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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957899

Unity's unironically over for us, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 957900

hebraic horrors beyond gentile comprehension

Anonymous No. 957908

meanwhile unreal slop is free until you make like 1 million dillas

Anonymous No. 957909

Only 2 engines left, unreal and godot. What the fuck. All this time scripting unity and buying into the eco - for nothing

Anonymous No. 957916

I hope o3de will soon come into picture, although I know it's just wishful thinking.

Anonymous No. 957925

Unfathomably based engine continues to spit in the face of all other engines. I want to give my life to tim sweeny.

Anonymous No. 957928

I'm a filmmaker using unreal and I get to keep all the profits. It's a great feeling.

Anonymous No. 957930

Ironically unreal engine 4/5 does not work with hdr video or imagery, and definetly not dolbyvision , both musts for film. Its literally dead in the water for film because of this

Anonymous No. 957943

Ive been pondering about making a game with baked light more or less in paper mario style, pondering if disabling all the extra lighting and having vertex lighting in UE is doable?

Anonymous No. 957946

Just use Godot or UE, unity is a meme engine

Anonymous No. 957948

Well, if you bought assets at least most come with fbx files you can take elsewhere. But if you bought scripts/libraries, guess you're fucked. The unity CEO is the same guy who wanted to charge players per reload in Battlefield while he was at EA.

Anonymous No. 957949


Anonymous No. 957953

Im not shitting you, check the forums

Anonymous No. 957960

My laziness finally paid off, was working on a unity game with a friend about 2 years ago but we got burned out after getting about 40% done. If this shit had happened right after we finished I would have ganked myself.

Anonymous No. 957961

That's why you export it from the sequencer into premiere or davinci resolve and edit from there. It's not a one-in-all type program.

I've been using unreal for film since 4.

Anonymous No. 957966

Thats not how a hdr pipeline works

Anonymous No. 957967


Anonymous No. 957968


Anonymous No. 957973

It simply doesnt work, anon. Look at the forums

Anonymous No. 957976

You're the one making claims here.

Anonymous No. 957981

Dude there is documentation in the manual but if you actually try to put it into practice it will simply not work and they have verified this on the official epic forums. Hdr content in ue 4 and 5 has been broken for years.

Anonymous No. 957984

Then post links to it faggot.

Anonymous No. 957991

No, search the forums yourself

Anonymous No. 958013

I did search the forums and you're lying.

Anonymous No. 958025

Does unity pay you two faggots to derail the convo?

How many cents per install they offer you?

Anonymous No. 958027

yes they do. I currently get 125 dollars a post. Thanks for the extra income! :)

Anonymous No. 958029

You should try a board that is not dead then, you suck at doing business

Anonymous No. 958031

This whole website gives me those sweet jewish dollars. You keep responding, I get another 125.

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Anonymous No. 958032

Unity bros, switch to Godot.

Anonymous No. 958033

very shitty drawing i know
forgot to remove some shit lines i couldnt see
but i dont care

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958034

i mostly do mobile and last time i tried to run a godot project on an iphone it wanted to install a long list of deprecated janky shit which made it look like no development had been done for ios in ages. def not risking a project on the whims of "open source" developers who when their shit doesn't work just say "ask for your money back haw haw!". since i'm only into mobile, i'm just gonna use apple's scenekit. android people have no money and just pirate your shit anyways. unreal is nice if you're a aaa studio doing a movie tie-in game with millions of dollars to hire a dozen c++ devs, but for solo devs it's ass.

Anonymous No. 958035

you make mobile games
we are not the same

what kind of mobile games do you make anon

Anonymous No. 958037

>16 gigs to go downloading unreal 5.3
man c++ is such a shitshow and blueprints are like a nightmare. did that stupid haskell-like language they hired those academic boomers to make ever get released? god, unreal is such shit, but at least they have a sane revenue model unlike some people.

Anonymous No. 958038

Good OC

Anonymous No. 958039

i dont like unreal desu
realistic graphics look boring and look like shit
i like stylistic games
there is a drunk woman screaming and crying outside my house

Anonymous No. 958049

>release game for free
>get paid via patreon

Anonymous No. 958050

it doesn't have to be super naturalistic. games like borderlands, dragonquest and octopath traveller don't try to look like a live action movie.

how come no one mentioned defold yet? does it suck? i didn't really look into it other than you can use lua or c++ neither of which i'm crazy about, but it looks ok for pixelshit.

Anonymous No. 958051

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is this pay per install for us unity developers? I would like to continue to use it as i am already quite invested but everyone is saying this is one of the most if not the most severe rugpull they have ever seen in this industry

Anonymous No. 958052

>On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is this pay per install for us unity developers?
You are fucked my friend

Anonymous No. 958054

You are not doing a good job derailing -20 dollars per post.

Anonymous No. 958055

Check out for anus bleeding in the next month

Anonymous No. 958058

What are the specifics? how much money do you have to have made? How many downloads? How do they know? do pirated copies count? What if my game is free?

Anonymous No. 958060

In free plan 200,000 downloads and earn $200,000 in revenue, after that 20cents per instal

Anonymous No. 958061

before you have a panic attack and a major meltdown, why don't you actually read the specifics. for some businesses, it's still cheaper than unreal. for others, it's gonna suck.

Anonymous No. 958062

This sounds retarded still. What's a download? what's revenue? If my game is free and I get payed on patreon how does that count? Does my day job salary count against me too? What if people pirate my game? What if I have no distribution method besides my audience?

What if I make some bullshit newgrounds dick punching game and it goes viral causing a million downloads on websites i dont control?

Anonymous No. 958063

one thing that's annoying that i haven't seen anyone mention, is you have to now get the $2000 pro plan to remove the unity splash screen. not the biggest deal, but it's just another thing made worse by this change.

Anonymous No. 958064

>We are happy to work with any developer who has been the victim of piracy so that they are not unfairly hurt by unwanted installs.
that's what they say about piracy. not giving me a lot of confidence, personally, but they say you won't be on the hook for it.

