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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957106

Why do I get these kind of artifacts?
I used a "project from view" unwrap, so it should be smooth (aside for the stretching).
What's causing these discontinuities?

Anonymous No. 957108

Are you using eevee to render this?

Anonymous No. 957109

yes but it also happens with cycles

Anonymous No. 957110

Oh look another typical idiotic outside of /sqtddtot/ thread where the poster clearly has a mesh/topology/smoothing/mapping artifact but doesn't post either the mesh/smoothing settings/mapping settings.
Here's a medal you fuck you are the typical /3/ poster.
Option 1. Unwrap your terrain using uvw unwreap. It is clearly planar mapped.
Option 2: Use a triplanar or cubic mapping solution.
Option 3: Use a node system to blend planar mapping in all axis.
Use a mesh smoothing solver for gods sake.
And kill yourself please.