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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957910

>"don't use blender EVER. never ever EVER use blender PLEASE use literally ANYTHING else or you will NEVER make good art, EVER"
>search "#b3d" on twitter
>significantly large community that creates portfolio-tier content with the most visually and technologically impressive 3d bullshit i've ever seen
is this a bit or something, or

Anonymous No. 957911

i recommend using and paying for maya, zbrush, houdini, and nuke instead of blender

Anonymous No. 957912

Twitter is dead, plus these people don’t tell you that they used photoshop or pre-existing models they bought. Don’t ever use blender, they aren’t 3D artists.

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Anonymous No. 958041

>ermmm..... twitter (most viable art platform on the internet) is DEAD,,.. also it's ALL fake anyway??? i can assure you dear 4channel user it is all merely SMOKE AND MIRRORS....
christ alive anon why do you think i would buy this schizo shit

🗑️ Anonymous No. 958042

Oh look another Simon Stanlenhag copycat. Also look another software wars thead. Fuck this and fuck you a billion trillion quintillion times op.

Anonymous No. 958044

Well you forgot deviantart is still a thing and has more artists than twitter entire existence. Basic search results find zero common trends with those of twitter. You have to be stupid to think anything in twitter is real.

Anonymous No. 958048

>significantly large community that creates portfolio-tier content
I've been looking at Blender shit for the past 5 years and not a single one of those pieces has gotten someone a job lol, their past work section on artstation is always empty. Using Blender is the equivalent of drawing anime and expecting to get a job as a concept artist.

Anonymous No. 958104

>put some scifi crap on Swedish landscape
>people in America go all basedface over it
It's not as huge of an achievement as you think it is

Anonymous No. 958111

the /3/ artist method
>pirate maya
>spend 5 minutes every couple of days trying to animate a pair of tits
>go on /3/ and claim you bought Maya
>act like since you're using Maya, you're better than people using blender
>I'm using le professional software

Anonymous No. 958145

nice projection, bro.

Anonymous No. 958146

Nobody pirates anymore bro. Get a job and grow up.

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Anonymous No. 958158

why is it that no matter the portafolio site, Maya/Zbrush portfolios ALWAYS look better and more professional than Blender ones? FFFUUUUUUUUU I don't want to pay a subscription aaaaHHHH

Anonymous No. 958159

I recommend using but not paying for all of those things

Anonymous No. 958160

Zbrush because their default materials look good within zbrush
Maya because mental ray

Anonymous No. 958168

>is this a bit
I assume so, there's something to be said about different render engines and color management solutions but the discourse on this board is so far below that level, people must assume Autodesk software has magic polygons or something.

Anonymous No. 958169

Mental ray was discontinued in 2017

Anonymous No. 958174

Everyone just uses Karma now

Anonymous No. 958176

I know you're joking but scanline renderers are UNIRONICALLY more accurate than path tracers by design.

Anonymous No. 958178

The only practical renderer to use is one that is xpu

Anonymous No. 958187

you're in the "bargaining" phase of acceptance. and you're ngmi.

Anonymous No. 958193

its because its hobbyist software that sometimes gets used by pros when theyre not at work using maya retard. If you want to use it then use it.

spend cash on plugins to bring it up to mayas level see how far you get

Anonymous No. 958195

found the tranny that hates elon

Anonymous No. 958200

>its because its hobbyist software that sometimes gets used by pros when theyre not at work using maya retard. If you want to use it then use it.

Listen to yourself.

Anonymous No. 958203

He committed a crime, yes there is a reason to hate him

Anonymous No. 958280

this is news to me
this isn't one of those "precise but innacurate"/"imprecise but accurate" semantic things, is it?

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Anonymous No. 958281

True and real

>they outed themselves

uncanny how easy it is...

Anonymous No. 958316

>implying you would have the talent, patience and intellect to put these softwares to proper use

Anonymous No. 958320

t. Crab in a bucket.

Anonymous No. 958321

The issue is less the quality of the work and more the existing workflow at employers.
Right now everyone who is big is using the same sort of "industry standard" workflow and software suite.
The ones who dont are generally more exciting to be at but aren't as stable and often don't pay as well because they're small time.

The "industry standard" exists mainly because of inertia. It is the industry standard among employers because its what everyone is taught in schools for this subject. Everyone is taught this in schools because employers tell the schools to teach it because thats the industry standard.
It's a snake biting its own tail.
If you change what is taught in schools then you have a bunch of kids with qualifications no one wants because they can't integrate into the existing workflow at an employer.
If you change the existing staff then you have no existing stream of qualified personnel to draw from and no established workflow.

Anonymous No. 958322

I despise anything made in blender that is not anime. Euroslops weaponizing blender as /pol/shit need to be contained. Also artstation is the gayest platform which this poo in the loo artist can be moved over to.

Anonymous No. 958333


Anonymous No. 958655

Maya users have simply been in the 3D scene much longer than the relatively new userbase of artists using Blender, as Blender 2.8 (the point where it started to become a much more viable software) is a relatively new development. It only makes sense that you'll see much more of Maya than Blender, as people who have learned 3D through Maya years ago have much more accumulated skill.

Simply put, most professional Maya users have been in the industry for a long ass time. That being said, both of my Maya teachers in my university have... less than industry-standard output in their respective portfolios.

Anonymous No. 958658

>less than industry-standard output in their respective portfolios.
Dude my teacher, he worked on many films in Disney. Not only in 3D but 2D, had to learn actual animation art. Are you sure you won’t scammed because some universities just collect whoever and advertise for profit.

Anonymous No. 958664

Blender became more viable in 2.5 I remember a lot of people starting with blender at that time

Anonymous No. 958668

I mean, their work is not AWFUL. Purely through knowledge of topology and general technique, my current teacher seems to be fairly knowledgeable. It's just... his portfolio looks like he hit the peak of his career in 2008, probably.

