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🧵 Yeah, it's happening

Anonymous No. 957427

Anonymous No. 957428

Which Blender addon is this?

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Anonymous No. 957430

Lazy coomerchads... our time has finally coom...

Anonymous No. 957431


Anonymous No. 957445

This looks fake, nearly all generative AI models struggle with context on a 2D plane let alone a full 3D stylized character. That's why all AI 3D generators right now can only make extremely generic shit.

Anonymous No. 957446

>This looks fake
intravenously administered industrial strength copium

Anonymous No. 957450

is this going to kill sculpting? feels bad bros

Anonymous No. 957452

>one-button cris solution
we truly live in the future

Anonymous No. 957453

>Yeah, it's happening
can you rough sketch something as input or that just generate random shit from text? Steam banned all the ai assets so idk if that's usefull really Cris.

Anonymous No. 957454

Nope. Its really, really low quality and it wont / is impossible to improve.

Anonymous No. 957457

A fundamental problem with these multiview models is they can't generate surfaces that are occluded from all views. Vagina and butthole sculptors of /3/ are safe.

Anonymous No. 957486

looks like a shit-tier photoscan

obviously it's gonna improve in the coming years, but I'm not going to bother with AI shit unless it gets to a point where it can generate a niceley seperated mesh with usable topology that's unwrapped correctly

I do worry about this a little. In a decade or so when any pleb can generate a professional standard model exactly the way they want it - I hope I'll still enjoy sculpting and making art like I always have...

Anonymous No. 957495

It looks pretty cool to be honest. That said, you're still probably going to have to do retopo work.

Anonymous No. 957618

have you idiots literally not been paying attention to anything for the last 3 years?

>Steam banned all the ai assets
Because the legal status is currently murky. This will obviously change over time. Even if steam doesn't change, many others already allow AI content.

>I'm not going to bother with AI
And people using AI won't bother with you

Anonymous No. 957631

>Because the legal status is currently murky.
Duh, that is the fucking point, if you can not make money with it is just a stupid blob generator, try again when the law is with you, for now I am going to keep employing 3d modellers to do this and I can profit without getting fucked in the future

Anonymous No. 957651

>And people using AI won't bother with you
Because AI is theft and an insult to the people who actually practice the medium

Anonymous No. 957659

>if you can not make money
You can, just not on steam. And that will likely have a resolve in 6-12 months. this is EXACTLY analogous to 2D. 2D AI assets are already used in steam games. Even 3D assets with machine learning components are used in photogrammetry for example.

Sure, that doesn't change that you will have less work.
Most people on /3/ pirate their software anyways, so you wouldn't hang out with us if you had any morals.

Anonymous No. 957667

>Most people on /3/ pirate their software anyways
There is literally less than 15 people here and the vast majority are rank noobs

Anonymous No. 957668

doesn't change anything I said.

Anonymous No. 957669

you didnt say anything worth a damn

Anonymous No. 957672

You will have less work, and you don't care about stealing other people's work.

Anonymous No. 957673

Enjoy your pozzed ai is all i can say. I will continue to actually practice my craft

Anonymous No. 957675

/3/ will become an actual vietnamese basket weaving forum LMAO.
Third worlders doing manual labor that nobody cares about anymore.

Anonymous No. 957676

Meanwhile you will "produce" ai curated Diablo Immortal 6 and Starfield 27 while us true artists will continue to grind fundamentals and practice the non stolen craft


Anonymous No. 957677

Real artists make real things, not computer files.
We already established that you don't care about stealing.

Anonymous No. 957710

That would be better than what we have now, the board is just Ai fags showing you 3d blobs that a 3d modeller can make in less than an hour with proper topology and telling you that doomer shit.

Anonymous No. 957715

did photography kill painting? fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 957781

Yes. The demand for painters dropped by 90% and all stable salaried painter jobs vanished.

Anonymous No. 958349

I'm actually glad you posted this, I was looking into learning 3d modelling but seems it's not even worth it anymore, you saved my time

Anonymous No. 958354

it was never going to be worth your time if that's your attitude.

Anonymous No. 958362

What's the point if in the end you'll gain nothing from it? If AI keeps improving like that, down the road you'll be unable to gain fame from 3D modelling, or even money. Probably not even satisfaction since you know an easier and better alternative exists

Anonymous No. 958363

don't try to figure it out

Anonymous No. 958372

Those ai people think they will reach a 'singularity' wherein they will just become a ball of energy money will be obsolete. These people are so deluded snd sick in the head

Anonymous No. 958388

literally who

Anonymous No. 958413

all ai people think like this. They believe they are going to hit the "singularity" and literally become a ball of energy and "evolve" rapidly.

