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Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957433

for a song i made. First step is making the model. I'll share some progress here.
Feel free to shoot your thoughts along the way

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Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957434

Going back in time a bit. My friend i'm working with helped make a rough design, because i wanted to do my own character model for the music video, and have it look stylish

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Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957435

i started just straight ass modelling this. But after a while realized i would have to start over. It just didn't look good, and sometimes you gotta accept that and press delete.

Tho the hands and feet were actually adequate, so i put them aside for later

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Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957436

Attempt 2 got started. The right way, by purely sculpting. Trying to match the sketch again, but this time not getting bogged down by staying perfectly on model, cause the sketch alone didn't match 100% from front to side either

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Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957437

couple extra iterations down, with feedback from my friend who made the initial sketch again.

resizing head, making the rip cage less prominent, and breasts a bit smaller. I'm all for big titties, but moderation is important sometimes.

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Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957439

I'd here started on the hair. stylistic hair has always been tricky to me, and there's multiple ways to go about it, but for my purposes i found it easiest to, make nurbs curves. And have them be shaped according to another nurbs curve profile.
Which is why every strand will have this sorta flat shape and an indent.

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Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957440

i also obviously had to retoplogize the model. This was a very lengthy process. And i would usually have used a subdivision modifier to smooth it out at the end. But i recently learned about the multires modifier. Meaning that on top of subdivisions you can sculpt in extra details.

And on top of that, you can use extra modifiers like shrinkwrap (which is especially useful when retopologizing, for getting the verts to align with the sculpt) And apply it. And it will become a part of the multires modifier, meaning you still have the low-poly mesh whilst keeping it perfect to your sculpt

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Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957442

i started work on the materials. I knew i wanted it to be stylized. But the specific style was inspired again by art from my friend. Hard part is simply pulling it off.

Currently i know no way to achieve a cell-shaded look like this within cycles, so i was limited to using EEVEE, which might be annoying in some parts later, but it's a limitation i have to live with for this look.

Working on a music video with Hatsune Miku in Blender No. 957443

And then this is finally where i'm at now. All in all it's probably taken about 1 and a half weeks of a little work in freetime so far. And there's way more work ahead. I'll share here if the thread remains open

Also feel free to listen to the finished song.

Anonymous No. 957447

Good stuff dude

Anonymous No. 957484

gonna be honest I was expecting something pretty average but this is actually a fuckin' bop :^)

Nice work on the model too!
Have you made much progress with the rigging?

Anonymous No. 957519

none at all. i'm starting shortly after I finish all the clothes and shaders

Anonymous No. 957520

I'm on phone btw which is why no op

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Anonymous No. 957586

Continuing again. Btw, i thought i was writing the title when i wrote my name, which is why most of my posts have that long ass name oops.

Anyway, last night and a bit today, i continued fine-tuning the shaders

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Anonymous No. 957599

finished just about every piece of clothing

Anonymous No. 957603

I like it anon good work

Anonymous No. 957638

Never been a fan of the cell shaded look, but you nailed it, good job dude, I like the progress

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Anonymous No. 957648

latest version, very soon I start rigging

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eye edit.jpg

Anonymous No. 957733

Cute model. The eyes look too doll-like for me though. I think simply darkening the pupils a bit would give a more lively look.

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Anonymous No. 957808

coming back. Showcasing some of the facial rigging

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Anonymous No. 957873

>not using rigify
nice to see someone making their own rig!
Is there a specific reason? If you're like me it's more satisfying to learn the process myself instead of relying on a tool that I have no idea what goes on with under the hood.

Also is this with blendshapes or weighted to bones?
looks real nice either way!

I'm loving the shading too, if I can offer any kind of critique it's the shadow on the bottom of the face - it makes her cheeks look a little bit sunken - if you could alter the normals or just the overall shape so you get a more round shadow (shitty edit added to show what I mean) I think it could look even better!

Anonymous No. 957877

Please fix those normals. At the very least, download Abnormal and spherize that shit.

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Anonymous No. 957890

you were honestly a bit pre-emptive here. Cause this IS rigify, but it's using the cloudrig, rigify addon.

It is created by the blender animation team. It is very useful.

the eyes themselves is a material, offset using drivers.
All of the eyelid action, is made with shapekeys, driven by the bones.

I will consider changing the normals around. I didn't know of this plugin but had been testing out with a data-transfer modifier before.

lastly, i continued rigging the mouth, still need to tweak the weight painting here

Anonymous No. 957905

oh man sorry about that!
I didn't mean to dunk on rigify or anyone who uses it, I just rarely come across people that don't.

Anonymous No. 958380

looking great anon, care to share the node setup for skin? also the song?

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Anonymous No. 958414

song is here

i have several extra layers on top of this. But the main shader is this.

There's 2 sun lights in the same space. One shining red, with shadows, and one witih green, without shadows. Because i had to circumvent some blender limitations, hard to explain, but i'm hoping there might be some alternative that looks the same.

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Anonymous No. 958415

I also re-did most of the face rig again, to make it more bendable, and will probably change just a bit further again.

before the eyelid were shapekeys, now it's bones

Anonymous No. 958440

Looks great stan, I love the shading, and the stylized look you put into it. Are you planning to stay in the sfw world for a little while longer or will you be making a nsfw debut soon?

Anonymous No. 958451

i have no plans to make porn. But i am not opposed to it. I just haven't yet been able to justify with myself spending so much time, to make something i couldn't put in my portfolio

Anonymous No. 958569

makes sense, good work!

Anonymous No. 958572

You doing great! Love from Afganistan!

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Anonymous No. 958602

First tiny test animation. I already found a few tiny things i needed to fix with the rig, which i went back on. And her physics skirt, along with using plugins to add jiggle to her hair is a hard mess.

That aside i am very happy with it so far

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test render post ....png

stann co No. 958646

I am slowly starting on the actual music video. Planning all the shots will be just as hard as making the 3d model of Miku.

Here's the first shot i am working on. Also adding some post-effects in the compositor

Anonymous No. 959056

finally someone skilled enough to realise a whole project for once on this fucking board

Anonymous No. 959799

pretty inspiring, good job anon

Anonymous No. 961652

>op made a few seconds of his music video and put the project on hold indefinitely
let this be a warning to you all