The character modeling class I went through was needlessly fast-paced though, which involved you needing to design and create two industry-standard character models (realistic and stylized respectively) within the span of a tight 8 weeks, complete with creating concept art and going through different stages. Felt less educational and more like a filter for people who didn't already know how to model prior to going through the course. Because of this, most of my classmates' work unfortunately looked like utter dogwater in spite of their illustrative skills.

I'm just going in for the degree at the end of the day though, even if your university does sound cooler.

That may be technically true (already was using it for a long while prior to 2.8), but the 2.8 overhaul undeniably resulted in quite a boom of people paying attention to Blender, helping clean its reputation of just "weird low budget Maya where you have to right click to select things".

Anonymous No. 958669

Completly new on this... Can I run maya with 8gb ram?

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Anonymous No. 958671

Not that anon but reading your college experience has been very relieving. Without turning this into a blog, I joined an animation program during the worst period(Covid-19 lockdown), combined with those tight class deadlines, I'm graduating with elementary level 3D knowledge. Now I'm slowly relearning 3D for a personal project and looking for full time jobs far removed from 3D.
Pic related is all I can do after all those classes, take premade assets and use lighting to make something look like an obscure 3rd party nintendo wii game
Similar to what you said, Tech schools with an animation program are a gamble for anyone with novice knowledge of the subject

Anonymous No. 958699

Not the anon, but anyway lighting artist is a very important job in its own right. Anime, movies, videos and games need lights to function. I did my fair share of lighting during animation class and I just bearly understood how it can work. I only press buttons and change a lot of settings to get it working. So there’s a job for lighting artists if you look enough in job post.

Anonymous No. 960081

>shows shit that was possible in maya 2012
>"its a bit right guys?"

Anonymous No. 960086


Anonymous No. 960087

Genuinely having a hard time parsing what the fuck you're trying to say here man. No hate, not disagreeing or anything (because I can't tell what you're trying to say)

Anonymous No. 960088


Anonymous No. 960162

>a landscape with robots in the distance is totally one guy's idea and nobody else can make anything like it

Anonymous No. 960221


🗑️ Anonymous No. 960222

Last semester of comp sci is now. AI generated 3D low poly art has inspired me to perhaps take a crack at it.

Just going to treat it like learning programming. I want to build low poly models, so I'll just start building. Don't want to get in the weeds with tutorials.

Anonymous No. 960492

No real chuds like elon you dumb shill.

Anonymous No. 963149

have any of these been cracked? I'm new to 3d, coming from music production, and the prices in this are fucking ridiculous. wanna produce music? you can buy a perpetual license for Abletons fully featured version for 400 bucks, then there's a big update every 2-3 years that costs 100 bucks, and it's industry standard software used by many of the biggest names in music.

then you look at 3d software and not only is it mostly subscription only shit, but also like 200 bucks a MONTH. holy fuck, how is this even allowed?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 963152

they all have been cracked, but some ways of cracking them seem shady.
if you're not an idiot you can use maya, max, substance, zbrush safely. the way they cracked those is that they replace the original .exe, and then it's just up to you getting to stop potential spyware that is still running in the background and might report you if you didn't.

with houdini they only got it to pretend to have a valid license, but you still must connect to their online server in order to start. i wouldn't feel safe creating things in there and then getting a slap in the face a few years later in the mail because their server knew my license wasn't valid all along. also there is a free version that does 95% of what the paid-for-version does, so there is no need to crack it in the first place unless you are a pro already.

Anonymous No. 963154

>spyware that is still running in the background and might report you
report what? only the distribution of cracked software is illegal, not the use afaik. ofc it's different once you make a commercial product with it.

Anonymous No. 963156

>if you're not an idiot you can use maya, max, substance, zbrush safely.
you dont need zbrush when blender sculpting exists.

Maya is $270 a year. If you dont have $270, you are likely homeless and dont have a job as to even rent an apartment for one month costs at least $2000 a month, without utilities.

Max is useless in current year.

Substance is $150 for a perpetual license. Again, if you don't have $150, you are on your last legs and shouldnt be anywhere near a computer. The minimum wage in most states is $15+ now, so you make $150 in just over one day.

You just know that all these people using "cracked" software are just begs that will never ever go anywhere

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Anonymous No. 963158

>Maya is $270 a year

Anonymous No. 963159


Anonymous No. 963162

and don't forget that plugins are also usually subscription only

Anonymous No. 963163

It's literally just a Swedish version of putting cyberpunk crap in American midwest. There's nothing special about it.

Anonymous No. 963331

tranny with musk derangement syndrome on /3/ lol

Anonymous No. 963332

The best post on /3/ right now.

Anonymous No. 963412

imagine you live in a country where you need a job to have 2 3090 in your computer and drive a fast car ^^

this is some third world bullshit

Anonymous No. 963414

>have any of these been cracked?
Yes, all of them actually.

Anonymous No. 963415

>most viable art platform
>viable art platform
you are a complete retard, invest more time before making threads

Anonymous No. 963424

Why would I want to pay $150 or $270 a year when I can get both in perpetuity for $0?
You sound like the kind of person who's going to come on here in 6 months bragging about how you've just bought the Brooklyn Bridge.

Anonymous No. 964839

you are not supposed to use blender in the industry because there's no tech support. when you're going solo doing porn animations to satisfy coomers on patreon losing a day of work doesn't matter, you can just say "lol blender crapped out no fuck this week". when you're a large company operating on a deadline losing a day of work will cost you more than all the required licenses.

Anonymous No. 964964

tech support isn't magic, anon. the folks over at autodesk can't snap their fingers and make your maya file come back. and not only do both programs already create autosaves, ctrl-s is your friend and if you refuse to form a habit of using it you're an unsophisticated faggot

Anonymous No. 964966

it's less of a crime than what your "tribe" is doing to their genitals.

Anonymous No. 964981

could have been a good bait if you replaced day for week

Anonymous No. 964990

Tech support can't recover lost work, but when I encounter a problem with a tool it's nice to e-mail someone and get a workaround in a couple days time followed by an official bugfix a few weeks later, usually directly from the dev who actually built/maintains whatever feature is in question.

