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🧵 Hi I want to animate hardcore 3D pornography and make boocoo bucks from coomers, where do I start?

Anonymous No. 957643

Anonymous No. 957644


have fun

Anonymous No. 957654

I started 3 days ago. I've gathered a lot of tutorials, done a few myself, etc.

And i'm not sharing any of it to you. Fuck off, i'm doing this to fuel my gamedev passion

Anonymous No. 957657

Hi Cris

Anonymous No. 957680

>and make boocoo bucks
wrong motivation, youll never going to succeed

Anonymous No. 957813

me ten years ago.
"I want to make a game but I need to learn some anatomy for characters... wait I can animate porn for cash on the side? Surely this will help and definitely not keep me from developing a game."

Anonymous No. 957814

Wrong faggot, you absolutely will succeed if you just want to animate for coombux. Just need to be consistent with output. Skill absolutely doesnt matter unless you want to break higher than 1k.

Anonymous No. 957815

maggots will fap to anything these days, you can absolutely make ez cash from coomers
source: I'm a literal dude and got gay guys to buy my nudes

Anonymous No. 957848

You sound like you are just convinced of this. Have you actually put in the work to finish a couple of animations and upload them to your patreon/subscribestar? Did a single soul pay attention to your slop?
Dont come at me like that when you didnt even prove you are capable of making anyone pay for your shit.

Anonymous No. 957854

Starting is easy. Maintaining the work is hard.

What are some actual tips for making animations? I feel like I spend 90% of the the time just readjusting keyframes and fixing fuckups with the timing and whatnot. Am I doing anything wrong or is that just how it is?

Anonymous No. 957862

>Starting is easy. Maintaining the work is hard.
>Now can you spoonfeed me?
the nerve of zoomers

Anonymous No. 957864

Well thats exactly what I mean. If your sole motivation is to make a few bucks just go work a regular job somewhere, thats more straightforward. Because unless you really dig what you animate and all the other things tied to that (like rigging, modeling, rendering, sound design etc.), youll 1. not produce the quality needed to really succeed, 2. not enjoy yourself doing so - a lose lose.

My tip: find out what your fetish/kink is, what really turns you on and floats your boat. Then do that. Youll enjoy doing it and itll make you happy, youll constantly aim to improve because your horny brain will want the best quality it can get, and because youll put so much effort into it, it will also outperform all the soulless shit people post just for a bit of starbucksmoney.

But hey, just start doing it man, maybe you can prove me wrong and really just shit out crap in half an hour that makes a few hundred bucks a month. Maybe thats enough for you and maybe those few dollars are all you wanted from it.

Anonymous No. 957870

start by dying in a housefire.

Anonymous No. 957875

Waste of time comment, faggot.

Anonymous No. 957883


Anonymous No. 960532

Passion in 3D coom art shows.

It's pretty much the only thing visible beyond the ass, dicks, and titties.

Anonymous No. 960590

Big tip; if you want to get into animating porn for money, you need to really lean into a specific fetish or nieche. If you can appeal to one group well enough, droves of people clammoring for more content barely anyone makes will pay out the ass for it.

Anonymous No. 961968

Based. Make what you want to make. Skill isnt that important after you pass the beg level of stiff animation and shit lighting.

Main thing is consistency and be consistent with what you like.

Anonymous No. 961991

My dream is to be on this list:

Anonymous No. 962001

This is so weird, i have way more followers than desire and my animations get more likes yet i only get 300 bucks per month, what the hell am i doing so fucking wrong.

Anonymous No. 962013

skill will only get you so far, you need so much more than just skill. marketing, brand, etc. and if you're talking being in the top 100 of any given field? total and utter luck. it just happens. its total chaos of the universe. winning the lottery.

Anonymous No. 962021

maybe the animations are too vanilla?

Anonymous No. 962031

I doubt you're telling the truth. But you're probably not promoting enough. You have to shill the patreon upon every post.

Or you're not uploading enough. You can't just post once every blue moon and expect people to engage. You have to keep your socials busy.

Anonymous No. 962053

I dont think my stuff is vanilla

Anonymous No. 962056


Animenyan nsfw blender discord server, packed with usefull shit and support from others

Anonymous No. 962057

How long did it take to get to this level?

Anonymous No. 962060

do NOT click that link!!!!!

Anonymous No. 962064

Ain't no way SFMnewbie is browsing /3/. He has more than 300 patrons. So he has to be making more than 300 bucks.
But he probably would be bigger if he watermarked his videos with patreon and promoted the patreon more on twitter.

