonymous No. 958688

Do it like ian hubert

Anonymous No. 958780

Doesn't he just use images? That style is fine but I wanted to try something else. I dont care if its more work or whatever

Anonymous No. 958822

why should I use blender if I want to be hired

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Anonymous No. 958835

New day, new attempt. Now this shit is happening.

Why is part of my mesh invisible in sculpt/object mode, but visible in Edit? I've tried Alt+H in both and it hasn't revealed the hidden segment.
Also, I can still mouse over the invisible area in Sculpt with my cursor

Anonymous No. 958836

Maybe a mask modifier?

Anonymous No. 958839

Nope, nothing there

Anonymous No. 958841

No clue then. If this file isn't anything majorly important or secretive then I would dissect it if you uploaded it to catbox or something.

Anonymous No. 958843

Oh jeez nvm, there WAS a MAsk, I just didn't see it. That's embarrassing...

Anonymous No. 958844

I want to try out animation. I have a 1050ti. Is it even worth it or will rendering take too long?

Anonymous No. 958920

blendlets.. explain that :

Anonymous No. 958923

Forget about reddit. It is LONG dead. Move on to discord.

Anonymous No. 958952

>thank you for answering my question
>without me doing any work to find or try any of these things, can you spoonfeed me some more?
people like you are why people shit on newfags so much

Anonymous No. 958953

I tried to look for those addons on piracy websites I commonly use, but only found an old version of Boxcutter that refused to install.

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Anonymous No. 958996

Can anyone figure out why my materials were messed up?
Left is Blender 3.1 right is 3.6

I can reassign them by hand using some of the Vertex Groups but it's a lot of work and I don't understand WHY it happened in the first place.
All I did between now and the last backup with proper materials was sculpt... I also restarted the PC because the pen pressure wasn't working.

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Anonymous No. 959004

how the fuck do i stop this shit happening every 100 frames or so
i always have to restart blender to keep going and the worst part is i have to constantly sit at my pc in case the error happens

Anonymous No. 959006

e-mail support

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Anonymous No. 959042

Does Blender have anything like these brushes in ZBrush?
I heard there was some new developments but idk

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Anonymous No. 959044

>they still aren't finished with the fucking bake node
Kek I hate blender so much what a dumpster fire

Anonymous No. 959053

normally i only render pictures but tried rendering an animation today and noticed an issue.
the noise in the pictures causes jitter in the final video and increasing the samples isn't an option since it blows up render times
it's super sad that blender has no support for temportal denoising so what do i do? all products i found that do it are paid kike shit

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Anonymous No. 959057

How do I go about make just the edges of a plane be a wave that I can manipulate? If I try added a displacement to it it doesn't work. Is this a geo node thing? I feel like it should be simple.

Anonymous No. 959058

for simple shit like this just ask chat gpt, i do it all the time and it saves a lot of time

Anonymous No. 959059

I'd rather interact with people.

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Anonymous No. 959061

If you meant completely even/consistent waves then idk yet sorry. This also only works with flat 2D planes.

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Anonymous No. 959062

Whoops there were some redundant mesh/curve conversions in there

Anonymous No. 959064

Interesting, maybe I'll mess with that. For now I've just gone with taking a plane, chopping off an edge and replacing it with a bevel curve converted to mesh. It would be nice if I could just keep the plane normal and then use something like #frame/24 on the wave moving along the x or y for the edge, but oh well.

Anonymous No. 959066

that makes you a boomer who will get left behind in this increasingly advanced technological age
interaction with other humans will be a thing of the past in few decades

Anonymous No. 959067

I assume Eevee isn't an option?

Anonymous No. 959069

Lmao, not really.

Anonymous No. 959070


Anonymous No. 959071

How many samples are you actually using

Anonymous No. 959072

i have noise limit at 0.1 so i think it cuts off around 60 samples, i'm trying to rerender now at 128 samples to see how better it looks but i can't do more than that, i would take too long to render

i found out there is this magic hiden feature in blender which lets you to use optix to do temporal denoising so i tried it all exited and shit and... it's fucking TRASH
the difference between not temp denoised frames and temp denoised frames was basically none

Anonymous No. 959073

nope, evee just looks ugly to me compared to cycles
not to mention i have many materials set up for cycles specifically

Anonymous No. 959074

Im kinda new at this. Im trying to make objects I can use later in different projects, should I apply all the modifiers and stuff like particles before saving or is it better to just leave them

Anonymous No. 959077

Yeah obviously samples that low are going to look garbage, no matter what denoising you do, it's not magic. You have to accept that you either need better hardware or to try make eevee work for you.
Leave everything, don't apply modifiers unless you have to.

Anonymous No. 959078

you should do everything in a non destructive way to the point where when you delete all modifiers and remove all shape keys and animations you will be left with the default cube

Anonymous No. 959096

>Anim: replace Bone Groups & Armature Layers with Bone Collections
As someone who recently got into blender, it fucking baffles me that these weren't already a thing.

Anonymous No. 959124

Any UV experts here may I ask you something?

Anonymous No. 959182

Is there a way to speed up rendering when using particles and geometry nodes? The smallest little particles can increase time by so much its silly.

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Anonymous No. 959190

just ask, or youll have to wait an extra week

Anonymous No. 959193

How would I make an ocean modifier both loop and not be a square? It seems like the not square solution is to set it to displacement, but that's also part of the step of having it loop with one generated and one displaced.

As of right now I have a perfect loop, but I have ridged edges when I want them to be more wavy but I can't figure out how to stop having it be a plane.