Anonymous No. 958065

That's the whole point, if I was them I will count pirated as installs more money for me

Anonymous No. 958066


So for poed up terrestrial nigger game developers like me it sounds like it might be infeasible to incur the 20 cent fee.
A free game COULD go viral and exceed 200k downloads but that would be very unlikely to turn into 200k in YEARLY revenue on crowdfunding. and if it did that'd be tits anyways.
It must be Both. Both high download count and high revenue or else it doesnt get fined. Im sure there's an actual definition of a "download" in their terms of service but it's not on the blog. I wonder if you could "sell" the game for like 100m per copy and then just quietly let the game be "pirated" and court crowdfunders. therefore, all downloads are illegitimate.

Anonymous No. 958067

they let us do it then they took it back.
oh well. I guess the unity logo will proudly feature alongside my hordcore fetish porn game.

Anonymous No. 958068

"work with" is code for "guilty till proven innocent"

Anonymous No. 958069

it's also weird how they say "unwanted installs" rather than illegitimate installs or illegal installs. like, oh, what you didn't WANT those ten thousand installs from that torrent? make it sound like it was just your opinion not to want them. they already sound adversarial.

Anonymous No. 958070

i want this creepy shit off my computer

Anonymous No. 958071

Yeah how the hell do they know someone installed the game? Does the unityplayer tatle?

Anonymous No. 958072

I told you guys years ago to start working on your own engines, to at least learn opengl and directx and ideally vulkan but nobody would listen.

Now we are in a doomsday scenario. Ai will not help you build an engine.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958074

if you roll your own cross platform engine as a solo dev you'll probably never actually ship a game.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958075

ngl tho i'm thinking about how hard it would be to make an engine for simple 2d rpgs on top of something like .net maui.

Anonymous No. 958076

>start up unreal 5.3
>compiling shaders .... .... .... ....
ya there's reason this isn't my first choice, but here we are

Anonymous No. 958082

Even godot mogs us now. We are a laughingstock

Anonymous No. 958083

holy shit it FINALLY loaded! when did i post that? 21:41:44? and what time is it now? well i think the first start up on a new install is always slow as shit, but ngl i thought it might have crashed there for a minute or maybe ten minutes.

Anonymous No. 958084

Just submit some random digital fingerprint that uses the developer id as a seed to some host.
The engine itself is totally proprietary so that's easy.

Stop procrastinating playing around with engine settings.

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Anonymous No. 958085

Enginedev bros... we won

Anonymous No. 958086

>try to open my old 5.1 project
>project can't be compiled, would you like to open it in rider?
i'd prefer not to. fuck. why the fuck did unity have to pull this shit. unreal sucks ass, but unity is dead to me.

Anonymous No. 958087

you know a trick to speed up compiling this shit? i just want to make some shit for ios not some crazy start of the art nvidia gaming pc shit.

Anonymous No. 958089

It asks you if you want to migrate it to the new version when you open it. And unless you want to play around with cutting edge features you can just stay at the version you've made the project in.

Anonymous No. 958092

Don't import too many assets into the project willy nilly. It will compile shaders for everything you have in your project folders so delete the stuff you don't need.

Anonymous No. 958093

So you doods are going to stick with unity even through all this or are you going to jump ship? For me, i already pay $500 a year for a sub to a soft owned by unity, ziva vfx. That soft is starting to die too since the acquisition

Anonymous No. 958096

i might just start doing web development and make a bunch of websites, or maybe just doing some mobile apps in their native dev kits. sick of all of this shit. unreal is so clunky. c++ really sucks. this unity shit is like a nightmare tho. and after godot took money from that venture capitalist, i don't trust them either. they're gonna pull some shit some day. yeah, i think i'm just gonna go work on some other kind of indie development projects.

Anonymous No. 958097

I never could have imagined it would have gotten this bad, this quickly with unity. I just hope for a sale of the engine to big corpo (m$ or fb)

Anonymous No. 958099

apparently neither unity not unreal supports arabic script even though there are 400 million arabic speakers probably half of which are under 30 and have mobile phones. godot, however, does. not to mention, you click on it, and it opens right away, not 30 seconds or a half hour later. i have some doubts, but for now, i'm going godot.

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Anonymous No. 958103

They changed this question in the FAQ with the old response seemingly implying they weren't gonna do this, "Our proprietary method with many sources blah blah" but now it's straight up not even addressing the question. You'll refine it over time ? Sounds like a yes to me

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Anonymous No. 958116

Arabs BTFO

Anonymous No. 958119

I have no hope that any game I make in Unity will get me over that 200k+ yearly where the charges start taking effect.

Anonymous No. 958123

>Projects written in C# using Godot 4 currently cannot be exported to iOS.
ok nevermind, unreal it is!

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958124

is being a solo dev even worth it for less than 200k revenue pre-tax? you could just take a regular programming job and make 150k without stress and that would include a gold-plated healthcare plan and a nice fat 401k. sure, there's a chance you could get laid off, but there's a lot of ways for being a solo dev to go sideways including your game engine completely changing their fee schedule one day randomly.

Anonymous No. 958127

so are these install fees going to be indexed to inflation?

Anonymous No. 958128

i hate my day job and now i hate my night job too!

Anonymous No. 958138

damn i hope when i sell this stack of unity books on ebay the auction price covers the cost of shipping otherwise i will just throw them in a recycling bin

Anonymous No. 958140

>apparently neither unity not unreal supports arabic script
which is based
t. Godot dev

Anonymous No. 958141

How is Godot? What is wrong with it?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958142

Do Unity shareholders have any recourse? Can a public company just commit suicide like that?

Anonymous No. 958144

>What if I make some bullshit newgrounds dick punching game and it goes viral causing a million downloads on websites i dont control?

you now own them 200k more or less.
My favourite part is they are the ones measuring downloads so you have to trust them.

Anonymous No. 958148

>You now owe them 200k
This is why they want you to charge more for your game, so that you can afford to pay them. Hell if you dont charge enough you will be in debt

Anonymous No. 958151

I hate Unity so much it's starting to become a religion.
It's time to hire some underpaid indians to make godot's rendered at least half good.

