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๐Ÿงต Any way to get arcee's model?

Anonymous No. 957325

i have scourged the internet since july in search of anyone related to the project that would share the model or sell it but no dice

tried linkedn, social pages, mail and even the producer of the movie themselves but no dice, i just want arcee man why cant a man be allowed to get it

Anonymous No. 957327

do you have no self-awareness? shame? you gotta stop jerking to cartoons dude

Anonymous No. 957371

one doesnt exclude the other, i just want the model

Anonymous No. 957422


Anonymous No. 957432

do they still do tie-in video games for movies these days? Probably your best shot if someone rips it

Anonymous No. 957477

i really doubt it, unless there is a game being made wich i dont know about it. One can dream

Anonymous No. 957527

i know it's from transformers but is this model from a game or something?

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Anonymous No. 957542

no, is from the movie

Anonymous No. 957543

Heres a crazy idea....make it yourself?

Anonymous No. 957548

crazy thing, i have and i am failin miserably

Anonymous No. 957553

Fuck anon...keep slugging slugger, you'll get there eventually

Anonymous No. 957571

how much are you willing to pay for a model? either for rigged or non rigged? serious question.

Anonymous No. 957598

depends the rigged one how much it is, i honestly really want it. So give me a price and i shall judge if its a good deal

Anonymous No. 957700


Anonymous No. 959040

how the fuck is this thread still up

Anonymous No. 960134

I know it's not exactly what you wanted, but this is the best I could find.

Maybe you could use it as a base?

Anonymous No. 960389

you wont believe this i actually got that model a couple of days back kek

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Anonymous No. 961277

Best bet is to try and model it off the new Arcee Figurine.

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Anonymous No. 961450

at that point i would wait for this guy to finish his

Anonymous No. 961549

The balls to the wall high budget hero asset of her is what you're looking for?
You'd be extremely lucky lol.

Anonymous No. 961826

the one from the movie bascially, maybe the one that made it but idk