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Anonymous No. 959195

i have multilayer exr file sequence and i want to use bledner compositor to render it out to a png sequence for an animation but the problem is the denoising is saved in view layer while the motion blur is saved in the composite layer in the exr file.. so how the shit am i supposed to make it so i can combine them into the png with both denoise and motion blur at the same time?
Since the motion blur is applied to the noisy image for some reason

Anonymous No. 959242

holdover from 1994 with a bandaid from 2004

Anonymous No. 959255

Is Blender 4.0 "faster" in Cycles optix rendering than Blender 3.6?

Anonymous No. 959276

If there isnt a roadmap for simple rigidbodies by the next physics module then I am done with this program for good (lie but still I am very upset)

Anonymous No. 959284

Say I want to animate a texture along the x rotation of the mapping node. That requires a 0 keyframe and a 360 keyframe. Is there anyone to get this to loop without 360 frames?

Anonymous No. 959286

I think you're looking for a driver expression? In the box for the X rotation value, type in #frame, that will make it increment every frame for as long as your animation goes for. But that's usually too fast so you probably want to divide it by something to slow it down.

Anonymous No. 959287

Yeah I know how to do that stuff, but I was hoping I could get from 0-360 faster than actually 360 frames for a full loop. I guess it's just probably not logically possible.

Anonymous No. 959288

Am I missing something or are you not explaining fully? You're saying you just want to go from 0 to 360 faster than 360 frames? I don't see what is stopping you from doing that, you can increment the degrees faster than 1 per frame

Anonymous No. 959289

Pretty much I want to do it in less frames, but not see it as faster, which, I think is just physically not possible.

Anonymous No. 959291

That would only be doable if your texture is a repeating pattern that could seamlessly loop before doing a full 360 rotation

Anonymous No. 959292

Yeah and I guess that's not possible with noise when it comes to the x direction on transform. I can repeat the W pattern in as many frames as I want with a tutorial I found but nothing for moving it in a direction like left or right on the plane.

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Anonymous No. 959372

How do I reverse the direction of the uv map on curves without reversing the direction of the curves themselves?

Anonymous No. 959374

In the material change the Mapping node's X scale to -1

Anonymous No. 959376

Is there a way do everse them on individual curves? Im making hair and I allready layed down a bunch of curves with a few facing the wrong direction.

Anonymous No. 959378

Why can't you switch the direction for those ones?

Anonymous No. 959380

I can, but I was hoping I would not have to. I'll just keep the uv orientation in mind while finnishing the rest of the hair then.

Anonymous No. 959381

Ok, so your issue isn't the method of reversing the curve, it's the method of selecting the curves that need reversing in an efficient way. Think about your question more next time.

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Anonymous No. 959401

Any feedback or tips on the bangs?
They're meant to be feathered blunt bangs but.. I don't feel like they're good. Back of the head looks alright but the front looks bad.

Anonymous No. 959438

>38 IPs in this thread
That must be the entire population of /3/

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Anonymous No. 959439

Added a bunch of feathery hairs, shifted everything, flattened some of the curves. Looks a lot better now IMO
Wanted to sculpt over it a bit, just to sort of zero it into exactly what I want but it looks like shit when I try

Tried adding a SS or a Multires mod but just the hair is already 450K Verts... Pretty nuts, whole thing is way heavier than I suspected it'd be. Not sure if this is a good process but I'll chug along.

Anonymous No. 959442

do i need to be ablet to draw to become good at 3d modeling?

Anonymous No. 959504

Is it possible to skip frames int he timeline during animation?
Basically i have an animation at frames 1 - 500 and then 1000 - 700, so when playing and rendering the animation i would like the playback to skip frames 500-1000, since those are just a blank space with no animation in them
Is this doable without making a python script?

Anonymous No. 959505

>1000 - 700,

Anonymous No. 959506

offhand, i think this could be done with scene strips in the sequencer (or maybe nla strips in the nla editor), but not in the regular dopesheet/timeline editors without a script

Anonymous No. 959507

You can do it with flamenco, which is overkill for what you want but it's a neat tool regardless

Anonymous No. 959508

i see, well i will just render those segments manually, this just seems like too complex and not worth the trouble
would be nice if unity just added timeline markers where you can simply place a marker and it will make timeline skip to different frame

Anonymous No. 959509


Anonymous No. 959511

do you think 4090 would be good enough to play cycles animation in real time at 64 samples at 24fps? maybe i should wait for 5090?

Anonymous No. 959519


Anonymous No. 959575

No, you're probably never going to have that ability.

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Anonymous No. 959584

>Her elbow looks like a sea urchin.
I can't believe they still hasn't fixed multires
anyways has any progress been done to the sculpting/rigging modules? last time I was here (like 2years ago) they were on life support with sculpt mode being rewriten from the ground up (something to do with BMesh I think?)

Anonymous No. 959620

jesus it's just one problem after another... i just solved one annoying blender issue and ran straight into another, when you move the camera away few kilometers from the center of the scene it starts shaking due to some float precision faggotry i am getting so tired of this shit

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Anonymous No. 959621

Increase your clip start and end by about times 10

Anonymous No. 959622

Why is your camera moving kilometers away?

Anonymous No. 959623

Oh I may have read the guy's issue wrong, never mind me

Anonymous No. 959632

Can anyone explain why editing the normals at the end of a cylinder makes blender mark all the lengthwise edges as creases? I literally just want to make a tileset for low poly tubes but the generated smooth normals don't always align between pieces so the shading gets fucked up.

Anonymous No. 959666

I tried it, it marks the edges as sharp. You can select all and clear sharp, then continue editing normals as usual.
The obvious semi-explanation for marking the edges sharp would be to generate unique vertices for each face, maybe to avoid interpolation artifacts from vertices pointing in opposite directions. But that's not really sufficient as an explanation

Anonymous No. 959689

>industry grade

Anonymous No. 959693

Yes, multiple industries use Blender.