Anonymous No. 958152

That won't make it any better. Megacorps started the last stage of the embrace, extend, extinguish phase of this economic cycle too.

Anonymous No. 958162

I beleive i will not incur the unity fees woth what im doing and im already really deep in my project. But im really annoyed eith this. It could get worse. As pro devs jump ship and amateurs stay they could just adjust these numbers again and suddenly im on the hook for my memes

Anonymous No. 958163

Video games are haram anyways

Anonymous No. 958165

Of course. Studios will calculate how many download per copy sold , multiply by 2 or 3 and pass the costs to the clients, pocketing a bit in the process.

Anonymous No. 958166

Yes that sounds like a yes. Also sounds like a little tweaking of the domain registry will snip that in the bud too. Build it into an install wizard?
I just cant see how they could tjink they could charge devs for people pirating their games. Unless i have a digital storefront that records who downloads the game there is not and could not be any proof a download is legitimate. As if youd have to pay a distribution fee whenever 2 kids swap cartridges. The next version of gamedev tycoon should have this as their anti piracy feature.

Anonymous No. 958167

this'll be interesting. You can get a lot of people to try your game for free, and that figure drops 99% the moment you charge 1 cent.
What about free demos? Trial versions? Updates? what happens when an already counted user accidentally deletes their copy and has to download it again? What if theyre using a chromebook and technically are downloading the game every time they access it from their cloud service?
I can see why they dont want to define "download" or "install" because the moment they do there will be 1 million ways to circumvent it.

Anonymous No. 958170

We are just going to have to wait and see what happens. Unfortunately it is very difficult to make a new engine that runs on all platforms

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Anonymous No. 958173


Anonymous No. 958181

the people that are going to be squeezed by this are people making free to play shitware that you install, play for ten seconds until getting spammed to death ads, and then uninstall. well, boohoo, i don't care. and the hobbyists having a hissy fit and switching to godot weren't going to ever make 200k anyways. before this change, i wasn't sure unity could even stay in business as they have never been profitable. this actually means unity will be sustainable and not slowly spiraling the drain. i'm staying with unity.

Anonymous No. 958188

Do you think its possible to limit the installs by the user to say 4? And then they have to buy again? Like they do with Plasticity.

Anonymous No. 958191

>cant fuck with 3d
>worse 2d than unity
>open source meme
>wants to be blender
>more bugs than competitors
>starts a fund cause no one substantial uses it

Lets be real, it was just unreal or unity. One choice left.

Anonymous No. 958244

No bro, I thought the same a year ago, but Godot has a lot of potential, to be fair unreal is the goat, but I have been developing in Godot (not by choice) and it is not as bad. And by lucky guess bthe project is save, I couldn't say that if I was using that meme engine

Anonymous No. 958262

do the ad spam games make 200k themselves?
Both 200k in revenue AND in downloads. They make new games, they make new companies over and over. They're probably immune to this too.
The people most squeezed by this are the most legitimate incarnation of game devs. Professional studios with serious developers barely existing under the weight of all the licenses they have to pay just to even begin development. The more "right" youre trying to do things the closer to the center of the blast radius you are on this decision.

Anonymous No. 958266

professional studios with more than 1 million in revenue will pay less than unreal. imagine you sell some indie game for $20 a pop on steam. with 1 million revenue the highest rate you would pay is 15 cents an install. that works out to 0.75% of revenue per sale. unreal you would pay $1 per sale. not to mention any installs in emerging markets are only 1 cent on unity pro. if your game can't generate more than 1 cent of customer lifetime value, i really doubt you're doing anything legitimately worthwhile. sounds more like you're tricking kids to install your shit, then hammer them with ads until they uninstall, resulting in a few pennies for you.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958288

>with 1 million revenue the highest rate you would pay is 15 cents an install. that works out to 0.75% of revenue per sale. unreal you would pay $1 per sale
Unreal is free below $1M and the 5% are for YOUR revenue. (After steam 30%, after publisher 50%)
Also $20 a pop on steam is sort of high, most indies sell for less than half that.

Anonymous No. 958289

>with 1 million revenue the highest rate you would pay is 15 cents an install.
And with unreal that's zero, per project. So you can have 10 games making 1M revenue each and still pay nothing.

The big difference is you pay for unreal takes the cut after a game becomes successful, not before it.

Anonymous No. 958294

Thats not a sustainable economic plan for unity as a company which is used 99% by indie devs who make under one million. Unity has never made money. If they keep doing that shit they WILL have to close

Anonymous No. 958295

>Thats not a sustainable economic plan
Neither is minmaxing it based on profits that comes from indie devs.
This makes some existing games straight up lose money and it forces them to switch or shut down.

Anonymous No. 958298

if this doesn't get contested they will lower the 200k figure in the future to fuck as many developers as possible, especially if they count pirated copies.
realistically, unity will get fucked as soon as this goes to a court though, you cant make policy changes like this apply retroactively.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958299

>And with unreal that's zero, per project. So you can have 10 games making 1M revenue each and still pay nothing.
look at this dude. the unity fee applies if you make 1 million dollars in the ttm. the unreal fee applies for the life of the project. so again, unity is cheaper. the amount of misinformation about this makes me think some of this is intentional fud by their competitors. you know, the kind of opportunists fundraising off this. moreover, a lot of the people having a meltdown are the same people who said they were going to switch to mastodon when musk bought twitter. chances are they're sill on x. it's all business. if they can get go viral with some hysterical virtue signaling to promote their game they will. for example, the dev of that sheep game said they were gonna pull it from steam on january 1st and when ppl said that is absurd, five million views later they were like lol jk.

Anonymous No. 958304

The 1M figure is for unity pro.
200k is more or less the minimum break even point for a 3-4 person game. (Basic cost of living for a year, publisher and steam cuts)
That means those would have to subscribe to unity pro or get rekt by the fee if they want any more than that.

