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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957896

Why do Blender tutorials suck? Like genuinely, so many of them are just awful and they're typically in one of two categories
>tutorial is too basic and teaches the bare minimum, most common among broad tut's like "HOW TO BE AN ANIMATOR IN 25 MINUTES!"
>tutorial teaches you exactly how to do one specific method of doing something but will not explain why this method works, what is actually happening with each action, or if other methods exist
It makes learning this program hell. There's so many tools and I want to learn what they all do and WHY I would use them and how it interacts with other tools. It's ridiculous.

It took me almost 2 weeks to learn about TLA and how it works after digging through a ton of different animation tutorials and it makes animation 10x easier yet so many tutorials never mention it or don't even acknowledge it's existance.

Anonymous No. 957901

because you're supposed to overcome blender, not make a home. what you're doing is very much like complaining about the quality of a prison library. blender is for low-functioning autists and stink-indians.

Anonymous No. 957906

What do you suggest then, you crazy mothafucka?

Anonymous No. 957907

pay thousands of dollars to jewish companies for worse software

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Anonymous No. 957941

I actually want my renders to look like an old video game, why the fuck else would I be using Eevee?

Anonymous No. 957970

If you're talking about Youtube tutorials, it's because they are ads or engagement farm that funnel people to buy cheap( <100$ ) tutorials.
Teachers in whatever institutions have already had someone else make you cough up a few thousand bucks already so they just focus on teaching to the best of their ability instead of luring you to the next funnel.
I would suggest doing absolute beginner stuff in Blender to learn about the program's features and find Maya's classes on how to do things. Blender pretty much copy other programs anyway so it can do like 80% of what a specialized program can

Anonymous No. 957971

I don't animate, what is TLA?

Anonymous No. 957974

>take classes goy
No but you're still right in that a lot of these tutorials are ads either for some product they're selling or for you to want to keep watching them and fund them to make more tutorials/content.

I meant NLA not TLA. Essentially NLA is a way to take multiple animations and blend them together and create some level of randomization. It's great animation tool. If you want to have a character walk and wave at a character, instead of just creating the entire animation by hand, timing when the person waves, you just create 2 separate animations (walking and then waving) and now you have the power to very easily control when the character waves, how fast their walk speed is, etc without having to actually manually go in and touch the keyframes of those animations again.

For some reason basic tutorials just don't mention this??? I was initially under the impression that I seriously had to hand key and time my entire animation all in one go but nope, NLA, dope sheets, and graph editors are a life saver and make shit way easier and way more flexible

Anonymous No. 957993

all tutorials suck
I've seen maya animation tutorials that were literally 5 part long 40 minute videos with guy being mostly quiet for 90% of the video

Anonymous No. 958030

Free tutorials on YouTube generally are YouTubers trying to make clickbait money or people that know how to do something but can’t teach it well.

I’ve found it helpful to seek courses from actual professionals with good teaching reputation. Downside is that they are usually not free, but I think it’s worth it if you want to take it seriously.

For learning animation specifically, I found this course to be really great!

Cgcookie offers some pretty good general courses too.

Anonymous No. 958046

Because the people who actually make anything in 3D learned those skills in a private school that you have to pay money to attend to. You can't skip school if you want your brain to hold any valuable information for the rest of your life. Blender is just grifters baiting low income low status low intelligence people into believing they truly can get an education from youtube lmao. Pure hubris.

Anonymous No. 958370

Because it's free. Literal retards parroting other retards instead of just focusing on the fundamentals of modeling, sculpting, texturing, and lighting. Also >>957970 shills everywhere on YouTube.

It's an undertale situation, where the fandom is generally so obnoxious it makes you think the program sucks. Program is fine, pretty good even, but when you have a horde trying to convince you to use it, seems sus.

Anonymous No. 958371

OP here, just wanted to say i've been following the tutorial you posted and it's genuinely super good. I'm only on chapter 3 but it's very concise and shows actual examples of the stuff taught being used to make it easier to understand.

Anonymous No. 958377

>tutorial teaches you exactly how to do one specific method of doing something
Thats why you learn the basics and then focus on what you want to actually make. why learn the stuff you wont end up needing

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Anonymous No. 958411

>Rigging tutorial
>It start-to-finish just using most basic features of Rigify

Anonymous No. 958434

get a load of this clueless retard
brb, my elite private 3d school is restarting

Anonymous No. 958494

Lmao get a load of this fucking unhirable Blendlet

Anonymous No. 958548

None of them break down the interface or the keys. The first tutorial on 3DSMax I found was well-structured and concise.
Only months after I'd started using Blender did I stumble upon decent tutorials by someone who knows basic things like topology, edge alignment, polycount, etc (Chris 3D, apparently only archvis is practical in this program). Finding Bforartists is next to impossible because no one cares about UI.

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Anonymous No. 958560


Anonymous No. 958588

I think he means animation layers, never heard of term TLA.