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Anonymous No. 959714

Honestly I might just completely drop Blender for modeling/sculpting in the next project.
It's just got so many issues and ZBrush just has a ridiculous amount of amazingly fast options for sculpting.

I might keep it for Rendering sculpts, but desu I heard that rendering in ZB isn't that bad either.

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Anonymous No. 959723

this should make the timeline jump to next position where there is something keyed right?
so why the fuck is it not working? arrow left and right to jump to next frame work fine, but up and down don't. also jumping to next marker hotkey doesn't do shit what the fuck is going on?
it's the latest blender version

Anonymous No. 959725

God damn it i wish i could afford to upgrade my PC.. doing 3d modeling on 4 year old hardware is fucking torture

Anonymous No. 959727

it's a car chase scene

it's a float precision error thing, all software that works with 3d, even games have this issue, in unity if you try to move too far from 0,0,0 you will get the same problem, in other engines too.
it's just super gay in blender i already see it so strongly after few kilometers of camera movement
and turns out it also affects cycles ray tracing where if the object is too far from origin it will look wrong on renders
so like a faggot i had to ton of extra work and make copy of the scene and move the second half closer to world origin
i wish blender just an an option to move the world origin easily during animation

Anonymous No. 959728

Couldn't you change the unit scale to be larger and less precise, therefore more accurate at longer ranges? If it's a car chase you probably wouldn't need all that precision that blender has by default.

Anonymous No. 959729

Blender 4.0 development is complete and finished as of today, only bugfixing now until November release

Anonymous No. 959731

that won't work, by making it smaller you are just moving the decimal point in the float, but the precision is unchanged
the only way around this is by moving the scene closer to the world origin

Anonymous No. 959736

Are you trying to have no cuts at all? Or switching to like an aerial view? Why not have the camera zoom to a certain distance but then scale things down to have a perceived distance after a while on your key frames??

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Anonymous No. 959785

>not a single solver node
>bake node not finished

Anonymous No. 959816

>spend all day rendering animation
>not at home so cant check progress
>come back home
>all frames are black
>i only connected the compositor output to the viewer node

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Anonymous No. 959818

looks like it's going to break some of my rigging and animation scripts, and animation work files. good riddance to armature layers, regardless.
hopefully it fixes some of these persistent fucking lib override desync issues. proxies worked fine for 10 years, they should have battle tested lib override with animation production before nuking the proxy system.

Anonymous No. 959819

is there any point in using motion blur when rendering at 60fps?

Anonymous No. 959821

EEveeChads, we eatin' good!

Anonymous No. 959823

Always always ALWAYS do at least 1 image render before committing to rendering an animation.

Anonymous No. 959828

Skill issue

Anonymous No. 959836

You don't have a remote to your PC on your phone? baka

Anonymous No. 959838

that's nowhere near the same as a brush, idiot

Anonymous No. 959842

Do you even curves?

🗑️ Nigger MOD is mad pussy lol permbanned all bitch lmao No. 959846

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
Why only banned on /vg/ eh? Coz you think we invade only that place? Why not banned globally this time? Nigger you a waste we out

Anonymous No. 959848

pokemon go to the polls

Anonymous No. 959849

nigger mod you found your way out your mom's butt hole

Anonymous No. 959853

its not that expensive these days

Anonymous No. 959857

it is when you are a neet

Anonymous No. 959862

Spend your neetbucks on it

Anonymous No. 959872

So I'm only now learning that Pablo Dobarro left Blender because he wanted to unclutter sculpting by making it a separate instance where it would be made good enough to kill Zbrush, and Blender didn't want their software to get better and killed sculpting development forever.

Anonymous No. 959889

I mean, it's more expensive than ever for mid range PC parts in the past 20 years but okay.

Anonymous No. 959899

so why didn't he fork it and make his sculpting version a separate app? this what people always say is supposed to happen if there's a disagreement in open source. just fork it, bro! maybe that works better in theory than in practice...

Anonymous No. 959904

doubling the domain resolution doesn't double bake time it like fucking 10x it what the fuck

Anonymous No. 959943

Motherboards, PSUs, GPUs and cases have gone up in price, DDR4 RAM and NVME SSDs have come down in price, CPUs are about the same and DDR5 ram is currently an early adopter pricing trap.

You expected him to work for free? Blender said no and he knew Blender sculpting was dead.

Anonymous No. 959944

>You expected him to work for free? Blender said no and he knew Blender sculpting was dead.

so instead he did cozyblanket, an evolutionary dead end?

Anonymous No. 959945

His website gets a decent amount of traffic, I think the app is doing ok.

Anonymous No. 959946

square-cube law you dumb blendlet

Anonymous No. 960001

blender drama? thats gay
so whatst he problem, why didn't blender want better sculpting?

Anonymous No. 960013

i have a compositor node that takes a lot of time to execute and i only need it to affect 20 frames out of 1000 is there any way to animate muting the node? or some way to limit the frame range on it?

Anonymous No. 960015

Because blender is a multipurpose 3d app and they need the developers doing other shits nobody asked for like geometry nodes or whatever.
Yes we could have all the paint mode done and we could have the new multires with paint support and all that a year ago, Dobarro wanted a new viewport for sculpt mode, based on what zbrush does? a plasticity alike mode for blender and a bunch of other shits we will never have, it has been 2 years since he left and they haven't integrated all the shit he had in review.

Anonymous No. 960016

So I'm rendering a simple raindrop animation effect for something.