With Blender it's a crapshoot, most of the time you get clueless newbies that can't help or snarky autists who could but won't help and instead collect internet cool guy points by dunking on you.

Anonymous No. 965003

I have been using a blender since 2014 and I have never encountered a situation in which I needed the help of technical support. Blender has a countless army of users and in case of any problems you can get an answer from them. As a last resort, the community can tell you how to write a script that adds/corrects something you don’t like, because Blender is an opensource program.

In addition, all the rhetoric about technical support makes no sense, since usually when working on serious commercial tasks, companies use stable LTS versions and specialists who use this version professionally and for this reason the likelihood of some unexpected difficulties tends to zero.

Anonymous No. 965004

it makes absolutely no difference what program you use for 3D. The result depends only on your knowledge and skills. Any model can be made in any of the 3D programs, and the render engine is responsible for the final image, and if for some reason it is not possible to make it as you like in the engine built into the blender, you can use any other engine with the blender (v-ray, corona, etc. ).

The reason for the huge number of weak portfolios is due to the fact that people for whom 3D is just a hobby mostly use a free blender.

Anonymous No. 965009

>it makes absolutely no difference what program you use for 3D
Not to the degree anons tend to paint here but it does, you just aren't running dozens of millions of polys in blender which will surely affect the amount of details on your sculpt

Anonymous No. 965011

nta and I don't know why he suddenly pivoted to talking about himself personally since tech support is only reserved for paying customers and no one is unironically paying for Maya, but companies absolutely do literally phone adsk/sidefx/whatever and ask for changes, which are usually rolled out in the next hotfix or major release, depending on the severity and nature of them.
Usually it's obscure incompatibilities with their pipelines/workflow which the average bozo will never encounter or could easily bypass but are either show blockers or extreme annoyances for the company, so they get the devs who they are paying several hundred thousand dollars a year for dozens, hundreds even, full commercial licenses to fix whatever they want, so that they don't have to deal with the same issue in the next show.

Can you imagine doing the same with Blender?
>blender has a countless army of users
Who I would not trust with successfully telling me how to open and close the program.
Meanwhile, the devs would say they're too busy hyping up the next gimmick to spare time fixing some obscure issue.

>oh but blender is open source, they could just code the fix themselves
Paying for licenses costs less than keeping an RnD team on standby.

Anonymous No. 965012

>the users can help
Those people can’t understand basic concepts of 3D or Blender. If i were to tell them ‘how to make lighting work in one model group without plugins’ they will say get a plugin.

While Maya is a group of actual trained professionals who went to university or college and got their degree. They know so many things about Maya that sometimes they give away code to the community because it’s a simple thing.

Blender can never match the professional skills of Maya.

Anonymous No. 965013


Anonymous No. 965014

Google tells me that more than 38,000 companies use products from Autodesk alone, which releases hotfixes only a few times a year and, as a rule, they fix bugs in new versions first. It’s funny to hear about how Autodesk supposedly inserts requests from tens of thousands of companies into its hotfix in order to please everyone.

In addition, at the moment more than 6,000 large companies use blender, in particular Ubisoft, Lockheed Martin. The blender is receiving investments from Epic, Intel, and AMD.

Anonymous No. 965016

This is true. But there is just one nuance: blender has extensive functionality, which includes, in addition to polygonal modeling, sculpting, procedural generation of textures and meshes, tools for 2D animation, a video editor, etc. It would be strange if he beat everyone in everything.

3dMax and Maya, for example, do not have full-fledged sculpting at all.

Anonymous No. 965019

>3dMax and Maya, for example, do not have full-fledged sculpting at all.

That's because ZBrush already exists.

Anonymous No. 965020

>tech support isn't magic, anon. the folks over at autodesk can't snap their fingers and make your maya file come back.
When people complain that the tech sector is oversaturated, remember this utter fucking dumbass.

Anonymous No. 965021

Now calmly elaborate on how anything you said disproves any of my points.

Anonymous No. 965022

The principles are the same everywhere and so is the functionality. If a person is a 3D professional with an excellent understanding of topology, if he knows the whole theory of light and composition, then it absolutely does not matter what program he will work in.

After using blender, for example, figuring out 3dMax is 100 times easier than starting from scratch, and vice versa too. Moreover, again, the render engine, and not the 3D modeling program, is responsible for the final image.

Anonymous No. 965023

the main dispute was about the magic of technical support and it seems to me that my post finishes off this myth.

Regarding the financing of the blender, I added to show that despite the lack of technical support, the program is gaining popularity in large commercial companies (this began after version 2.8).

What did I say wrong?)

Anonymous No. 965024

no - this is because they decided to make sculpting a separate product (mudbox), for separate money.

Anonymous No. 965026

Your argument boiled down to not believing the software publishers' phone lines being clogged all day long by studios requesting changes.
They aren't and they don't. Ringing up the software developers for changes is a fairly rare occurrence. But when it happens, it's usually because it's increasing artist time by an order of magnitude and they cannot sustainably work around it. Artist time costs far more than software licenses.
They cannot afford to wait for xXblenderrules69420Xx to stop playing fortnite and graduate from andrew price university before their issue is addressed. They need it fixed before they lock in the next show. And no, a shitty donut doesn't fix their problem.

>but companies use blender!!
It's installed pretty much everywhere since it's free, duh. A big step up from 10 years ago when no one even wanted it for free, that's for damn sure.
You'd hardly find anyone whose infrastructure depends on blender not shitting the bed, though.
>Lockheed Martin
Lmao, they aren't modelling SR-72 pieces in blender, you do know that, right?

Anonymous No. 965030

You mean the company that released broken games each year without fail and npcs looking like trash.

they are doing it for their own personal business, not helping blender. If you even bother looking at the report they released, Intel, and AMD only help in their products, not other projects.

You are wrong about everything.

Anonymous No. 965046

no matter the cope, you still need to be capable of being good at blender to be capable of being good at using the other meme tools.
it's like using a game engine. if you can't even program in unity, what makes you think you switching to godot is going to make it any easier?