Anonymous No. 958305

>This makes some existing games straight up lose money and it forces them to switch or shut down.
you have to raise the price. No more flooding the market with 50 cent - 99 cent games.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958306

unity pro costs $2000 dollars a year. that is one percent of $200,000 revenue or one cent per first 200,000 installs. honestly, if you change to an engine that actually costs more or has significantly less features over some viral tweets, well, what did sunzi say? don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake? best of luck to you, i don't care.

Anonymous No. 958307

unitys pricing is now way too complicated and rife for "OOPS YA READ IT WRONG NOW YA OWE US 10 MILLION BUCKS"

Anonymous No. 958309

Plus tax, per seat paid out of pocket before release.

Anonymous No. 958312

first of all, untrue, but more importantly, every business has expenses, that's why business loans exist and why people raise capital. use what you want, i don't care.

Anonymous No. 958315


Anonymous No. 958317

then use godot you fag.

Anonymous No. 958325

Tim Epic is so based I have no further words

Anonymous No. 958330

>they will lower the 200k figure in the future

Anonymous No. 958386

Godot can always just fork in case the ball is dropped and the venture capitalist can do nothing about it.

Anonymous No. 958391

lol apple

Anonymous No. 958393

So what's the go to engine for 2D now? 3D is obviously Unreal but what about 2D?

A possible reason (can't remember entirely) I went for Unity was because it has good support for both 2D and 3D but now I have to pick one engine for each.

Anonymous No. 958395

2D games aren't made anymore from now on. Sorry.

Anonymous No. 958396

My current video game is too deep into development too bail ship now. Next game, should there be one, might not be in the same engine. It depends on certain factors regardless of Unity's CEO backing off from the new business model. The engine is now too high risk to use for any future games, rollback or not. From what I've understood it seems to be the CEO's doing but I'm not sure entirely, however considering his actions I'm sure it was.

Anonymous No. 958408


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958409

>lol largest game platform in the world
mobile games are a 90 billion dollar market which is more than the twice the 45 billion of pc games.

Anonymous No. 958410

wow your games make more than one million dollars a year? very impressive! with that kind of success i'd just stick with what works, but the decision is yours.

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Anonymous No. 958449

>"Starting in November, Unity Personal users will get a new sign-in and online user experience. Users will need to be signed into the Hub with their Unity ID and connect to the internet to use Unity. If the internet connection is lost, users can continue using Unity for up to 3 days while offline."

Anonymous No. 958454

on a scale of 1 to 10, its sounding like potentially anywhere from thousands, tends of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional charges depending on installs (which apparently people are worried can also be maliciously spoofed), charged retroactively for previous lifetime installs, charged for every machine a player installs on even if they only buy one copy of the game.

like apparently they are saying if you sold a couple thousand copies of a game 5 years ago, get your ass ready for a retroactive bill in a few months

Anonymous No. 958458

this whole unity thing has revealed that a large portion of so-called "indie developers" don't have a clue what the hell they are doing and seem to actually be cognitively impaired. is that why so many indie games fail? basically everything you have said it wrong.

Anonymous No. 958480

Are you unironically retarded? How the fuck are you going to code anything if you are unable to read? you fucking mongoloid.

Anonymous No. 958482

are you developing two games at the same time and you need advice from 4chins?

Anonymous No. 958484

The best choice is Unity3D

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unity sold.png

Anonymous No. 958498

Anonymous No. 958500

dont care, still using Unity3d.

I know it, its fast, (real real fast), it can still be used for the demo reel even if you dont "sell games" or "provide links to download games" but just show in engine clips on youtube to get a job at a real studio. Nothing has changed for people using it like this. Never intended to make a profit off of it in the first place, just wanted to use it as a stepping stone with in engine video clips to get hired by a real studio

Anonymous No. 958504

>Never intended to make a profit off of it in the first place

Anonymous No. 958515

>he sold 2,000 shares!
dude he has like 3.5 million shares and sells a few thousand regularly as part of his compensation.

Anonymous No. 958516

read it and weep while you wait for your unreal shaders to compile

Anonymous No. 958520

this will only happen if they actually deliver on their ai tech (game creation and advertisements)

Anonymous No. 958522

That's not a problem for you, but it will be a problem for your employer... and he is the one who is going to change game engines, making your skills useless, I can not understand how people can not see this.

Anonymous No. 958526

no, my skills wont be useless. All you have to do is make the assets (which is the hardest part), put them into a realtime engine, and then trigger them according to some inputs. This is what all engines do. Unity just does it the fastest / smoothest.

Anonymous No. 958528

Oh I didn't knew that was that simple, just model shit and then use Triggers on a game engine and you have the game done, of course. Then studios only have to move your models from one engine not another and apply a few triggers and that's done, maybe 20 minutes to an hour of work to migrate a game from an engine to another.

Anonymous No. 958529

im not sitting here and making an entire game by myself you child, neither would i want to play a videogame. I am only interested in making assets for short sections and then putting them into realtime and recording that in order to get a job where I would be one of hundreds working in a pipeline with established proprietary software

Anonymous No. 958530

That's exactly my point dude, you make assets on a 3d modelling program, but when they ask for experience in the game engine yes, your experience will be worthless.

Anonymous No. 958531

anon, all game engines are are triggers according to keyboard / gamepad inputs. Understand this.

Anonymous No. 958532

you guys really think any studio is going to change engines over a minor price increase? i swear "indie" game devs are so fucking immature. when google cloud raises their price, do you see devops people having a hysterical meltdown? no. they gripe for a minute and move on. unity is still cheaper than unreal. do you think they are gonna spend time and money to switch to a more expensive engine? or an engine that doesn't even support their platforms? i should just stop even browsing /3/. this place is silly.

Anonymous No. 958591

>Unity's unironically over for us, isn't it?
Yes. I have already started to switch to Godot.
t Unity gamedev for 15 years.

Godot is really not as smooth as Unity, but fuck these assholes and their mafia tactics. Unity CEO is ex-EA and... just look at his face! Look at his face!

Anonymous No. 958595

You are here because you don't make any money

Anonymous No. 958615

Stop projecting.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958617

have fun paying w4 games later when you're stuck in the godot ghetto lmao

Anonymous No. 958621

you used unity for 15 years but didn't know who the ceo was until now? ohhhkay. these godot shills are getting unbelievable.