The particle system randomly for a few frames seems to end up popping up as a solid square (the shape of the plane). What causes this and is there a fix for it? It doesn't start that way and I have no idea why randomly every so many frames it does that.

Anonymous No. 960045

why the fuck doesn't blender support baking fluids on GPU? any serious 3d industry software supports this.
baking on cpu is retarded and super slow

Anonymous No. 960049

serious 3d industry software is made by career developers. blender is a hobby project.

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pool's closed.png

🗑️ Anonymous No. 960065

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blender clipping.png

Anonymous No. 960079

noob here
doing the Donut tut
at part 4
BG updated the advice with:
>At 3:47, the snapping options have changed. For Blender v3.3 onwards select "Face Nearest" then the "Snap to same target" checkbox.
I'm doing that but still having problems with clipping
what do

Anonymous No. 960084

if you want to get rid of bots all you need to do is remove 4chan pass because that is what all bots use to post here, if you get rid of it bot posts will drop by 95% since humans will now have to fill captcha for every post

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Anonymous No. 960116

Pic related. The red shows the issue, where randomly on certain frames the drops appear as the full sheet (plane they emit from) and drop together ruining the illusion of dropping water. Blue is how it is for the majority of the frames.

Anonymous No. 960118

Any good sculpting addons? I watched and looked through blender market and I only found sculpt layers to be actualy useful

Anonymous No. 960135

As it turns out, my original icing was clipping through the donut somewhat *before* I had applied any modifiers, which was causing it to clip when it was stretched. I deleted my icing and re-made it and it works now. If no solutions are working for you, check and make sure that your icing isn't already clipping! Delete and re-make it if you have to.

Anonymous No. 960161

you can easily fix it by pressing O and just pulling one vert out in proportional editing.
Another solution is to use shrinkwrap modifier to make it fit perfectly and then solidify

Anonymous No. 960232

Can someone tell me how does one make a big object come out of a smaller object in Blender, like in this gif: (NSFW warning)
I asked the creator, and he just said "boolean", but I have no clue how to use the boolean modifier to achieve such an effect.

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1 final0001-0240.webm

Anonymous No. 960233

Speaking of the donut tutorial, this is what I got after following it (2 months ago). How did I do? Anything I should have done differently?

Anonymous No. 960234

Layers is the main thing, you coud need the hard surface ones too, hardops/boxcutter/carver(free)/decalmachine, some alpha texture packs (hair/fur, terrain/scales/skin etc....) vdms and some base mesh, I'm waitting for the node tools

Anonymous No. 960246

I never really understood what people think they learn from the donut tutorial. All you're doing is following instructions, you're not really doing anything by yourself.

Anonymous No. 960247

It's more about learning the software than modelling.

Anonymous No. 960249

and look at where that got Andrew Price.

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Anonymous No. 960279

Ok, I did half of the donut tutorial and I got bored. I want to actually POSE SHIT.

All the tutorials on Youtube are about rigging, but I haven't found one that thoroughly covers how to pose shit. Starting off, how can I move the pig-nose thing so that her eyes move to where it's at?

Anonymous No. 960298

you aren't learning it, you are just repeating single steps like a trained monkey
you should learn like the rest of us by making porn animations

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Anonymous No. 960337

I want to eat my donut! Anon, want a bite?

Anonymous No. 960339

>you aren't learning it
>you are just repeating single steps like a trained monkey
>trained monkey

Anonymous No. 960347

So yes, the guy that was in charge of the sculpt mode is oppening a patreon to finish the dyntopo and to add some of the Dobarro things and some request, inside blender but without Blender's money, just in case some of you want to give him support.

Anonymous No. 960416

Does anyone else obsessively check the blender chat channels hoping that the devs will finally show something interesting they are working on?

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1012x720 - Blend....webm

Anonymous No. 960420

repeat last relative

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Anonymous No. 960457

animators are kind enough to post their blend files. is it safe to say if I reverse engineer these I'd learn a lot?

Anonymous No. 960458

you wouldnt learn a damn thing.

Anonymous No. 960459

i get free assets and texures. why would i not learn atleast something?

Anonymous No. 960460

post your work so i dont waste my time OR post in /beg/

Anonymous No. 960461

>reverse engineer
don't flatter yourself, you meant to say copy-paste

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Anonymous No. 960462

MAYBE. I did just finish rendering my donut

Anonymous No. 960513

well... FUCK
i spent almost 2 days rendering an animation just to find out i was accidentally Tabbed into an animation track in the NLA this whole time, which of course caused the other tracks to no play... 2 days fucking wasted.. gay..

I wish i was rich, i would just build a frame with 6 4090 gpus and render in an hour that otherwise takes me 3 days to do. It hurts so much less when you only waste an hour instead of days

Anonymous No. 960514

jesus man, how many frames are we talking here? Didnt you do any tests? How many seconds per frame?

Anonymous No. 960515

about 50 seconds per frame, the whole animation is around 4000 frames long, so thankfully i at least notices half way through it, would hurt even more if i rendered the whole thing
I of course check the rendering periodically but the problem is those other NLA tracks weren't major animations where you notice it instantly, it was small stuff like boobs not jiggling etc which is very hard to spot looking at still frames

Anonymous No. 960517

what resolution were you rendering at and how many samples? Were you denoising?

Anonymous No. 960518

256, sadly can't do less because of the noise issue which animations suffer from
but i will have to let the pc on to render through the night as well now which sucks since it's next to my bed, but no other option since i promised my patrons i will release the thing during the weekend ;_;

Anonymous No. 960520

theres nothing worse than rendering in your bedroom overnight. You really need to get your rendertimes way way down. Whats your upgrade budget? What gpu do you have now?