Anonymous No. 965051

I have the feeling that I’m arguing with someone who is familiar with 3D at the level of reading comments under a video on YouTube.

Users of autodesk products have been waiting and whining for years on all available platforms to add at least 1% of what they are asking for. I finally said goodbye to 3dMax in 2020, just when the hype about blender 2.8 arose, at that time Max was releasing one and a half unnecessary functions per year and despite the fact that they finally came to their senses and began to earn their earnings for now They don't even come close to the pace of a blender. Blender has released 15 major updates since the beginning of 2020, for example.

Companies stick to Max not because they have technical support and fulfill some kind of requests, but because the entire work process is built around this software, hundreds of plugins and other software working in conjunction were purchased for it, employees spent years learning to work in certain conditions (and Maya is probably still the best software for animation). Even if the blender becomes twice as good as Max, companies will not rush to install it and build the entire workflow from scratch.

If you want, you can go through the release notes of Max and Blender starting from 2019 and you can prove to me with facts all the power and care of commercial 3D software. I look forward to continuing this fascinating conversation.

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Anonymous No. 965052

I really don't think the software matters as much as people say it does. It really only matters for what you can do with it. The tools we have now are pretty amazing compared to the rudimentary ones people created wonderful things with in the past.

Anonymous No. 965057

Nah dude, I'm pretty sure I know far more than you ever will.

I don't know how we got from "paid software is attractive to companies for their tech support" to "blender is obviously better because they shit out countless of useless gimmicks with every version". Typical blendlet misdirection, I guess.
>blender has released 15 major updates since the beginning of 2020
And it has probably released hundreds if not thousands of major updates since its inception, but only got light linking last week, something Max (since you seem to have a personal pet peeve with it) had at least since 3ds Max 5.x back in 2002 before Blender was even public.
Probably earlier, but I couldn't find reference guides for earlier versions. No wonder, since back then they were still physical fucking books.
tinyurl com/f6pf7krm

And here's 3ds max 8 docs from adsk itself, if you're gonna be autistic about the max 5 docs not being official
images autodesk com/adsk/files/3dsmax8vol2.pdf

Literally 20 years behind in major features, but the gimmicks more than make up for it, eh?

Anonymous No. 965060

We didn’t jump to “blender is obviously better”, you’re just trying to avoid the obvious - technical support for commercial software is not the reason why software is preferred to free software. For example, I wrote that Maya is better for animation, and before that in another comment that zBrush is better for working with high polygon counts.

You argued that technical support is the prompt fulfillment of user needs, I show the opposite. Yes, light linking appeared recently, but this does not contradict what I said - blender has been actively developed in recent years, after the announcement of version 2.8.

During this time, Blender received a built-in real-time rendering engine and a full-fledged procedural mesh generation system, the logic for working with objects inside the scene was completely redesigned, and the ability to load asset libraries. In fact, 70% of the blender has been updated, improved or redesigned in the last 3 years. These updates are directly related to user requests. While 70% of Max updates over the last couple of years have been Smart Extrude, the same functionality in the blender has been implemented as an add-on since 2016. Probably Max users dreamed about Smart Extrude most of all.

Anonymous No. 965061

By the way, regarding light linking - despite the fact that there was no direct support in blender, the desired effect could be achieved in different ways (Object Exclusion, Render Layers, Compositor), now it’s just more convenient.

Anonymous No. 965062

>You argued that technical support is the prompt fulfillment of user needs
company needs
That's why I said that other guy was a faggot for bringing himself into the picture.
adsk devs aren't gonna mobilize to add a new gimmick for some faggot who probably pirates their software. They wouldn't even if they were a paying customer.

but they will when the company paying for 3500+ full commercial licenses of their software calls to tell them to get off their lazy asses and fix their jury rigged implementation of usd procedurals which is breaking their farm jobs and leaving them dead in the water.

Again, blender devs adding gimmicks left and right to appease the short attention span of tiktok zoomers doesn't directly translate to real world improvements.

Anonymous No. 965063

Blender updates break things, 2.8 versions and up are the worst.

One example:

Scenes crashing on basic events that Maya and other program fixed years ago.

This one:

Can’t open old files, Maya never had such problem.

Look at this:

Your settings are not saved. Really great stuff you told us about Blender being useless piece of trash that crashes a lot.

No amount of fantasy content from your made up stories is going to fix blender issues. It will not make people better artists, it will not help companies save money, it definitely isn’t a 3D program to make 3D. The whole software looks and acts like a scam.

Anonymous No. 965064

>the whole software looks and acts like a scam
I wouldn't say that but the truth is that, even if their delusion of becoming The One Software everywhere realized tomorrow, the only way they'd make money is by hyping up retards on the internet who spread like cancer and simp for them harder than fucking Liverpool fans, for reasons unknown to us mortals.

Anonymous No. 965065

>reeee don't use blender you will never be a real artists!!!
Meanwhile average blenderchad producing industry quality 3d models purely with blender and SB
God you people are retards

Anonymous No. 965066

Ok, the USD example is actually good. Perhaps I’ll take back what I said about “familiar with 3D at the level of reading comments”.

But I still don’t agree about Blender, when developers just take it and add a realtime render engine or Houdini functionality, even in a greatly simplified form - this cannot be called “gimmick”. Blender positions itself as a “Swiss knife” in 3D and at the moment it does very well.

For most tasks, there is no point in installing a bunch of heavy software tailored for individual functions (regardless of their cost), if you can install a simple 500 megabyte program that does everything, although not 100%, but let’s say 80-99%.

Anonymous No. 965067

>I have the feeling that I’m arguing with someone who is familiar with 3D at the level of reading comments under a video on YouTube.
Not him but stop projecting you retarded fuck. 3D is collaborative work so it's important that all workflows are the same across all computers at a studio. You don't know this because you have never worked in 3D. There are no workflows in Blender. Using Blender is literally like a chicken with its head cut off.

Anonymous No. 965068


I made this post >>958048 2 months ago and you just proved me right.

Anonymous No. 965070

Sure, now pyw

Anonymous No. 965072

Can't, that's under NDA. Again, you would know this if you've ever worked in 3D.

