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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957144

Why do all Blender users insist on using one program exclusively (Blender) when everyone else uses a bunch of specialist programs that do the job better and just export in one click to ABC / USD / FBX / OBJ / etc.?

What is the point in blender? What really is the point?

Anonymous No. 957147

The trick is not to obsess over Blender or what Blender users are doing and just doing what works for you. Simple.

Anonymous No. 957151

the cult of anti-blender on this board is just as bad as the cult of blender users.

i have to imagine its sunk cost jealousy or something. mad they're paying 5 sub fees for their software licenses and """ annual license maintenance fees" and shit and blender users just trundle their way along with clunky freeware that does all the same shit somewhat less efficiently

Anonymous No. 957152

anon, your time is far more valuable than the cost of the software. I pay $270 a year for maya. I make that in two days.

Anonymous No. 957153

depends on the software, your time value, if you are doing it professionally or just for a hobby, etc.

Anonymous No. 957154

if i was doing it professionally, i would still be able to use an indie license

if i was in a mega budgeted production, the studio license would be provided for me as well as the farm licenses for the rendering soft

Anonymous No. 957155

do they still even offer that indie license price? i dont see it on their website. just the $2000/year full version

Anonymous No. 957156

nah man, i swear there are trolls here that don't even do 3d. they are cross boarders and will do anything to get their fix of (you)'s. They've noticed that software wars threads on /3/ is a conveniant source.

Anonymous No. 957157

is google down?

Anonymous No. 957159

if you didnt know what to look for you'd never find it. there's no links to it on their main website. doesnt even look like its hosted on the main website

Anonymous No. 957161

Alright anon, I'll stop using Blender if it really means that much to you.

Anonymous No. 957164

other free software exist you know, Wings3D is a thing.

Anonymous No. 957165

>maya indie quietly increased to $290 / yr, up from $270 / year

indie bros....

Anonymous No. 957166

>Why do all Blender users insist on using one program exclusively (Blender)
>What is the point in blender? What really is the point?
It is LITERALLY in the name, you retard.
But those who insist on only using it instead of using all tools needed to get the job done are even more retarded.

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Anonymous No. 957168

I heard Blenderfags save money by living rentfree

Anonymous No. 957169

>It is LITERALLY in the name, you retard.
doesn't make sense since there is no game engine. Take your hate elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 957186

The point of Blender is to get all the 3rd wolders in the planet to produce 3D models for pennies that will end up being fed to the AI.

Anonymous No. 957190

I'm convinced that no one who gives a shit about this argument actually uses any 3D software.

Anonymous No. 957191

t. blendrone

Anonymous No. 957196

I'm a zfag. I use blender, but 90% of the time I'm in zbrush or substance painter.

Anonymous No. 957199

how do you even UV

Anonymous No. 957204

zbrush UV master is good enough most of the time, blender or maya if I really need to be precise, which is almost never. Most of the time I don't even bother control painting uv master. I've sent stuff to clients with giant seams over the faces and they were delighted lmao. you only need to do the work you need to do.

Anonymous No. 957206

>I've sent stuff to clients with giant seams over the faces and they were delighted lmao
you must have some shitty clients. Your seams need to be carefully tested at all LODs

Anonymous No. 957207

>you must have some shitty clients.
or really good ones
>Your seams need to be carefully tested at all LODs
no they don't :)

Anonymous No. 957208

t. Bethesda subcontractor

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 957214

it's a sort of iq test. if you can't find it, you probably aren't smart enough to produce anything of value and should just use blender.

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Anonymous No. 957220

>Why do all Blender users insist on using one program exclusively (Blender)
who the fuck does that? yes you need a real texture paint program, an image editor, a sculpt program if you are doing something advanced, things like photogrammetry or vector graphics aren't included inside blender neither, not even Cris uses Blender exclusively.

Anonymous No. 957221

If you use a different program for each task you will need to pay more lolicenses.

