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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957479

You're going to make it.

Anonymous No. 957504

what was modelling in the 90s like
was it just inputting coordinates and dimensions into a program or what

Anonymous No. 957509

A thread filled with negativity and discouragement died for this. Fuck you OP you just ruined MY board.

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[heh stops].jpg

Anonymous No. 957541

He didn't make it...

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eye detail.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 957554

yes we're going to make everything in AI

Anonymous No. 957587

in 1994 that kind of art was considered top tier. You'd get jobs thrown at you
Hell you'd get a job with NOTHING and then invent your own techniques on the job while getting paid, make the OP and be considered a genius.
Cant get started like that anymore. All the kids who did it right and worked hard just to turn 18 this year will lose to AI

Anonymous No. 957588

>All the kids who did it right and worked hard just to turn 18 this year will lose to AI
AI is
1) theft
2) same-face
3) just doesnt look good

Anonymous No. 957616

Same as now, just more primitive
Look at 3D Studio (DOS) to get an understanding

Anonymous No. 957623

The output of AI is based on how well it was trained. The reason you call AI "sameface" is because the most popular AI image creators are using the exact same setup and training set.

Anonymous No. 960309


Anonymous No. 960311

2 more weeks

Anonymous No. 960344

I don't like AI, not because any of these reasons, I dislike it because I love to make my own shit, but we have to be realistic, AI makes really good stuff.

Anonymous No. 963896

you are
1) cancer
3) cancer + AIDS

Anonymous No. 963897

>cucked AI refuses to generate white aryan gods and only allows you to generate brown nigger biomass

Anonymous No. 965254

>lash thicknesses, counts and lengths between upper and lower

Anonymous No. 965259

I feel like in the future we will be doing less model creation and more model editing seeing as ASI will be able to make a base mesh

Anonymous No. 965340

you're going to generate nigger orcs with glorified computer programs