Anonymous No. 965073

Not the anon but something about those models looks very odd. Even if i just ignored the lighting a bit and how ultra smooth they are. It just feels like pictures than real models. You know the ones you see in studios for modeling the real ones.

Anonymous No. 965074

Oh of course lol

Anonymous No. 965075

I can count on one hand the number of technical problems with the blender over the years of use. You can find similar support requests for any software.

3ds max 2021 crash at startup process

Anonymous No. 965076

>Wacom as the source of the crash
Not the same thing when Blender is the source and not another product or hardware. If Blender is the crash then there’s nothing you can fix because of the developer mistakes. We are artists not programmers so how to fix their mistakes shouldn’t be left for us to fix.

Anonymous No. 965080

nobody cares what the "industry" does. they're going to implode in the next decade or so because newcomers aren't learning "industry standard software and workflows".
even gamedev studios are moving to using engines like unreal and unity despite already having investments in custom engines. the reason is that hiring for niche talent is going to be nearly impossible eventually.
most companies are realizing that asset production needs to be versatile enough to allow for modelers using different programs. that means agnostic tooling.
if your asset production pipeline relies on a specific 3d software to play nicely, you're just going to get fucked.

Anonymous No. 965082


Anonymous No. 965083

>We are artists not programmers
You aren't a 2d sissy that only knows how to wave a pencil around, a good 3d modeller always knows how to program

Anonymous No. 965091

That's technical artist job, sure those people get paid more to know python/Mel language. However my job is the character, objects and background. Taking on more task delays the films or game. Technical deals with the boring task of doing custom events or creation, not entirely in one place like me an artist.

Anonymous No. 965122

lol, and in a situation where the blender does not save the settings, the reason is a bad sector on the hard drive :D

You have an argument similar to that - a friend of a friend of my grandmother on my sister’s side said that the blender is crap and therefore I will prove to a person who has been working in a blender for years that in fact everything constantly crashes and nothing can be done in a blender, unlike the divine 3dMax in which the person also worked for several years. Can you imagine how stupid this looks?

Anonymous No. 965157

>blaming it on the computer hardware
>tells life story
Ge anon we didn’t asked about your lifestyle or why the development team at blender can’t understand basic hardware existing for different reasons.

There’s is nothing to defend Blender’s performance or the team’s “success”. We know people are using older versions than current. We know Blender can’t handle 1,000,000 different models or copies of said models. We know blender lacks any real VFX capabilities or strength to carry out the production. The list goes on and on.

Anon, Blender and the developers will never get to the point where it’s sustainable. All you’re doing is limiting users creativity and making people believe in failure.

Anonymous No. 965160

Love the goalpost moving of listing stuff blender can't do, especially from a reddit spacer.

Anonymous No. 965164

No one moved any “goal posts”, it’s the absolute truth. Blender with even a super computer can’t handle processing the information. A quick look at the code tells you everything, a complete mess. Maya is programmed by trained programmers and has always been working without problems that the industry requires. Blender not handling unknown variables is just another example of how weak and unreliable the software became. Lastly, formatting sentences to a reading comprehension is not a bad thing, especially when you are the one unable to understand the material. You honestly think books should not space their paragraphs or sentences just because they’re written outside your comfort zone. If anything this makes you a complete idiot to everyone. I can keep insulting you until I read posts limit but I have better things to do.

Anonymous No. 965165

you were finally able to convince me, everything you said is the absolute truth, I’m deleting Blender today and I even want to share a link to confirm your words (video made 6 years ago)

Anonymous No. 965167

other anon here.
Albin is a great artist and he is pushing Blender to the limit, yet the shot looks not really good enough compared to actual professional VFX.

Here is a shot from an 10 year old movie.
Skip to 1:21
You can't do this in Blender in 2023 no matter how good you are.

Anonymous No. 965170

>We know Blender can’t handle 1,000,000 different models or copies of said models.

you probably have some kind of alternative blender, 2 million icospheres with almost zero load on the hardware

Anonymous No. 965171

And what is the model? Basic shapes would do nothing to the computer or software.

He doesn’t make models, the video description lists the models and where to buy them. Ignoring that, the plane crash is ok. Sure nice exploring events and such but lacking the city danger factor, hidden land to avoid people seeing models go through land, etc. It’s more of Adobe’s tricky approach to do things than really showing Blender power.

Anonymous No. 965182

>And what is the model? Basic shapes would do nothing to the computer or software.

So now it doesn’t matter that the blender can handle a million objects? Now it is necessary that these are not primitives. Ok, here is a grass scatter with flowers - more than a million objects with 17,000 triangles each. Don't you think it's time to stop?

Anonymous No. 965184

>USIng scATter is GOing To maKE a diFFereNCe
Dude, do you even 3D, even Wings 3D can do such things. The models of scatter event don't correspond to real models. Is that what you believe real films used? I'm sure someone will explain in better detail but what you made isnt what I ask.

Anonymous No. 965185

I wish this was true, but deviantart doesnt have more artists than Twitter anymore, it just seems that way because you can actually search for art

Anonymous No. 965191

Yes, I'm not 3D, I'm 1D scatteerd in XYZ.

When in movies or games it is necessary to fit a million objects on the screen, scattering, instancing, procedural generation, etc. are used. Scenes are divided into plans with different levels of detail. When creating props, etc., professionals do not divide the mesh into separate objects unless there is a rational reason for doing so. It is not convenient to work with an excessive number of objects; their presence affects performance, rendering time, and file size. Those. Even if the software allows you to make 100 million absolutely independent objects, each of which has 100 million polygons, its own stack of modifiers and a set of unique materials with 32k textures, no one will use this limit. For example, I saw UE5 tests where at 180,000,000,000 Poly count it was possible to get 60 FPS, but if you make a game with scenes of such detail, you will need a separate cabinet with an array of hard drives to install it.