I am not shitting you. Once you start becoming an AI person, this is what happens to you

Anonymous No. 958417

Anon I have several friends who are into AI, no one thinks like this
Only case where I seen this kind of thinking was the people “warning” us about AI that it’ll suddenly become super intelligent and kill us all

Anonymous No. 958418

get out of here kiddo, you are cornered. Lurk /g/ a while, they all think like this

Anonymous No. 958419

Earth is flat too right?

Anonymous No. 958423

im sorry anon, tons of people think that ai is dangerous - extremely dangerous - and tons think they will soon reach the singularity by using it.

Now you jump to "flat earth". You have no arguments. I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 958424

>moved from “all people” to “tons”
Where’s the goalpost next gonna be? Few people?

Anonymous No. 958425

>he doesn't understand figures of speech on a mongolian basket weaving forum
i accept your concession

Anonymous No. 958429

So how many is it in the end? Everyone? Half? Few schizos? Maybe they didn’t teach you it in school, but properly defining quantities is important

Anonymous No. 958431

the only thing that is happening is that you're annoying everyone with your retarded AI-spam threads.

please die in a housefire or from some particularly humiliating disease, you autistic degenerate non-person.

Anonymous No. 958442

you are making a fool out of yourself

Anonymous No. 958487

Me and 3 friends work with AI in some capacity, one friend develops machine learning algorithms. I've never ever heard anyone say they're gonna become a ball of energy. That's not even what "singularity" means nigger

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Anonymous No. 959143

>inb4 Retopology

Anonymous No. 959200

What's the last time you hired a painter instead of just taking a picture with your phone, anon?

Anonymous No. 959231

Yes? Are you retarded? Before photography you had to hire a painter for anything you wanted to have a picture of, be it a person, a location, etc.

The only ones that survived were the top of the line painters whose works were proper pieces of art rather than just attempts at faithful recreations of reality. Those painters also happen to be the only ones you hear about today, because who the fuck cares about hearing of some random pleb who drew portraits for commoners in London, 1789?

Same thing will happen to 3D graphics. A human artist or an AI will make generic props of more or less the same quality. Sure I'll still hire a 3D artist for the big important models, but while I'd have hired him for, say. 500 hours of work before now I'll just hire him for 350 hours as AI will take care of the lesser models he'd have done in those 150 hours. As AI gets better, I can slowly replace his work with AI, so 350 hours will become 300, then 250, then 200, so on.

Anonymous No. 959233

We figured out a neat trick to generate predictive text and images from a database and somehow people think this means we're ten years away from developing general intelligence.

Anonymous No. 959253

Looks like a 3dguy model.

Anonymous No. 960496

>all car people think like this. They believe they are going to hit the "singularity" and literally become a ball of gasoline and "evolve" rapidly.
>I am not shitting you. Once you start becoming a car person, this is what happens to you

The fuck?

Anonymous No. 960543

>I can slowly replace
You won't, because you don't hire anyone or sell a meaningful product - and the people who do, need more control over it than bashing some words into a prompt to gamble away their electricity credit.

Creators aren't affected by advances in technology, workers are. You're confusing people who worked in fabric mills, with people who communicate human ideas, usually their own ideas, in ways that can't be expressed in words. Essentially, you're buying into the advertising that weighted networks are in fact general intelligence.

Third world shitters like Cris think it saves them from having to work, but the truth is, it just helps them finish a different kind of garbage to their own.

Anonymous No. 960554

Dude, there is a village in China that makes more oil painting right now during a single year than the entirety of oil paintings ever made in West. There's like, 10 million reproductions of Mona Lisa alone in existence. What killed painting is that westoids are simply unable to compete with Asia once it begins doing something.

Anonymous No. 960561

>that will likely change
>it's gonna get crazy good111
>just two more weeks...
You do realize that during all those years of repeating the same mantras you could've learned actual 3d modelling and earned nice money from it? But nooo, that's too much effort, let's just continue sitting on the bench and preaching.

Anonymous No. 960730

>You do realize that during all those years of repeating the same mantras you could've learned actual machine learning and earned nice money from it?

Anonymous No. 960731

i remember when i used to use the Mantra renderer. Damn I am getting old...

Anonymous No. 960733


Anonymous No. 961038

why is it so lumpy

Anonymous No. 962474

But what if you could teach it anatomy? I think the logical next syep in AI art is stringing several neural networks together.
Do the artwork, superimpose skeleton, correct mistakes.
Or you could simply start with a skeleton right of the bat.
The technology is still in it's infancy.

Anonymous No. 962478

thats not how its going to work

Anonymous No. 962499

you are describing running a scripted, softbody physics simulation scenario over a collection of points that define a skeleton. You can do that for many years now already with pre existing tools