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Anonymous No. 959142

Because you're not learning the core fundementals of anything. When someone is giving a tutorial or guide they're just telling how something is done thinking you have the prerequisite knowledge to apply to what you're doing and can understand it enough to tweak it to your liking. The funny thing about Houdini is that I've managed to have a better understanding of the software not from looking a tutorial or guide but because I learned GLSL. Somehow learning shaders helped me understand Houdini better because Houdini is just using operators to manipulate geometry, vertexs, and other variables. Which is like Touchdesigner which does the same thing with 3D and 2D visuals which uses GLSL. knowledge is interconnected and you need to start by always pushing yourself to ask why something is and truly understanding what it makes it tick otherwise you're just going to be a tutorialfag who just keep looking tutorials for every single thing. There's nothing wrong with looking up a tutorial or guide for something but it becomes an issue when you have all the keys to the kingdom and you still don't know what to do with it because you don't know what actually doing still.

TL:DR The education system has rotted your brain into a tutorialslave and you need to break free by learning the basics. Read documentation, split off into something similar and ALWAYS find out WHY something works. GL OP.

Anonymous No. 959187

bad tutorials exist on all software, Rebelway Houdini is an example of bad tutorials, it took me a while to find an actually good Houdini tutorials, blender is more prominent with bad tutorials because it's more accessible

Anonymous No. 959776

Literally babys first tutorial in blender the donut goes over a ton of shortcuts and the ui

Anonymous No. 959786

>Why do Blender tutorials suck?
boy, you obviously never watched daz3d tutorials

Anonymous No. 959803

Because "no time to explain, do what I just did" is the most retarded way of teaching something, and deeply explaining concepts aka proper teaching goes against the principles of opensource, aka free to launch, fortune to learn

Anonymous No. 959820

It dips the toes. Besides, the tutorial is irrelevant for any actual workflow. Not good for a first impression.
Again, a random tutorial for Houdini is going to be so much more useful for a complete newfag. You instantly retain the logic behind every panel, and that stays no matter which mode you're in. This is simply not the case for Blender, which requires you to know buttons for actions you are yet to study.

Anonymous No. 959901

Went to privat 3d school, they only teach youtube tutorial tier stuff. Waste of money. I'd recommend studying the documentation and getting intell from other sources than tutorial videos

Anonymous No. 960291

Everything I know about 3d modeling I learned from a Udemy course.
I skipped the animation portion though which was fucking long.

Anonymous No. 960313

>Why do Blender tutorials suck?
comes with the territory of being free

Anonymous No. 963694

im in the same boat, i genuinely have no idea what to do, I feel like a monkey just copying tutorials
I try to make my own models but I clearly have no internalised mechanism for going through it, every tutorial I find just confuses me a bit more

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Anonymous No. 963697

Ask specific questions in discords / forums, if you're a beginner consuming random tutorials with no structure and no ideas on what you want to do, no shit you'll never get anywhere.
Try to set yourself a project, like
>Make gun
>Make car
>Make <insert thing you want to make>
(ideally something relatively simple and angular, not organic, organic shapes are a whole other thing and it's best to start with something that is more easily broken down into base shapes)

Once you do that, start looking up specific problems you have, you'll be internalizing a lot more knowledge while working on something you yourself would like to make, as opposed to just copying every cool thing you see on youtube for no foreseeable reason.
It's why the donut tutorial despite being way longer than it should be is a relatively good place to start because you know what you're making and it teaches you the basics of everything so you can start working on more complex shapes and projects when you're done with it.

Anonymous No. 963932

Then there's "tutorials" that are like a minute long, or in Youtube's garbage short format so it will be easy for ADHD zoomer kiddies to follow along. And then there are ones that aren't really tutorials but rather adverts promoting some shitty addon to do all the work for you. I noticed that these are coming from retarded poo-in-loo Indian channels.

Anonymous No. 963935

Have you ever tried the doughnut tutorial made by Andrew Price?
It's really good to start with blender

Anonymous No. 963943

Oh yeah, twice even. Helped out quite a bit because I didn't know how to extrude.

Anonymous No. 963951

because its click bait for tweens. its free and a step below paid software. great for porn. not much for serious work or games unless its simple indie shit or daz visual novels.

most of those tutorials just rehash the same shit cause its really not a matter of knowing but a matter of commitment. you need to commit to practicing, but most people dont. they just watch the same tutorials acting like theyre learning.

Anonymous No. 964198

Other than learning something like the Donut to get your feet wet, you're better just trying, failing and looking up for very specific shit.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 964261

>not much for serious work or games unless its simple indie shit or daz visual novels.
I hate when people say this shit when you actually have good small indie projects on YouTube made in Blender. Same morons who say Flash is bad because it's used to make a plethora of shitty television cartoons when it can be used to make something great.

Anonymous No. 964268

I like blender, because I'm poor and I use linux

Anonymous No. 964282

>type whatever you're looking for
It's not that hard