In general, I understand that inside you have a feeling of total dominance in the dialogue, but from the outside, your attempts to constantly jump off awkward moments and your teenage manner of communication already look completely ridiculous. I think there is no point in continuing this dialogue. Exhale, throw a dart at the blender poster and touch some grass.

Anonymous No. 965192

You absolute giganigger, scatter instances objects around efficiently. That's literally what it's made for. Only one copy of the object is kept in memory, it just tells the GPU to draw it a million times.
Fucking blendlets couldn't be any more technically illiterate, holy shit. It should be legal to shoot people this retarded.

Anonymous No. 965194

I’m glad that I gave you the opportunity to assert yourself and ease the torment of a worthless existence a little.

Anonymous No. 965196

nta but ur a retard

Anonymous No. 965216

That’s where you are wrong and a failure of a human being. Movies and games do use 1 million or more real model objects. What you are so dumbfounded is how people do such things.

The “10,000 antique objects” are real models anon. The grass, trees, lights, dirt and dust. They are all real within reason. They’re not fake 2D backgrounds like another Blender video with copycat robots on simple animations. What you said is crazy talk, we have the technology to make 1 million objects, only Blender is behind on creating such.

That’s why Blender users are always being a clown. “CoPy aNd PaStE” with scatter. Like i almost forgot that existed in the first place. The only time it’s ever socially acceptable is when you are putting real substance on water, lava, space, dirt, air or whatever huge space with high density is needed. Not copy and pasting to test CPU/hardware.

Anonymous No. 965263

Well kids, I'm back. I launched Max 2023, created several primitives and started cloning them - after 70k objects Max froze dead. I did the same thing in Blender again - no links, scatter, etc., just copying primitives - after 100,000 the blender also froze. In both cases, I still have about 2 gigabytes of free RAM left.

In general, you can get around these limitations by dividing a common array of objects into render layers and then combining them in the composer, I suspect that this is the case. Or am I doing something wrong?

Anonymous No. 965267

>i CoPy AnD pAStE
When are you going to learn, when will you learn. Copying and pasting is never going to solve your issue. Like OMG you have python that can create new models for you, only a complete amateur would copy and paste. No, you also just micro manage how many times you wanted. Yet you can’t understand why stuff doesn’t work?!? Gosh anon why make things worse for you.

Anonymous No. 965268

I admit I'm very stupid, I'm ashamed. So I ask for your help, oh wise master - how can I get 1 million objects in max so that it doesn’t freeze? Save me from the darkness of my delusions.

Anonymous No. 966738

>Twitter is dead,
I don't even use trannyter, but this is just cope
>these people don’t tell you that they used photoshop or pre-existing models they bought. Don’t ever use blender, they aren’t 3D artists

Anonymous No. 966759

Genuine question, what about Maya is so good? It seems to be the one I get recommended the most but I never hear any specific reasons why

Anonymous No. 966765

It's epic

Anonymous No. 967002

Anyone else see rarity in the thumbnail?

Anonymous No. 967010

I'm not a tranny and I fucking hate elon too
he's genuinely ruining the site & he's not fucking funny

Anonymous No. 967114

>sculpt in blender
>render in maya
problems weren't

Anonymous No. 967115

>plus these people don’t tell you that they used photoshop
everyone does post processing and photobashing. being an autistic purist just hinders your art
>or pre-existing models they bought.
kitbashing is already the norm for lookdev/concept art what are you trying to say lmfao

Anonymous No. 967196

tru and real

Anonymous No. 967451

Reminds me of Telltale games, they used proprietary engine(s), and experienced workers had to teach newer ones whilst working on games.

But that's an old example.

Anonymous No. 967458

much easier to pose shit in maya's viewport because it seems to run 100x better than blender in viewport shading. blender is a fucking slideshow with anything that isn't a low poly game character. hideous experience. i also learned to rig in maya so i find it more logical and intuitive than blender to rig in.
i use blender for almost everything else though and it's fantastic

Anonymous No. 967475

Use whatever you need

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Anonymous No. 967765

Is it obvious to anyone else that this anti blender sentiment is entirely manufactured by shills from paid 3D software companies?

Anonymous No. 967767

I really wish that was the case. Unfortunately, no. Blender does genuinely suck.

Anonymous No. 967825

It sucks for paid software companies because it’s just as good as their massively overpriced garbage. Meanwhile it’s rather good for artists.
It’s like if there was a machine that spat out free teslas and folks were insisting it was dogshit and you must instead pay 30k for a new identical Tesla from the factory.
Pretty clear that the only people who would actually bother posting such an opinion have a vested interest.
Every anti-blender post just makes companies like auto desk look more pathetic as it’s obvious they are the origin.

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Anonymous No. 967844

>It’s like if there was a machine that spat out free teslas and folks were insisting it was dogshit and you must instead pay 30k for a new identical Tesla from the factory.
>pic related, the free "teslas" spat out by said machine

>"y-yeah, but it gets me from the front door to the curb faster than daddy's tesla can!!!"
I'm sure it does, kid.

Anonymous No. 967898

Sure, extra options suck. Especially free ones.

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Anonymous No. 967900

No, i think many people dislike blender because of it mentally ill schizo cult. That hate every other software and trying super hard to convert other people to using blender.

Go to any youtube video that talk about latest max, maya, zbrush etc update going to be fill with comments like
"If not for Blender this update would never existed lol" "why would you pay money when Blender is free ;)"

Anonymous No. 967901

>That hate every other software and trying super hard to convert other people to using blender.
And who cares?

Anonymous No. 967921

Yeah this thread definitely shows BLENDER has a psycho cult and not the other way around. You need a better script.

Anonymous No. 967922

Nah he is right, /3/ is one of the few places where the maya users look like the schizos, but everywhere else the blender people are a cult

Anonymous No. 967925

Every thread on /3/ feels like made by psychos, but on other places its blender guys who act like schizo cult honestly.

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Anonymous No. 967950

Maybe those of you who are flinging shit at each other over software should get off this site and get back to doing some are because you've got to be a shit artist to think that software matters outside of employment.

