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๐Ÿงต got the tools, but for what

Anonymous No. 957148

i spent the last 13 years working my ass on the 3d industry, i am really comfortable making any brief i get 3d, feel i can do anything i fucking want.

my dream is to make my own shortfilm, but every time i get stuck thinking what the fuck do i want to say. I suck at that, i can make any scene look sweet and animate cameras, characters, etc, but i cant get pass the IDEA, the plot, the objective of the fucking thing.

Sorry for the rant. Peace

Anonymous No. 957149

/cris general/ ---->

Anonymous No. 957194

Start small OP, just make a 1 minute movie and see how it goes

Anonymous No. 957195

you are crazy.

OP could not make 5 seconds of quality content. He is literally an idea guy

Anonymous No. 957200

Ok 10 second movie then, pitch some ideas to your friends(kek) and stick with it. Use deadlines

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Anonymous No. 957202

Ideas are cheap and there's like five total stories altogether
literally do anything
do it well and people will like it

Anonymous No. 957224

two words: "make porn"

Anonymous No. 957555

show work then, coward!!