Anonymous No. 960525

also, i wish i could have a patron, but i would lose my health insurance

Anonymous No. 960533

I personally render first at 1 sample without denoising to see if I did anything wrong

Anonymous No. 960544

what's the best course to get me started? i don't care if it's free or paid

Anonymous No. 960549

it depends on how much of a newbie you are, the donut tutorial is good to get you used to the basic tools hotkeys and terminologyes of the program so it's a good start, after that it depends on what you want to do with the program

Anonymous No. 960560

i do a bunch of test renders of course, this was just a fuck up that slipped by, i noticed a small mistake while rendering, stopped render, fixed few keyframes, resumed render, forgot to tab out of the nla strip.. shit happens i suppose

usually these things only apply if you make over a certain amount, so you gotta check the legislature on that
i don't even have to tax mine since i'm just a very small fish, i'm a wagecuck and do this on the side and it makes me barely pennies, usually around 100 buckaroos a month, i do it more because i enjoy it rather than for the money

Anonymous No. 960572

>i don't even have to tax mine since i'm just a very small fish
should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 960574

>get into a discussion with the author of something
>he says you literally have to do it one way (paid)
>it makes 1% difference from the free alternative

every fucking time.

Anonymous No. 960585

what do you expect? they are blender artists not financial artists

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Anonymous No. 960666

can anyone help me with this model's topology? I got this mesh with very clean topology and want to learn from it, but Iam too low IQ for this. Tried to cut it up too but still cant understand.
Please take a look if you have some time to spare:

Anonymous No. 960667

do not click on that link

Anonymous No. 960744

my sources are telling me about 4.0 path guiding with "metallic" surfaces but I hear its only on cpu. Is that still the case and is it unusable because of this? I dont want to give up my 3090 + cpu speed, but at the same time i dont want my renders to look unrealistic.

vid related has me shaking in my boots

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Anonymous No. 960808

I'm trying to reduce the polycount of a model I found online. This and some other parts of it are made from a fuckload of tris. I'm relatively new to Blender, any advice?

Anonymous No. 960809

Decimate it?

Anonymous No. 960812


Anonymous No. 960813

Double test

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Anonymous No. 960839

This is probably super basic, but I'm trying to unwrap a beveled cube to make a boxing ring. However, when doing conformed, the corner bevels are completely messed up, and I have no idea why that could be. Any help is appreciated.

Anonymous No. 960841

>STILL stuck on 3.1 because the Shader to RGB node is STILL sabotaged
Blunder Foundation.

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Anonymous No. 960879

>node tools

Anonymous No. 960946

Has anyone used cloud render farms with Blender?

Anonymous No. 960947

when you use cloud rendering, you are giving other people access to your files. This is really really bad. You can't render what you want, if that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 960956

I don't get it. Can you be more specific?

Anonymous No. 960957

you can't render porn which is the only thing worth rendering which makes render farms useless to anyone here

Anonymous No. 960971

Who said porn isn't allowed?

Anonymous No. 960974

its not going to work, amigo

Anonymous No. 960975

It's not as if they can just filter out nsfw tags like an AI model, and anyhow, what makes you think the cloud rendering service will care what you render?

Anonymous No. 960984

Any hard surface course that you recommend?

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Traffic Particles.webm

Anonymous No. 961013

Ay dudes, this the Blender General? Title says fuck all.

Anyway, I'm using a bunch of particle systems in my scene to generate far away car traffic. In my head I figured I'd whip up a particle system for a lane, then duplicate them around the scene as needed.
The thing is, I'm lazy and I don't want to set a random seed for each particle system (since there's going to probably be a fuckton). Is there some way I can use a driver to generate a random number in the particle system's seed every time I duplicate it? I searched around and figured "noise.noise((x,y,z))" would work, but on giving it a go, it seems to need an object manually specified in the driver to reference, and I can't just have it use the self xyz. So using that would be more work than just clicking and dragging the seed value a bit.
So yeah, any help? I'm not looking to change the seed every frame, just one and done so I can spam the system around the scene and have the traffic be shit out of the system in a different fashion.

Anonymous No. 961014

Well, I found a solution.
I really hate using ChatGPT as a problem solving resource (not out of any hatred for AI, but using AI for troubleshooting as opposed to finding the solution yourself or asking a real person, just seems retarded to me), but it spit out a script that does the job just fine.

import bpy
import random

# Get the selected objects
selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects

# Iterate through each selected object
for obj in selected_objects:
# Check if the object has a particle system
if obj.particle_systems:
for ps in obj.particle_systems:
# Set a random seed for each particle system
ps.seed = random.randint(1, 10000)

Anonymous No. 961042

How do I bake displacement form multires? When I create new texture and hook it to a bump noted it says “You should have an active texture to use multires baker”. Also, is it possible to transform displacement into geometry later on?

Anonymous No. 961087

my blender project is getting huge and auto save freezes the program for a few seconds, what should i do here, start a new file?

Anonymous No. 961100

just change the autosave to 60 minutes

Anonymous No. 961104

how huge is huge?

Anonymous No. 961105

bigger than large

Anonymous No. 961133

file is almost 1gb now
don't know if i should just delete some old collections and save a new file

Anonymous No. 961134


Anonymous No. 961137

what do you mean? since when is 1gb a lot? most of my blend files where i have a scene and few characters in it are 2gb or bigger

Anonymous No. 961140

In maya terms you are supposed to "reference" in each character from its own separate file and not store 1gb, everything in one scene. That would be absurd. Studios would never do that. Are you implying that blender doesn't have the 'reference' concept yet?