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Anonymous No. 967951


Anonymous No. 967976

blender is free, open source, and has easy setups for external plugins, that's the main drive for blender and it's users.

because it's free, it's catered towards most people like myself. rendering is straightforward and it looks good if you do it right, i'm aware other softwares like 3ds max have auto-perspective/photo matching, but setting up photomatch/perspective to build objects isn't really that hard. i mainly just model cars and wheels.

i think you should just use whatever 3d software that you're comfortable with, there's no point trying to convince people to use blender, or 3dsmax, maya, or c4d.

Anonymous No. 967981

It doesn’t have anything you listed, “easy setup” like come on. The list of changes the blender dev team ignored just because they hated the idea from autodesk goes past 1000 tickets. Rendering isn’t the best as it’s built around limitations and the look ruins everything because it makes people feel cheap production. Lastly, blender really doesn’t support 3rd party devices the professionals use like pens, tablets, tv, networking, etc. Blender will always be remembered as the cheapest solution for the cheapest people.

Anonymous No. 968060

sorry gramps, it's not 2012 anymore
there is nothing anyone but top tier professionals working on feature films would need in any of those programs that blender doesn't do almost as well or better, and all in one free program
seethe shill

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Anonymous No. 968077

my renders say elsewise

Anonymous No. 968283

Take the "my" out and you may have a point

Anonymous No. 968313

wdym this my render on my r33

cope nigger

Anonymous No. 968318

I mean it doesn't look as good as you think

Anonymous No. 968346

>PNG background
>Car looks static
>Stupid dirt layer that looks pretty bad
>Chromatic aberration
5/10 pretty ok for a beginner

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Anonymous No. 968394

My renders in maya look way better


Final render:

Anonymous No. 968429

Memes aside you might as well say your render engine instead of the DCC itself when talking about non blender stuff

Anonymous No. 968430


Anonymous No. 968432

This, except pirate them all

Anonymous No. 968459

>Go on Deviantart
>It's all AI fags selling furry OCs using the generator DA made to scrape its userbase.

Anonymous No. 969055

>blender is free
Just like all other programs

Anonymous No. 969687

Nothing concept art that’s exceptional as a portfolio piece but is the equivalent of a McDonald’s hamburger

Anonymous No. 972222

>taking advice from dunning krugers
the only good thread on 3 is wip

Anonymous No. 973725

based actual 3d chad. holy trinity of software right there.

Anonymous No. 973726

whilst the modelling tools are lacking in comparison to say 3ds max or blender even, everything else in maya is outstanding.
Obviously its rigging and animation tools are god tier, even more so with plugins.
But apart from that, it's also great at doing UV's, 3d Environment mapping and creation, ect. It has a node mapping workflow, 'everything is open in MEL approach' and implementation with every popular rendering engine almost.

Anonymous No. 975845

I have a 3D related job and I still pirate everything. I even stole a license from work to make coomer content with. It's not like 3DCG jobs pay well so I will not be spending 10% of my monthly income on it.

Anonymous No. 975895

>Max is useless in current year.
Please elaborate. I've been casually learning / poking around in Max for the past couple of months.

Anonymous No. 976225


Anonymous No. 978652

This, except just use Blender instead.

Anonymous No. 978737

everything you make or render in blender looks like plastic even if you fuck with shaders for hours.
and every object shading or normal settings option is scattered all across this shitty fosstard software

Anonymous No. 978935

Every time I go on this website I see people bitching about Blender every year in some way. Meanwhile everyone else is just using Blender and whatever else they have to get their shit done. This picture should be the other way around, especially since a lot of people using Blender now also used these aforementioned software.

Anonymous No. 978941

Nope, blender sucks a lot in many of the critical aspect of 3D art. As the guy said, it looks plastic because it is plastic. Art should not be limited or restricted, something blender does.

Anonymous No. 979034

My main issue with a lot of these old-world paradigm 3d software is that they are meant to be used within a fixed production pipeline (like Maya > zBrush > Substance) that the big effects houses had used, mostly compartmentalized. If you're running solo or if you're proficient and have to do multiple things it becomes a problem. Despite the prowess of some programs like zBrush, it is a fucking piece of shit software. Others such as Maya have age old bugs and problems that they haven't updated or fixed.

Having a program like Blender is nice especially if you're still young and are experimenting, or if you just want to model/sculpt/rig and maybe animate/texture something within the same software especially if you're exporting for games or are doing things at a lower level of detail such as if you don't have the graphical horsepower. Having a rasterized rendering engine for lookdev in addition to a rather fast (provided you don't step on certain criteria or force it to do atmospherics) path traced renderer with RT acceleration is also nice.
If the materials/rendering engine is the main issue then you can just one of the many alternative rendering engines that the software can use, such as Octane or LuxCore.

Anonymous No. 979040

What you saying about blender is its weakness. No one does nonsense stuff like “Go to editing mode” or “no wheel mouse”. All such common features in other programs aren’t even attempted to be made in Blender because the main devs refuse to add it. Also, one of the most worst software to give away your money, 1 million dollars and still refuse to add more people or better things to get into standard ideals. Blender has no place to go pass the development of current devs, it’s the reason why we won’t get anywhere with blender.

Anonymous No. 979050

>be blender
>change things most don't need to be changed and or refuse to add things people need, take money from the development fund
>be autodesk
>be stuck on a goldmine and don't do anything at all, occasionally add things other software already has, also takes your money
>all the good shit is still split and fragmented between different paid software which either get killed, cannibalized, or also stagnate
Decisions decisions. Both software seem symptomatic of how stagnant in innovation the 3d industry had been over the last 20 years but in different ways. But we look at things like Maya more harshly when it plays catch up with Modo, Moi3D, some Blender stuff, 3ds Max, and so on because Autodesk is a household name and also employs subscription services and other shady practices. And they're still supposed to be the alleged top dog. So the question is, what do you do with all of this knowledge?:

Anonymous No. 979057

The only real answer is to steal, Blender and Maya suck at sculpt, just steal ZBrush, Adobe products killing their products so just steal it, Steal Autodesk products because they'll just break it, Steal Modo because it just a better software for simulation purposes, etc. That leaves zero reasons to ever install Blender, not even Vroid is useful because a program call Metasequoia 4 (The MMD creation) is putting a lot of features for Vroid while Blender requires a plug-in. There's no reason for blender existence except to demonstrate bad 3D software.