Anonymous No. 958624

What do you recommend I study? blender, zbrush or maya?
In terms of job opportunities, there are a little more in Blender but projects in any program are accepted.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958638

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1292
Disdainful Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread: >>443945495

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958643

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1292
Disdainful Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread: >>443945495

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958644

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1292
Disdainful Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread: >>443945495

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Anonymous No. 958645

No royalties, no fucking around!

Anonymous No. 958649

he obviously hates free to play bullshit and he's not wrong

Anonymous No. 958652

>we're fucking over leeches on society by being bigger leeches.
>you should be for us because we fuck leeches.
Seems to me there's a part missing here.

Anonymous No. 958656

>We have heard you. We apologize for the confusion and angst the runtime fee policy we announced on Tuesday caused. We are listening, talking to our team members, community, customers, and partners, and will be making changes to the policy. We will share an update in a couple of days. Thank you for your honest and critical feedback.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958657

they'll probably institute some shit like a flat revenue share like unreal which will end up costing all of you idiots MORE than the stupid install fee would have ugh i can't believe they gave in to the mob

Anonymous No. 958659

We are silly because we ask questions about how they are going to calculate the amount of money that I have to pay? Yeah, that sounds crazy and hysterical, questioning how are going to implement that is not a normal thing to do.

Better being hysterical than a faggot that lets himself get fucked by your daddy unity, you sound like one of those blenderfags.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958663

if you have ever actually shipped something, you know itunes connect and google play show you your total downloads, current installs, active installs, etc. if unity just started making stuff up it would be pretty obvious since it wouldn't match what you're seeing in the app store consoles. i swear half the people having a hissy fit about this have never even published anything let alone made any money and so would never even be affected by these fees in the first place.

Anonymous No. 958700

>borderlands, dragonquest and octopath traveller
any non-AAA examples?

Anonymous No. 958711

People get paid 100s of thousands of dollars to do what you're doing rn for free

Anonymous No. 958712

especially after they go out of business and all of their tools and software become completely free!

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958725

says the guy who shills to make the owners of w4 games rich, haha bozo

Anonymous No. 958727

it will be funny in like year to see all these people proudly declaring their transition to another engine quietly detransitioning when they realized the shit they switched to blows. good job wasting a year of development time on an snap emotional decision, lmao.

Anonymous No. 958747

>i dont like unreal desu
>realistic graphics look boring and look like shit
i like stylistic games
Then just make stylistic assets?
People use it for realism because it's easy to do, but there's nothing about the engine that prevents you from stylizing. A game engine is a canvas- what you paint onto it is up to you

Anonymous No. 958769

> A game engine is a canvas- what you paint onto it is up to you
thats not true. Some are orders of magnitude slower than others in development cycles (unreal).

Stay vigilant with unity. Wait for the new statement.

Anonymous No. 958773

according to this the new fees will max out at 4% of revenue so even for the shadiest free-to-play games it will still be cheaper than unreal, but as before most people selling desktop games on steam aren't even going to come close to so many installs per sale. it doesn't say if it's for one million dollars in the trailing twelve months like the original fee schedule or one million dollars for the lifetime of the project like unreal, but it seems like it will probably be the ttm model which again is much cheaper for indie devs who might only pass the one mil threshold on the launch year and then fall below it later. on the other hand free-to-play games that have a constant stream of revenue from ads and in-app purchases will be more impacted, but even those guys can switch to unity ads and have the fees waived supposedly. also this report says users will "self-report" their installs which i imagine just means sending them data from your store dashboards. will you all fucking calm down now? sheesh. oh and all that money you donated to godot? like bernie says "no refunds!".

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958781

>according to this the new fees will max out at 4% of revenue
How to lie with statistics

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cris No. 958783

I keep winning when I told you to use a FOSS workflow, chuds.

I literally told you about FOSS workflow since 2 years ago.

Anonymous No. 958784

>according to this the new fees will max out at 4% of revenue
Why does this come from some shill posting on bloomberg instead of their official blog?
Smells like bullshit.

Anonymous No. 958801

is it finally the year of the linux desktop?

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unity feeasco.jpg

Anonymous No. 958859

the memes about his though

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Anonymous No. 958885

It's cheeepaaaahh !!

Anonymous No. 958886

this "chart" is unreal / godot propaganda

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Anonymous No. 958888

I'm confused, anon. It makes sense that jumping to an entirely new software would be a hassle (learning the UI, programming language, etc), but from a purely visual standpoint- it wouldn't make a difference.
Your model would still have the exact same albedo, metallic, roughness, specular, & normal maps. The exact same UVs. The exact same shapekeys. The only difference is that a different software is loading them- text is the same whether you read it in wordpad or notepad.

What can you do (graphically) in Unity that you wouldn't be able to do in Unreal?

Anonymous No. 958890

you can get to the result (graphical result, on screen) 10-30x quicker

Anonymous No. 958897

Shill, you gave me the last push I needed to donate to Godot

Thanks for making Godot great!

Anonymous No. 958901

godot cant even build for ios

Anonymous No. 958903

Is that because of the engine itself or are you just more used to one of the two?

Anonymous No. 958905

the engine itself. Unreal's has a shitty, slow workflow that can't compete with unity's c# in iteration speed and unreals blueprints are awful

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958925

ask Cybereality how supporting godot worked out

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958926

blueprints suck so bad but if you use c++ you will spend most of your day waiting for it to compile. both options are terrible which is why they wanted that new language, too bad they enlisted some old boomer professors to implement an academic language based on theories that were last considered a good idea in like 1992.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958929

was it more than 5% of your revenue? if you have zero revenue that's a yes. penny wise and pound foolish.

Anonymous No. 958932

lol @ this godot paypig

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Anonymous No. 958942

lel, you can calculate examples yourself if you don't believe,
but i get it math isn't for anyone

Anonymous No. 958943

> still be cheaper than unreal
wrong, for 2.500.000 unreal charges 3% because the first million is excluded

4% limit can make devs bankrupt still, only kicks in after a certain rev, which means under rev limit the dev pays variable rate that can become multiple times the rev

just a 10-20% can throw your studio in the trash
All this worldwide rage and unity is still trying to break us

Anonymous No. 958944

Godot is nice because open source but Unreal Unigine Flax are better

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958954

the first million is excluded on unity too. if unity's pricing is so bad why do all you shills have to lie about it?