Anonymous No. 961141

it does but i don't use it because references are gay, if you make any changes to the model it then changes in every file that references it, also if you then move the original model the link gets broken etc
in short only gayfags use referencing

🗑️ Anonymous No. 961142

It wrote that with just you asking for it? No tidying up?

Anonymous No. 961143

Skill issue.

Referencing is how USD works as well.

Anonymous No. 961148

Newfag here, is Blender good for 3D printing? I came here looking for threads on Fusion 360 but there doesnt seem to be any interest in that here.

Anonymous No. 961149


Anonymous No. 961150

Ty m8

Anonymous No. 961170

No. I use fusion 360 as it's by far the best cad for technical 3d printing.
For doing shit like figurines use blender but for anything technical like a phone stand etc fusion is best

Anonymous No. 961171

yw, I suppose you aren't printing resin minis because you named f360, but if you are making them we have a thread here >>>/tg/90501304 too

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Anonymous No. 961248

I'm trying to make a zipper with an array of segments along a curve. In some spots, the segments are rotated properly, while in others, they are facing the wrong way. What causes this? How do I fix this?

Anonymous No. 961262

Pretty sure curve points have rotation. Rotate them on local Y axis or some such.

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Anonymous No. 961266

Rotation doesn't work, I've tried, but there is a tilt value. Thanks.

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Anonymous No. 961272

the fuck is this trash? use a line to form it to the curve and then spawn the zipper segments as instance points on the verts of that line to get rid of deformation
also why your blender purple? you gay or something?

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Anonymous No. 961279

Any advice on posing a model with this sort of bones?

I'm used to FK posing, but these bones don't seem to be linked at all.
Like, rotating the shoulder doesn't move the whole arm, it just rotates the tiny segment of the shoulder...
It's not IK either, moving the wrists just moves that segment too, no effect on the rest of the model.

Anonymous No. 961280

Looks like you'll have to rig the character yourself. You've imported a rig with baked animations and all the bone relationships and constraints removed.

Anonymous No. 961281

Could it be an issue with the Blender version?
Guy I got it from seemed to use it just fine for his scenes

Anonymous No. 961283

Is it a .blend file?

Anonymous No. 961285

Yeah, guy shares scenes he poses and his models.
I have 1. the model .blend and 2. a posed scene of the character, both with these same sort of bones
I can't imagine he posed it using them while they acted like this

Anonymous No. 961286

Maybe you're new and missed something obvious, like all the control bones being in a separate layer in the armature's bone layers. Or you're trying to pose the armature in edit mode rather than pose mode, the hand and finger bones don't line up with the mesh in >>961279.
Otherwise ask your artist about it.

Anonymous No. 961287

I'll save this advice for later, but for this particular case, it genuinely doesn't matter.

Anonymous No. 961293

gib blend file so we can have a look

Anonymous No. 961435

How do I make hair in blender to then turn it into hair cards (for eevee). There is a lot of guides out there but they feel incomplete and step skipping with a tone of node fuckery that doesn’t always apply to hairstyles outside of one used in example.

Anonymous No. 961445

I'm sick and tired of having to pay for software and I won't pirate so I want to switch to blender 4, but I just can't. I'll never get a job that way.

Anonymous No. 961460

How the FUCK do I limit Blender's CPU usage? I want to render at night but that shit pushes my CPU to 100% during the denoise stage and I can't sleep

Anonymous No. 961472


Anonymous No. 961477

Number 4 on this page (maybe):

Anonymous No. 961478

just rent time on a farm.

DOING PORN? Then you don't deserve to do 3dcg, simple as.

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Anonymous No. 961511

>Spend 40 minutes posing a model
>Make a copy of the current file as a checkpoint
>Open the original
>The model's pose was reset
>The checkpoint is the same
Why did this happen? How do I avoid this in the future?

Anonymous No. 961512

skill issue, you're supposed to save far more often than every 40 minutes

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Anonymous No. 961513

Blend file here

Anonymous No. 961514

Reread my post. I saved, closed the file, reopened it, and the pose was reset. The other changes I've made, like to the weight paint, persisted.

Anonymous No. 961515

save more often

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Anonymous No. 961516

>Problem: progress (specifically in posing) lost despite saving
>Offered solution: save more often

Anonymous No. 961517

to be totally honest with you, I think you are just "hallucinating" that you saved since you are in such a bad habit of saving once every 40+ minutes. Industry people don't work that way. Good habits breed success anon.

Anonymous No. 961518

But I have proof that I saved.
1) "Last modified" property of the project
2) A copy of the project under a different name that created after I save and before I closed
Why are you trying to gaslight me?

Anonymous No. 961522

So you think Blender is selectively saying just parts of your scene? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?

Anonymous No. 961523

No, I think that I did something wrong and it caused the pose not to get saved. Even before I exited, switching to different workspaces caused the pose to reset, but I could undo that and get the pose back.

Anonymous No. 961525

>No, I think that I did something wrong and it caused the pose not to get saved.
sounds like a bug. Blender is not industry standard for animation.

Anonymous No. 961546

Is there some type of "down and dirty" tutorial on Geo Nodes so I can get my head out of my ass and learn them? Something that doesn't assume I've never touched the program, and from someone that actually knows what the fuck they're doing and not just rehashing shit they read in the manual for YT views.

I've been using Blender for like 10+ years now, and can do anything I can think of with it, but GN are the new hotness that I just can't wrap my head around.
I really just don't know where to start. I can scatter objects with it (since when it was first implemented that's all you could do with it), but that's about the extent of it.
I feel like the Geo nodes are something I NEED to learn since the way things are going with Blender, fucking everything is going to revolve around GN in the future.

