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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957837

Does anyone use this?

Why the fuck did the devs forget about adding the current value you are at when manipulating something? Like you are rotating a model but you cannot see where you at. You want to rotate to an exact 90 degree? you have to manually punch it "90" on the box, you don't see where you are in positions xyz as well too. This is fucking retarded.

Then there's the fact that loading rigs removes all previous keyframes. Having a rig loaded doesn't allow you to upload animations too. So if you want to use a walking cycle, you have to disable rigs, load the animation, then load the rig again, and each time you do this, you lose all keyframes, how the fuck do people use this? I don't want to manually make walk and run cycles all the time. I want to make the dude look like it's from HL2 so I just want to use the sequences included for walking and running, then when I want to do some specific movements I want to load IK simple biped rig and move stuff, but when I do this, the fucking "Bookmarks" disappear so I cannot tweak anything I did previously, since trying to modify motion lines without seeing where the vertexes, or keyframes or whatever the fuck you want to call it were, it will just make things jerky and fuck things up.

I still want to learn the workflow for this before I judge. I always wanted to learn this, I just love the Source engine aesthetic. And no I don't want to do porn but an actual normal animation. I've already seen the tutorials, the Valve ones get too aspie sometimes, like the pose to pose tutorial using 2 cameras at once, who does that. And then some people use the motion editor, others the graph editor. I just want to use sequences for movements, and have IK for the rest. Any experts on this?

Anonymous No. 957979

You're supposed to load rigs before you animate anything.
Make sure you picked the right one before hand, or use the mets rig which is universal.
For cycles you're supposed to be using splines and no baking. Getting them to loop properly can be a bit tricky, but copy pasting to the end of the segment mostly works.
The motion editor is supposed to be a finalise step for the final animation after you chain segments you made together or bake it into the final animation.
SFM workflow is destructive that's something you just have to live with, for that reason save often.
It's 2000s abandonware so don't expect more.
As for using for something else than nsfw animations, you might want to look elsewhere.
The whole reason why people use it for that is the straight forward bone parenting system and nsfw models on sfmlab. If you don't need those there are simply better options.

Anonymous No. 958009

It's because I already have so much experience with it that I keep using it for fun. I don't recommend it to new users.

Anonymous No. 958339

while i never reached height of cinema. I made a semi known short film with it. And worked for *AGES* on a sequel

it was while working on the sequel for way too long i decided it wasn't worth it to put up with SFM's jank, and i cancelled the sequel for good as well. You're doing so many extra annoying steps, by essentially porting stuff into a game-engine just to use SFM when the same effort can achieve much better results in other animation software

Anonymous No. 959209

If you care about quality of life, fidelity, documentation, or quality at all then SFM is simply not the software you're looking for. It's old, it's niche, it's abandoned.
It's a toy. Treating it like a tool will leave you frustrated.

You either enjoy the janky simplicity of using it or you move on better software.

Anonymous No. 959974

Holy shit that's great. But you had help with the scenebuild. When it comes to getting maps for animation this is a problem. Im trying to use maps from gmod and they port with visual glitches. I wanted some city for a scene and so far this is annoying to find something that works.

How did you get so good anyway? Could you explain the process? Do you use the graph editor in instant transition mode and go frame by frame or what? you use rigs? Shit I wish I was that good. Or at least as good as dafuqboom which btw left you a comment there which is funny. I find his animations actually cool, its sort of Michael Bay for kids. Its crazy how hes fucking loaded now from a meme. He struck gold. Im just tired of getting demonetized Minecraft videos so I would like to move to SFM since every idea I have could lead to demonetization due the new gay rules. For instance that scene since it has a gun, would be at risk of demonetization. Fucking Karens ruined a whole genre. With a more realistic engine you can get away with anything apparently.

Anonymous No. 960171

if all you want to do is make unserious shitposts. Then SFM is still fine. You can download rigs for some models, and there's some maps available for sfm as well. But porting from gmod isn't easy.

I personally don't wanna open sfm again, but funny stuff can still be made in it.

Also funny i didn't even realize that was the skibidi toilet guy lol. I guess he commented back then just when i released it originally

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Anonymous No. 960280


SourceFilmmaker is legit.

Even today it just works.

There's mountains of assets and if you learn its quirks (and don't push the 3000mb scene limits), you can make hay with it.

Is it the best 3D software? Fuck no. Shit's ancient.

But it's capable enough to pose and animate whatever coom dream lives in Anon's heart, forever unrealized.

3D artists convince themselves the tools make the art, but even the best tools in undisciplined and uncreative hands won't make shit.

There are artists making living wages off MSPaint (Flork of Cows, XKDC), yet people here can't use powerful tools like Blender or Maya to make a damn thing anyone cares about.

Quit sweating the small stuff. Use what's available and just fucking make the thing already.

Anonymous No. 960304

SFM is not how you do anything anymore in real 3D art. The program belongs in a museum, an example of older times when companies like Valve were building nonsense software for profit. Everything in SFM was built for getting people to download their client and collect data to sell to data mine companies.

Valve never made this with intent to do anything in animation or video, they made SFM a spyware for profit.

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Anonymous No. 960343

Then what are "Meet the TF2 Cast" videos?

Even today they use S2FM for their DOTA2 character reveals.

Are you wearing or eating the tinfoil, son?

Anonymous No. 960349

your so called videos of the DOTA2 characters are nothing more than just Adobe effects overload with zero thought on the story. There is no proof to your claim that it was made in SFM, it can't produce png files in transparent like normal 3d programs.

Valve abandoned it for a reason and they are using Adobe because you love those dumb special effects that don't require effort but tricks the average dumb person like you.

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Anonymous No. 960350

You care about this infinitely more than I do because I don't give a damn what Valve does or doesn't do.

I'm creating an entire visual novel with renders from SFM. Is that "real 3D"?

I swear you guys gatekeep because you're pussies too scared to fail so you never try.

Anonymous No. 960353

Anyone can take premade models, pose them and take a picture. Your not original it’s been a thing done cameras were invented.

Anonymous No. 960374

Damm! I forgot that SourceFILMmaker isn't a modeling program.

It's almost like it's suited for posing and photography. And, get this: If you string a lotta photos together, you get a MOVING picture.

So much self-hatred directed out. Y'all need Jesus.

Anonymous No. 960379

Still can not make transparent photos, you are avoiding a critical aspect of VFX, video editing and prompt rendering. SFM will never become what you think it’s supposed to become.

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Anonymous No. 960390

These exist bruv.

I use SFM for simple poses and I get huge mileage out of it. Take your meds.

Anonymous No. 960395

That's not how real videos and movie production works anon. Green screen is only used in real life because you cant transparent real things. You also got the color wrong because that rbg number will mess up videos.

so dumb, so lame, extra work just to do simple stuff that Blender can do. What a joke you show the world anon.

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Anonymous No. 960399

>actually decrying the RGB value of GREEN

I am convinced you create nothing but critiques. A stain on art.

Anonymous No. 960425

Anon you’re so dumb, no one in 3d cgi had ever used green screen on their projects because transparent png is always a feature in every software. From the very first in the 90s to current software, all can make transparent png.

SFM lacks the critical features to become better, Valve will never update it. Your conspiracy theories on how they made DOTA2 videos holds no water when talking to professionals who can identify basic concepts of Adobe Effects.

Anonymous No. 961800

Just use what you like, get good with it, and then maybe explore other software when you feel you need to.

Are you doing a JOB? Then do what your bosses tell you to.

Don't get into pissing contests with people (probably subhumans like Cris or agdg, or other people from other boards) on /3/ when you could be having fun.