Anonymous No. 958955

>can only make pc or android games
it's unironically over for godot

Anonymous No. 958956

you do know steam takes 30% of your revenue from sales right? why aren't all you hysterical e-activists having a protest about THAT? oh, right, because you're just shills from unity's competitors, not actually concerned with fair revenue share.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958963

if you want a truly cross platform engine that's open source use defold. godot shills will never mention it because they are dishonest.

Anonymous No. 958975

> why don't you protest something else instead of unity, all of you are shills because you are protesting unity

Anonymous No. 958977

This finally debunks the myth that unity "pro" gets rid of the issue.
What people forget is that a large number of mobile games operate on the free to play/ advertising model and are mostly installed on a whim.
Last week's disclosures also provide insight that it's a calculated move to destroy the competition in the mobile game ad space.

If US anti-trust regulations weren't totally cucked they would already be all over this.

Anonymous No. 958979

Are you dumb? steam 30% is not good true, but unity fee is variable from 0 to infinite
if a mobile game is successful but don't monetize enough its dev is bankrupt (fee is > 100% of revenue)

Anonymous No. 958980


Anonymous No. 959014

so you guys are really going to switch engines on behalf of some guy who makes more than a million dollars a year based on 500 million new installs per year? if you have noticed there are less than 7 billion smartphones on earth. at some point this guy is gonna run out of users. i'm sure he appreciates you virtue signaling for him by switching to a shittier engine and all, but... personally, i don't care about that guy. he can get a better way to monetize his installs. i'm going to do what's best for me not what's best for some hypothetical million dollar a year business which may not even exist. do what you want though.

Anonymous No. 959015

doesn't need to be 200% to cause bankruptcy
just the orange lines are enough,
Even green ones, some studios barely earn something, add to it 5% on rev (not profit because it would be 0$) and the accounts are in the negative

with UE 5% on profit means if the studio doesn't make profit it won't have to pay anything

unity just did this to make mobile game studios swith to their ironsource scam, ironsource is the big evil guy Unity second

Anonymous No. 959017

oh i didn't know there were so many free-to-play mobile game developers on /3/. yeah, you guys should totally switch to godot. have fun!

Anonymous No. 959020

>4% limit can make devs bankrupt still,
its 4%. You have 96% left

>but unity fee is variable from 0 to infinite
they take 4% maximum

Anonymous No. 959023

>Retard doesnt understand what revenue is.

Anonymous No. 959024

Exactly, they are not interested in the indy developer, just in the free to play for mobile so can use iron source instead, small developers are just canon fodder.

Anonymous No. 959025

You can not be more wrong even if you try it

Anonymous No. 959026

yeah, he probably doesn't make snap businesses decisions based on random infographics he sees on twitter, sad!

Anonymous No. 959027

But free to play android mobile phone games are exactly the thing that created all this, or at least the mediation company between your game and the adds you get ...

Anonymous No. 959028

you dont seem to understand percentages. You lose 4%. You now have 96%.

Steam takes 30%. You now have 66%.

Anonymous No. 959029

won't someone think of the free-to-play mobile game developers who bring in more than a million dollars of revenue a year?! i'm going to totally switch my entire tech stack to virtue signal on their behalf!

Anonymous No. 959049

it can apply for desktop indie games with medium-high success, even more if they're low priced or if the install reporting is incorrect

Anonymous No. 959050

Either a retard or a shill

> its 4%. You have 96% left
steam cut comes first, then publisher cut comes second, what remains is company revenue
then you remove unity fee based on installs
then you pay your country taxes
then you pay all employees
then you pay all other production costs

> they take 4% maximum
no, rumors have it by over 1 million, so all those under 1 million can still get f*** by unity
and it this 4% cap doesn't even address the other huge fee problems

Anonymous No. 959051

Why do shills like to compare to Godot? it's fairly ok but subpar compared to other C# engines

Anonymous No. 959054

Why would you use Godot with C# when you have GDScript and C++? I really hope Godot devs don't waste months of dev time catering to Unity "developers" who demand C# and can't be arsed to spend 2 weeks on learning Not-Python

Anonymous No. 959060



Anonymous No. 959068

GDScript is too slow for a lot of tasks (custom animation systems, procedural generation, fancy CPU particle logic, any situation where you need to iterate over 10,000 of something).
Also, the GDScript threading support is horrible. You can't debug a running thread and the program routinely crashes on exit if a thread is running, even if I'm careful to join/clean up the threads before exit.
C# has its own threading system which is more stable in general and can be debugged.

C++ is inconvenient to use with Godot in my experience, the iteration times are way slower than when using gdscript or c#.
I do use it for a few things that need to be as fast as possible.

For regular game code or even some performance-sensitive stuff, c# is a nice compromise, and it's already well supported in Godot and has been since long before the Unity fiasco

Anonymous No. 959086

goverment + steam + taxes + publisher fees literally take 70-80% of the profits off a game.

So It's like like 5% of 10-15% of the final profit off a game for some A studio.

Anonymous No. 959088

You dont have to use steam. You can easily get that 30% back

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Anonymous No. 959090


Anonymous No. 959091

> just do it! its ez
Do you even know a thing about gamedev business?

Anonymous No. 959093

>Epic takes a 12 percent commission on game sales, meaning developers keep the money earned from the remaining 88 percent

you don't know anything about the videogame industry

Anonymous No. 959119

Anon you wont be making 200k anyway, its still free

Anonymous No. 959122

200k is chump change for a multi year, multi staffed project

Anonymous No. 959127

the guy used to be the CEO of EA when it was one of the most hated companies in the world.
he's one of the pioneers of free to play bullshit.

Anonymous No. 959130

what would you rather have
>free to play
>$70 a pop


Anonymous No. 959139

you're part of a multi-year multi-staffed project? interesting. how big is your team? what kind of game are you making?