Pigeon No. 962072

3 years and i learned the worst way posible..... not following tutorials (the only one i followed was the donut one and thats it) i could be way better if i wasnt this fucking lazy.
I do earn 300 or so, but i want more, also i want my stuff to get more views and likes but i always fail somehow, its very hard to get more people to know me when i only post stuff in twitter and rule34.

Anonymous No. 962077

how are people selling this stuff not getting roasted by copyright?

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Anonymous No. 962087


Who would bother suing them? Most of these guys making porn are small time, they ain't making millions a year; most have to have regular jobs to support their coomer hobby. You think Activision Blizzard is going to get anything taking Yeero to court?

Plus, there are thousands of creators, and however many they manage to knock down will just be replaced by thousands more.

ALSO, copyright laws only matter if the hosting sites give a shit, and many are run on servers in countries that don't give a shit about US, UK, Euro, or whoever's copyright laws.

There's also the sticky situation of "parody", and how that applies to porn. Consider all the live action porn parodies that pop up all over the place, like Marvel and DC and Harry Potter. Those are all made by larger, established porn companies like DigitalPlayground and Vivid, and they're not getting sued by Disney or WB for copyright infringement. Why? Likely because such a lawsuit would lose on the grounds of "fair use", and would be just a big waste of everybody's time.

Nintendo is the only company I'm familiar with that even bothers to try and prevent their IPs from being used in porn, sending out C&Ds by the millions. But, again, only companies based in countries that play by international copyright laws actually care. The rest just ignore the C&Ds.

Anonymous No. 962095

After the Super Hornio Bros fiasco in the 90s, gaming companies just don't bother going after porn parodies.

Anonymous No. 962096

you afraid of futa?

Anonymous No. 962206

>they ain't making millions a year
Actually.... judging by this list: >>961991. Some earn well over a million from Patreon.

Anonymous No. 962208

Speaking of which, why people don't make their own OC specifically for pr0n purposes? No demand?

Anonymous No. 962229

Skill issue mostly.
People would make their OCs for porn if they had the skills. Those that dont simply use ripped models from some games.

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Anonymous No. 962243

You get more views and clicks with popular chars, most porn people don't care, but there's some autists who only want to jerk off to princess peach or samus or tracer, or w/e other popular character
Also most pornmakers have shit taste, tho that might just be my own autism talking as I want canon characters from canon settings in porn to feel like they still at least somewhat tie to their nonporn character
>t. tired of seeing shit like wow / baldurs gate chars in tasteless modern clothing / modern fetish wear

Anonymous No. 962257

There ARE OC porn characters out there in the cartoon porn world. The fact that you don't know them, just goes to show that you really don't care. You just see the popular character you're already familiar with, and that takes all of your attention. What this anon said is true: >>962243 Mainstream characters get way more attention.

Anonymous No. 962313

Agreed, my short response certainly didnt capture the whole picture and you bring some good points to the table here.

Oh I know them, I just answered the question why the people who dont create their own OCs do so.
But I need to add that the answer was just one reason and there are certainly more factors at play such as the demand for well-known characters to be "pornified" as mentioned above.

After all, I myself am someone who models rigs and animates their own OCs for porn and I prefer that for multiple reasons. I like imagining and telling my own stories and scenarios. I have a certain taste in art that most other existing IP characters doesnt fully meet. I dont want to delve too deep into a copyright-greyzone area so staying original is a win there. I can stay free from user expectations regarding characters while offering something unique.

A great example here is Janner. His animations may not be everyones fetish but he has a done a great job at establishing an original cast of characters in an original universe where he tells the stories and shows the encounters he wants to at a great level of technical and artistic quality.
I honestly wish we had more people like him in the genre.

Anonymous No. 962410

Lustgard has a great OC

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Anonymous No. 962414

>sole motivation
Now you’re talking

Anonymous No. 962493

this aspect is why I think parody isn't enough of a defense
if they're making more money by using an already established character, it seems hard to argue it's not infringement

I agree with your point about most people having shit taste, but sometimes you stumble across something that just hits different

Anonymous No. 962495

You make porn to sell it
I make porn to jack off to
If you're going into this , make a hobby, don't be bitter about it , or you'll endup doing that shitty taste pregnant overweight garbage you see on the second page of cgi hentai sites.

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top keks.png

Anonymous No. 962498


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Anonymous No. 962500

>or you'll endup doing that shitty taste pregnant overweight garbage you see on the second page of cgi hentai sites.

Anonymous No. 962601

maybe you could try limited animation instead of full animation?

Anonymous No. 962674

>or you'll endup doing that shitty taste pregnant overweight garbage you see on the second page of cgi hentai sites
Post some examples

Anonymous No. 962734

thx anon