Anonymous No. 957222

no free lunch

Anonymous No. 957234

What is that? Mexican? Italian?

Anonymous No. 957237

i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo i hate pablo

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Anonymous No. 957241

she is from Cleveland

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Anonymous No. 957246

I meant this, racist. It looks delicious.

Anonymous No. 957248

that's American

Anonymous No. 957268

She's peruvian.

Anonymous No. 957271

cope harder dicksucker
blender is used by industry professional including on 100million dollar holy-wood productions such as spiderverse

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 957273

>Why do all Blender users insist on using one program exclusively

Not all. For my animations, I typically use Blender for modeling; Inkscape for graphic design (making things like signage and logos); Substance Painter & Substance Designer for texturing; Unreal Engine for scene assembly, animation and rendering and then DaVinci Resolve for editing, audio post and encoding. I'm interested in getting into Houdini as well.

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Anonymous No. 957274

>Why do all Blender users insist on using one program exclusively

Not all. For my animations, I typically use Blender for modeling; Inkscape for graphic design (making things like signage and logos); Substance Painter & Substance Designer for texturing; Unreal Engine for scene assembly, animation and rendering and then DaVinci Resolve for editing, audio post and encoding. I'm interested in getting into Houdini as well.

Anonymous No. 957357

It cannot into compositing. How am I to use Nuke if it can't isolate basic AOVs?

Anonymous No. 957360

just use a third party renderer

Anonymous No. 957475

You can invest that 270$ in the stock market at 7% gainz every year while using an edu license of autodesk products literally free for life with a single blank pdf fille.

Anonymous No. 957480

blender is a trap/containment for those that do not have what it takes. thinking about it, debating its users and so forth is unhealthy.

you should very much treat blender like the "something happened in a brown people country"-part on the news: crack a dadjoke, maybe masturbate to the plight of a lower caste, then immediately forget they even exist.


Anonymous No. 957493

I mean I just don't want to keep jumping around learning new programs

Anonymous No. 957511

Ship your work to a different building with just one simple postage stamp

Anonymous No. 957713

pretty sure there is

Anonymous No. 957751

Blenderuser here. I also use GIMP, Krita, Inkscape. If you do realtime 3D it's hard to get around Substance, would'nt recommend skipping it. For everything beyond simple image editing PS is still hard to top.

that 270$ in two days faggot had to start out too some day. Noobies can start without cost which makes blender appealing to hobbyists

It's all the same concepts. All tools suck. You are the professional.

Stop bitching and just do what fits best for you

PS: Maya users be like "oh no my animation is done but i need to change the bones. time to reset : (" and "let me apply history so i can work again :("

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Anonymous No. 957764

The irony is that this post is a cope.
The only Blender use that was seen in Spider-Verse was from custom scripting they did with the grease pencil. They used it to create geometry for speedlines, etc, then imported back in Maya because the animation tools in Blender suck.

I think Blender's fine for people just getting into this kind of work to make stuff, but I don't know any studios who will hire you if you only have Blender experience.

Anonymous No. 957766

You are wrong and ignorant, sir

Anonymous No. 957768

>The only Blender use that was seen in Spider-Verse was from custom scripting they did with the grease pencil. They used it to create geometry for speedlines, etc, then imported back in Maya because the animation tools in Blender suck

The irony is that Maya 2024 Blue Pencil is better than Blender's Grease Pencil so they could have stayed in maya the whole way

Anonymous No. 958378

cheeto dust in her hair

Anonymous No. 958379


1. If someone is exclusively using Blender for EVERY part of their pipeline then chances are they're either just starting in 3D or broke, so they aren't gonna spend money on more specialized programs.