Anonymous No. 959141

>look at a paywalled unreal tut just to see what its like if i really want to jump ship
>this fucking idiot is doing animation directly in unreal instead of importing alembics and usd

these are the people desperately trying to convert us

Anonymous No. 959148

Most Godot movers will regret their decision. Godot is an engine for the newbies, for the careless. Unity users will move, spent weeks/months with it and realize how shit it is compared to Unity. Godot can only be "good" if there's nothing to compare to.

Anonymous No. 959149

So you are telling me that there is a new way to publish your game that is unity based and takes 0 dollars? Unreal has one, then there's steam, so if you have a magic way to publish the game to a heavy amount of people without paying, that's great, for the rest of humanity cuts on publishing comes first than the install fees

Anonymous No. 959151

Unreal is still better than unity and people use it, what's your point?
One thing being better than other in an specific way does not mean anything if you can't use it for what you need, and if you end up in a loss for the install fees then unity is still a worthless piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 959153

based noticer

Anonymous No. 959155

Imagine 4 people over 2 years, even with as small amount the salary of those 4 takes a big chunk of 200k,
We did this for a year of development and I can definitely tell you that 200k is nothing, even paying 35k a year which is crazy low

Anonymous No. 959156

Set up a website and self publish like software devs do. You are just selling an exe. Get attention by word of mouth. Stop being a sheep.

Anonymous No. 959157

Sure, that's an option, that way you don't even have to pay the install fees, because nobody would ever hear about your game, a win win situation

Anonymous No. 959158

You dont know what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 959159

Sure, you are going to sell a game by word of mouth, this is not a Disney movie, maybe what works for 0.01 percent of the games, but that is the exception that proves the rule. Nobody in their right mind would tell you that the way to sell your game is by word of mouth, we are not in medieval times bro

Anonymous No. 959161

Bro... You are killing me. You are simply selling an exe, same as any other desktop software. Show some good footage on youtube and promote it on socials... If you have trash you wont get sales. Cream rises to the top.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959162

you realize your credit card processor is still going to take a cut? you're going to set up a whole system of users accounts with their credit card and billing information? do you suppose all that will be more or less expensive? you're going to develop all of this lamp stack shit in addition to game dev and 3d modeling? well best of luck with that! oh, you're going to hire a web dev to handle all that shit for you? cool, will that cost more or less than the fees using an existing storefront? oh and don't forget aws bandwidth and database calls cost money with no upper bound. if you're scared of unity install fees wait till you see a startup's aws bill!

Anonymous No. 959163

what do you think the bandwidth bill will cost for those downloads? how many gigs is your game? aws lowest rate is 5 cents per gig. is your game 4 gigs? each time someone downloads it, it costs you 20 cents. if you game is some 50 gig behemoth, well, you do the math.

Anonymous No. 959165

Please. Just set up crypto payments to your crypto wallet. Get with the times. Don't ship enormous executables with uncompressed bloated assets.

Anonymous No. 959166

dude i didn't even play diablo 4 cuz it isn't on steam. if i can't be bothered to installed blizzards shitty store, you think i'm gonna set up a crypto wallet and buy a bunch of bitcoin to play your shitty game? heh, thanks for the chuckle.

Anonymous No. 959167

You could have easily bought it on playstation or xbox but you dont have either because you are poor and out of touch

Anonymous No. 959168

you can't even afford maya. don't make me laugh.

Anonymous No. 959169

I am an indie tier dev... I pay for maya indie

Anonymous No. 959186

Retail cloud computing bandwidth != infrastructure level bandwidth
Valve will only really "pay" for bandwidth if they exceed their own prediction of what they need.

Anonymous No. 959189

Big nothing burger. I spent a week having to hear non unity users telling me why I can't use unity anymore. Dont care, still using it

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Anonymous No. 959203

>make portable game
>unity owned

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959235

new fee schedule just dropped, cheaper than unreal, no splashscreen requirement for anyone, greatly simplified so even indie developers with low cognitive ability can understand it. lmao at the people who switched to free griftware over this.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959236

i was talking about what YOU are going to pay if you try to sell it yourself on your own website. i said nothing about steam.

Anonymous No. 959237

Anonymous No. 959238

respectable. personally i think playing with a gamepad sucks and i don't like japanese games. i can put the money wasted on some console towards more pc hardware though my main workstation is a mac.

Anonymous No. 959239

i didn't say anything about steam. i certainly wasn't trying to justify steam's revenue cut. just pointing out that if you self-host you're still gonna have costs nibbling at your revenue.

Anonymous No. 959266

>honey please come home, I won't beat you again I promise

Anonymous No. 959294

the only people who beat anyone are the "influencers" on twitter who riled up your emotions with misinformation for viral clout

Anonymous No. 959295

ok, now that that is over, there's still five days left to pick up the 2023 unity dev humble bundle. they also have a bundle for that other engine if you're more of a freeware jank kinda guy.

Anonymous No. 959311

>Don't just jump ship on this platform due to pricing. Jump ship on THAT platform due to pricing.

Anonymous No. 959319

Unity be like.

Anonymous No. 959375

We won, bros. Unity FTW.

>The Unity Runtime Fee will no longer apply to games built on Unity Personal. Developers on said plan will also be able to now earn up to $200,000 in revenue according to the terms of service. Those developers will also no longer be required to use the "Made with Unity" splash screen.

>For developers on the Pro and Enterprise plans, the Runtime Fee will only take effect beginning with the next LTS version of Unity arriving in 2024. Games made on the current or prior versions of Unity will not be included, unless they are upgraded to the next version of Unity.

>"We will make sure that you can stay on the terms applicable for the version of Unity editor you are using," the company wrote in its announcement.

>Games subject to the Runtime Fee will have the option to either be subject to a 2.5 percent revenue share or a calculated fee based on "the number of new people engaging with your game each month

>No game with less than $1 million in trailing 12-month revenue will be subject to the fee.