I know it's kinda retarded to say, but I feel like I "forgot" how to learn shit like this. I had to learn it all back in the day, but I don't really know how I did it. When I remember it, it's like "at one point I had no clue what I was doing, then at another I didn't have any problems" there's no "in-between" period.
I guess the real problem is I don't feel like I have any real use for them in any projects. Apart from scattering, there hasn't been any instance of "Oh! Geo Nodes would be perfect for this". Though maybe that's because I really don't know what I don't know, and I'm probably passing up dozens of opportunities to use it.

Thanks for reading my rant/blogpost/question.

Anonymous No. 961567

Geo nodes are like nodes in houdini but worse except for baby level procedures

Anonymous No. 961568

Anybody have a link to quad remesher? I will not pay $200 for something that is legally free under the license.

Anonymous No. 961571

I'm sure you're right, but that's not what I asked.
That's like me trying to ask how to ride a bike and you saying that bikes are failed motorcycles. Doesn't really help me ride a bike.

Anonymous No. 961577

There's nothing to it but to do it. Joel Carlino's vids are a good place to start but it's still on you.

Anonymous No. 961578

Are you adding keyframes for every bone on that frame?

Anonymous No. 961582

I might have accidentally done that yesterday. Position and rotation were green.

Anonymous No. 961583

you can literally save poses into the pose library, just to that nigger
if you don't keyframe a pose and then do shit like move the timeline or even render the pose will reset to keyframed pose

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blender skin tuto....jpg

Anonymous No. 961620

hate staring at this bitch every skin shader tutorial

Anonymous No. 961689

Blender 3.6.5 LTS October 19, 2023


Anonymous No. 961812

fuuuck why do i have to be poor i am so tired of animating on a shitty computer, having to deal with laggy shit every time you move something just sucks all the fun out of it

Anonymous No. 961814

even when you have a 6000 system you are still going to be fighting the software every single minute.

Anonymous No. 961815

also for instance I have a 3090 gpu but my $400 cpu is literally 5.5x faster in physics calculations. Dont lose hope man

Anonymous No. 961816

Where do you actually read changelogs for those small updates?
pro tip: turn off normal maps / google 'Way Faster Normal Map Node', create low poly proxies for your models for viewport

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Anonymous No. 961867

is there any way to toggle all these sub surf modifers off at one for viewport? clicking them one by one is tedious as fuck since there are 500 of them

Anonymous No. 961868

Select all the objects they're on, then alt-click the viewport toggle button for one of them

Anonymous No. 961869

but then you would still have to select them one by one to select them all right? since shift click selects even the other stuff in between
but i managed to solve it, i asked chud gps and it wrote my some python thing i pasted into blender and it disabled them all, ai is just great, too bad it will soon put me out of work in the animation department, why should people pay me on patreon when they can just generate degeneracy with a single prompt ;_;

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Anonymous No. 961870

I assumed you already had a way to select them all... Even in your screenshot, you used the search to get all the objects with the subsurf modifier, couldn't you select them all like that? There's also this picrel setting that lets you limit the max subdivisions over all objects in your scene.

Anonymous No. 961875

hey frens i have a quick question, i have a point light inside of a cube and i want it to not be blocked by the cube walls, basically it should completely ignore the cube
one way to do it is by diabling "cast shadow" but i need it to cast shadows on other objects so i can't use that one

Anonymous No. 961877

You can't have light ignore the object AND cast shadows from that same object, though you can probably hack together a few invisible objects that cast shadows around it. Use transparent shader, turn blend mode to alpha clip but leave shadows opaque

Anonymous No. 961889

I am trying to animate visibiltiy of a collection so i created an instance to scene of that collection but when i toggle the visibility of it on and off it has no effect on the collection, i don't understand why it doesn't work
here at 3:28 she shows the method and i did the same thing, but the moment u uncheck the checkbox the object becomes invisible no matter what i toggle on the instance to scene thingy
this is so fucking stupid, hiding the parent should hide the fucking children too

Anonymous No. 961891

to be clear i have parent with several children an i am trying to turn off its visibility during animation
right now the only options i found are to either animate each child visibiltiy separately, or simple teleport the object to some position far away, both options are dumb

Anonymous No. 961893

Post your outliner hierarchy that shows the collection and the instanced collection please

Anonymous No. 961896

>Post your outliner hierarchy t
umm.. it's.. sensitive..

but it's a very generic setup, collection1 which has a single mesh in it and this mesh has several children

then i right click it and select "instance to scene" both the original collection and the instance are in the same parent collection, i just used the teleport the object away method for now, since i don't want to lose any more time on this shit, i hope this is just a fluke and it will work in the next project

Anonymous No. 961897

nevermind i'm retarded
i was looking at the wrong model

Anonymous No. 961898

Well fair enough, I just would've liked to know what you did wrong because what you're doing should work fine. But doing the instanced collection thing just so you can animate its visibility is dumb anyway (and yes you should be able to animate the collection visibility, it's baffling that you can't). I'd suggest scaling the parent to 0 instead of moving it far away since you retain the position, but if moving it works for you, then it works.
Oh lol

Anonymous No. 961899

>I'd suggest scaling the parent to 0
oh shit thats pretty smart, i didn't even think of that

Anonymous No. 961921

Metal AMD GPU rendering has a significant performance regression in scenes that use the Principled Hair BSDF, in addition to existing lack of support for the light tree and shadow caustics. Due to GPU driver limitations that are unlikely to be fixed, it is expected that AMD GPU rendering on macOS will be disabled entirely in a future release.