2. This is a retarded strawman argument you came up with because you're desperate for interaction

Anonymous No. 958416


Anonymous No. 958940

>perfect, i am have to go away for the weekend so i crunched and finished animating on friday, so that way i could let it render ovre the weekend and then come back to a finished animation
>come back tuesday
>check blender
>56/8000 frames rendered
>so the pc rendered for like an hour and then was just sitting there for 3 days

open source my ass, what a joke

Anonymous No. 958949

>using blender means you can't pirate things ever
go make something instead of hashing out the same old arguments with the same retards

you have too much time on your hands

Anonymous No. 958958

Spiderverse never used blender, the Lego scene was stop motion. No 3D was used in the film.

Anonymous No. 958964

they used grease pencil you puta

Anonymous No. 958967

Well to add to the unconfirmed theory, only a twitter (a dead website) user claims it. No one in Sony or people who sign NDA had said anything. You are basing it off a website that is known to lie and faked many times.

Anonymous No. 958997

autodesk should pay me for using their software

Anonymous No. 959397

>What is the point in blender? What really is the point?
scare off the competition and force them to be more innovative and release updates regularly instead of one update every 5 years, and believe it or not, it works. so let's keep putting pressure on them.

Anonymous No. 959446

If it's not FOSS it doesn't exist, it's that simple. Tell me you use zbrush, Maya, Hudini, substance painter and I'll just roll my eyes at your shameless display of cuckoldry and globohomo slavery.

Anonymous No. 959453

>What really is the point?

...when autodesk gets hijacked by trannies and shit, not so uncommon this days, and start to bring down the software more and more, all my invested time in the software, all my tools i programmed, everything will go down the drain too.
when the guys at blender HQ think that trannies are a good deal, i dont need to worry, because the whole code gets forked by tons of people who think different, and what ever the trannies at blender do in damage doesnt affects me! ...

...thats litterally my major point to stay at blender! when ever i like, i can install it, and keep on working on it, even when i am a fan of old school versions and shit! 20 years, i can still work on 20 years old projects without any onscure payment plan, ... i realy doubts that can be sayed for most ot the other applications!

Anonymous No. 959529

>capitalism is globohomo slavery

Anonymous No. 959557

Intellectual property isn't real and has nothing to do with a free market. It's a state granted monopoly that has long since passed it's original claimed values of protecting the general public.

Yes, state granted monopolies are globohomo, intellectual property is globohomo, proprietary licensing agreements are globohomo.

Anonymous No. 959564

Na Spiderman was houdini (like most things)

Anonymous No. 959682

How come every time I open this board someone has remade this thread

Anonymous No. 960580

I use Blender to plan my budget

Anonymous No. 960601

the fuck is with everything raising subscription prices :/

Anonymous No. 960637


You are actually correct, and for that, I grant you a star.

You can pick any star from any galaxy other than the Milky Way. However, it will be truly yours for all time and space. Choose it at any time before you die, and it is simply yours forever.

Anonymous No. 960746

It's just a hassle to me desu. Exporting/importing isn't exactly a one-click process like you said. You still have to deal with scale issues, and the most important part is how long it takes to export. It took me ages to export a zbrush mesh to substance for baking, and sometimes it just crashes. The issues multiply the more programs you use. That's why I stopped using topogun and rizomUV, because blender already does a pretty good job with their tasks without adding more issues to my workflow. Maybe I'll ditch zbrush or substance when blender's sculpting and texturing improve.

Anonymous No. 960750

blender has far worse uvs than rizomuv

Anonymous No. 961909

Dont care
Still using foss software

Anonymous No. 962037

>frames suddenly take 50% longer to render
>can't figure out why
>start turning shit off etc
>restart blender
>problem fixed
i am getting tired of this janky pile of shit software
i bet mayafags don't have to deal with this crap

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Anonymous No. 962038

use redshift

Anonymous No. 962120

Most 3D artists are young people living near poverty or just enthusiasts doing it for fun. Those are the only 2 reasons you need for blender to be mega popular.

Anonymous No. 965117

>What is the point in blender? What really is the point?
It's free.

Anonymous No. 965120

>Anon learns what a memory leak is

Anonymous No. 965686