Anonymous No. 959404

can people just move to a way where installs are evaded, like playing from browser? I know how hard it would be but even if people do it, would unity find a way to extract shekels or would they be cool with that?

Anonymous No. 959405

this is how governments work they will push again and again but for now i guess its cool

Anonymous No. 959414

Each time you play from a browser it counts as one install dood

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959426

>makes over a million dollars a year in revenue but still searching for ways to rip-off unity
>accuses others of extracting money

Anonymous No. 959429

>makes over a million dollars a year in revenue and yet searches for ways to rip off the platform that made him successful
>accuses others of extracting money

Anonymous No. 959433

they said sorry so its cool and everyone loves unity and trusts them to never do anything scummy ever again.

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Anonymous No. 959598

'cause this is my United States of whatever....

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Anonymous No. 959691

shit just got real

Anonymous No. 959692

who cares, everyone who is anyone is meeting virtually on discord, not trying to go into the city with zero parking on a tuesday night

Anonymous No. 959699

The most retarded part of the policy.
Why not charge every time a user runs the exe at that point?

Anonymous No. 959705

fake news, that's not the policy.

>For a given end user and distribution channel, there can only be one initial engagement event, which happens the first time the user plays the game. If the end user later uninstalls and reinstalls the game, there is no additional initial engagement.

Anonymous No. 959745

ive abandoned unity long before this

Image not available



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959746

Well just help us add unreal formats to "our" engine: (then you wont need unity).


> Our source code (GPL):
> (relevant files: model_brush.c, relevant function: void
> T3d_Attempt_Which_will_Mod_OBJ_Load(dp_model_t *mod, void *buffer,
> void *bufferend)
> We "just" need to beable to load the t3d and/or unr levels. There is
> opensource code to do it:

>(.unr) UShock(C++):

>(.t3d) T3d2Map(C++):
> Note: Our engine is in the C programming language, We already implemented various other files
> (Wolfenstine Enemy Territory, MineTest Obj, BzFlag Obj) additions)
> We would like help in adding more formats like the Unreal ones!

Our project (everything is opensource, including media):

Image not available



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959748

Does unity have procedural city generation? (it probably does). Our opensource stuff does too:

So could you assholes please help with formats:

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959751

Stop spamming

Anonymous No. 959752

Why tho

Anonymous No. 959829

i hate clunky bloatware so bow i will kms using vulkan

Anonymous No. 959831

so you will never ship then

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Nigger MOD is mad pussy lol permbanned all bitch lmao No. 959840

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
nigger mod is an angry spearchucker lol you couldn't catch us. How does it feels, bitch cocksucker for life.

Anonymous No. 960882

riccitiello is out!

Anonymous No. 960886

it's over

Anonymous No. 960889

its not over. Tons of devs are still using and loving unity. The truth is, unreal is just 2slow development wise. Unity is the "programmers engine", unreal is the spaghetti, "hurry up and wait" engine.

Anonymous No. 960895

more importantly, unreal is still more expensive.

Anonymous No. 960896

unity is the asset flip engine for cheap mobile game scams.

Anonymous No. 960898

you don't know what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 960899


Anonymous No. 960900

unreal is the engine for lame movie tie-in games with huge hollywood backed budgets that can afford to hire 50 c++ devs to deliver a late buggy mess after working 14 hour days death march conditions. if you're an indie dev and you're using unreal, idk what to tell you dude. good luck.

Anonymous No. 960901

Smells like nodev

Anonymous No. 960902

nta, but in the time you build unreal once you have built and iterated unity at least 15x

Anonymous No. 960904

nodev? dude unreal is the one that invested so much into that ridiculous blueprint spaghetti code nightmare because they know c++ fucking sucks but didn't have the sense to just switch to a modern language. unreal is poorly managed and bad. deal with it.

Anonymous No. 960905

Smells like filtered codemoneys that need to thrive off c# sample docs to even get a basic frontend going.

Anonymous No. 960906

unity is well known for being the programmers engine and unreal for being merely the "pretty" engine

Anonymous No. 960907

Unity can be pretty, but it's usually pretty shit. When you see made in unity at the splash screen of any game you might as well flip a fucking coin.

Anonymous No. 960909

the splashscreen was deprecated and is optional now

Anonymous No. 960911

c++ is awful and unreal's lame macros don't change that. the fact that you're still trying to defend c++ in 2023 shows you're the one who doesn't know shit about programming. i used c++ for all my computer science classes in college except ones that we were forced to assembly. i can program in c++. i just choose not to because it sucks.

Anonymous No. 960912

Unity was made for you. Don't worry.

Anonymous No. 960913


Anonymous No. 960914

unreal wasn't made for solo devs but feel free to use it, i don't care. and since you're such an experienced c++ dev you must know that c++ is one of the lowest paid languages because the only places it's used, game dev and embedded shit, have the lowest salaries. you're playing yourself using c++ but go ahead be a macho man.

Anonymous No. 960915

Sounds like a huge cope from your lack of availability and networking.

If you wanna keep spitting out asset flips though there is no shame in it. It's the norm nowadays. Even large studios have been doing it.

Anonymous No. 960916

you must have started trolling yesterday

Anonymous No. 960917

The only troll is you. We might as well be coding in java or go if that's what this is about.

Anonymous No. 960918

grow up anon. Maybe your unreal build is halfway done, but, probably not.

Anonymous No. 960919

asset flipping sounds more like what some c++ neckbeard with no taste would do since you have to spend all your time writing thousands of lines of ridiculous c++ crap instead of working on your own art. but like i said, feel free to use unreal. i really do not care what some random nerd on the internet uses. why are you even in this thread? go to the unreal thread.

Anonymous No. 961645

this post is a wonderful blend of butthurt and reddit posturing, go back faggot LOL

Anonymous No. 961646

post your work

Anonymous No. 961770

Hahaha, the guy who proposed the fee for each install, worked at some big studio earlier in high position and he, he, :DDD, suggested that players should pay one dollar in game each time they reload their gun..
>Clovniest fucking honkler that has ever lived.

Anonymous No. 962562

The core of unity was written in c++
what the fuck does it matter though? What even is this thread?