Anonymous No. 961935

So are Geometry nodes faster for particle shit than actual particles, or are they about the same?
Like a simulation-node based GN system that just randomly makes points vs a particle system that does the same thing, which would be faster in terms of viewport playback and rendering?
Like I'm making a bunch of animated rain for a scene. Would particles or GN be better for the task? I can do the same thing in both, but one of them has to be more performant in putting a literal fuckton of raindrops into a scene.

Anonymous No. 961936

Is the amount of people using external GPUs in Macs really that large though? Seems like the people using a Mac aren't the same kind of people that understand how a computer works, let alone putting another part inside one.

Anonymous No. 961943

i guess i'm retarded but i can't figured this out
when i make a linked copy of a scene all collections are linked between the two scenes
but what if i make a new NOT linked scene and want to link a collection from the original scene to it? how can i do that?
i only figured how to do it with meshes with ctrl + L, but now how do link the whole collection

Anonymous No. 961946

Is anyone else coming to the blender conference women and non-binary folks meetup?? :D :3

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Anonymous No. 961948

Switch to the new scene, then switch the outliner mode to 'Scenes'. Find the collection in the hierarchy under the original scene. Right click it, Link to Scene

Anonymous No. 961950

thats pretty dumb
why don't they do it the same way like with linking objects? where you press ctrl + l and select the scene you want to link it to
god i hate blender UI

Anonymous No. 961952

Yep collections have completely different user interaction paradigms than objects. Just a lot of context/toolbar menu inconsistencies. But if you're going to be working with multiple scenes, you'd better get used to the Scenes mode of the outliner anyway.

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Anonymous No. 961957

hey frens i am making a graveyard scene and i want to add like an atmospheric fog, or smoke etc like in this pic
what is the best way to do it in blender? because i saw there are several ways like smoke simulation, volumetic shaders, particles etc etc so i am a bit overwhelmed

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Anonymous No. 961962

so i managed to get the smoke sim to work but it's too thick, how do i make it sorta random with gaps like in the picture i posted?

Anonymous No. 961994

Noise texture+color ramp and feed it into the density.

Anonymous No. 962018

oh that could work, i was trying to do it by using force emittors and shit but instead i should focus material itself by using noise on the density, gonna try it out

Anonymous No. 962024

Got a question and this seems like the place to ask.

I know a while back someone was working on how sculpting in blender felt, more or less got a 10X improvement minimum from what they showed off in responsiveness, im wondering if any of that got put into blender yet, haven't really been keeping up but I have a good chunk of time again soon

Anonymous No. 962025

don't hold your breath, blender fired their prodigy sculpting developer guy after some drama

Anonymous No. 962039

>every single thing he did was directly from zbrush

Anonymous No. 962041

was any of it implemented before they got rid of him?

Anonymous No. 962042

he actually completed a decent chunk and submitted pull requests but they never got accepted and it's a mystery if they ever will

Anonymous No. 962043

Okay so this is a stupid question but i have a hard time figuring it out, i rendered a fluid simulation for 200 frames, but now i don't want it to play with the simulation i want it to simply stay frozen at frame 150 forever no matter what frame the actual timeline is that, how can i do that?

Anonymous No. 962045

so for fluid i can just apply the modifier but for smoke sim that doesn't work

Anonymous No. 962046

fantastic... seems like blender can still handle what I want to do, but sad that we will probably never get improvements due to fucking complete incompetence of management.

Anonymous No. 962049

Does a bone's tail length affect anything other than how it's displayed?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 962050

How do I fix the move the edge that's crossing the rest of the UV by moving to the other instance of the highlighted vertex?

Anonymous No. 962065

Add the sim as a VDB volume object, but only import the frame you want to use. If you baked the sim as OpenVDB, the VDB files should be where you baked the cache in the "data" folder. If you baked it with noise though, use the one in the "noise" folder (just make sure to change the "density" attribute in your volume shader to "density_noise").

I think the length of the bone affects its envelope when you do automatic weights, but other than that I don't think so.

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Anonymous No. 962118

how do i add a driver to a keyframed property?
"Add driver" is not in the menu

basically i want to have a driver that takes whatever value would normally be in that field and adds +2 to it, so let's say i animat a cube to bounce between values 2 to 10, then with this driver it would be 4 to 10
basically original value on that frame + my driver value

Anonymous No. 962141

hmm do you think i should do motion blur if my animation is 48 fps?
i kinda don't wanna since it's extra 15s per frame

Anonymous No. 962205

i downloaded a few blender courses from linkedinlearning that i believe can be helpful to anyone who wants to get better at 3d. is there any particular place where i can share them for posterity(and so that i don't have to keep making fake accounts on linkedin for them)?

Anonymous No. 962215

just focus on improving your 3d and not sharing courses you dumb shit

Anonymous No. 962231

So the Blender Conference 2023 started, you have a bunch of videos in their yt channel too.

Anonymous No. 962233

Some of the today's videos

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Anonymous No. 962319

You can do this with a f-curve modifier instead, see picrel.
>so let's say i animat a cube to bounce between values 2 to 10, then with this driver it would be 4 to 10
don't you mean 4 to 12?

Anonymous No. 962322

but is there any way to add an actual driver expression? adding 2 to the position was just an example, but i need to do things like hook it up to follow other objects position etc, just like with regular drivers
altho some workarounds do exist like making the object a child of another and then putting the driver on the parent

Anonymous No. 962325

No I don't think you can do it directly on the same property. You have to do workarounds like you said. But I'm wondering if you really need drivers or could your needs be solved by parenting/constraints. Obviously I don't know the full scope of what you want, so do whatever works for you.

Anonymous No. 962343

Fresh bread