Anonymous No. 979112

Blender is good for modeling and learning to model but thats about it.

Anonymous No. 979126

itt: autodesk shills/boomers coping and seething about the fact that young people aren't buying into their cripplingly overspecialized gorillion dollar subscription-based drm-laced abandonware

Anonymous No. 979136

Not even abandonware, it’s currently in 2024 with new features and fixes bugs. Unlike blender that did something bad bu adding extra steps or whatever to edge sharpening and can ruin projects because it has to be in the bottom row.

Anonymous No. 979145

As things stand right now Autodesk doesn't deserve our financial support unless they change their ways. This is unlikely however due to them being held hostage by shareholders, being a publicly traded company.
1. Autodesk has phased out perpetual licenses just like Adobe has. Autodesk also screws customers by turning lifetime licenses into subscriptions.
2. Autodesk has made very few meaningful additions and improvements to their software since the early 2010s.
3. The price of said licenses do not reflect the actual value of their product in the current day.
4. The software licensing workflow sucks.
5. Discontinuation of useful features with no explanation, absorption of competing software like Softimage XSI and not actually doing anything with it.
The CEO of Autodesk strongly criticized Adobe switching from a product sales model to a subscription model, calling it unfriendly to customers. Then they do the same thing. Autodesk doesn't give a sh!t because a bulk of their income is from people who are already entrenched into their engineering software. They are quite literally resting on their laurels instead of innovating. XSI, Fusion, AutoCAD, Revit, Motion Builder, Mudbox, Bifrost, and so on. All examples of their lethal injection practices. Maya and 3D Studio Max have also been falling behind and noticeably playing catch up for the last few years.

It fucking hurts me all of these great tools not living up to their full potential. We should be light years ahead of where we were 10 years ago and yet it feels like we're stuck in a 10nm++++++ dilemma.

Anonymous No. 979167

They used to have a leg up on the likes of Blender, but now the roles have reversed and the paid software are basically obsolete (barring some possible exceptions for niche and specific use-cases).

Anonymous No. 979169

These anons with their endless debates lead themselves and those around them to ruin.

Anonymous No. 979176

Blender has nothing useful, animation is not its strongest point because many useful features will never be added by the devs. Blender continues to alter the basic functionality of models to crazy portions that are not required, many people are forced instead of having a choice between them. UV editing is everywhere including no names like Wings3D. Blender sucks at VFX and many use tricks to hide the worst of it. Motion Capture and other techniques aren’t close enough for corporate to continue using blender, they rather have a working and proven solution. Light is super limiting as in many industries don’t bother caring about blender and only let proven solution like maya have rendered. Blender rendering is junk, even if you download something, the code issues will show up.

Once again, nothing useful, Vroid is better in another program since that one can also work with MMD. Blender is just a delay plugin on Vroid.

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peer reviewed evi....jpg

Anonymous No. 979236

>Blender has nothing useful

Anonymous No. 979238

good morning sir

Anonymous No. 979244

The only reason blender exists is because you people never looked into other 3D software. Wings3D, LightWave, cheetah, etc. You people refuse to admit better software and allowing the developers to do worse things to blender, news flash they aren’t experts in the industry or anything 3D related. They are just programmers who work on blender software for years as a income source. Just like that scammer Yenderdev who keeps adding useless features and making awful mistakes in code, Blender devs also do the same things but have been doing it for 20+ years.

Blender is never going to be better, there will be a better fork but it will become alien to you by that time.

Anonymous No. 979245

>because you people never looked into other 3D software
Anon, I started out with C4D and Maya. Blender has proven its self to be useful for a variety of things in many sectors, and the reason why it is so popular is because the competition just isn't delivering as it should be in a lot of areas due to a lack of continuity and understanding between developers as well as executive meddling. The 3D industry as a whole has become extremely stagnant and every software is just playing catch up with another back and forth. Too many of the things you claim just aren't being espoused or materialized outside of this site. The idea that Blender has nothing useful or that it hasn't improved just plainly isn't true. I would have agreed maybe a few years ago, but not now.

Quite honestly I'm mostly just venting my frustration here about Autodesk not improving the properties they acquired. People are moving away from their stuff for a good reason. Houdini, Cinema 4D, Embergen, Gaea, Substance, zBrush, sure those are still nice. Hell even Lightwave 3D somehow returned (though it has to contend with Unreal Engine and Blender now, and is way behind on features). But you're seeing those tools incorporated more and more with Blender rather than what Autodesk has to offer. Too many things feel like they're either regressing, side grading, or just remaining in a state of paralysis because people always want something else out of the software.

Blender has a very good reason to exist and a market segment to fill, and if nothing else serves as a gateway for many people to get into 3D in one way or another. The large amount of resources it has as well definitely helps to bolster the learning experience.

Anonymous No. 979253

It really pains you that people want to use Blender, doesn't it? I started out with max and then C4D. I moved to Blender and I would never want to go back. And Wings always sucked ass

Anonymous No. 979258

What you are saying is nonsense, Blender cant symmetry much less build working models. They weren’t built for common 3D assets, they were codified to only work on Blender ideals. The only thing i see is Blender becoming a walled garden like Google and Apple because of the way it refuses to work with other products. Plugins are becoming commercial has more and more useful features became desirable. The devs ideals of Blender has made it worse which in turn useless as they continue to downgrade it. Blender can’t teach you anything about 3D its a tool, it can’t do anything without the developers input, lacks critical technical ability and the community can’t handle working together on what Blender should become.

-Maya: animation and modeling
-3Dmax: VFX and animation
-Wings3D: modeling
-Hudini: VFX and modeling

-Blender: what ever the fuck the development wants

Blender is useless, no goal, no real modeling and nothing to improve.

Anonymous No. 979296

What you are saying is cope.

Anonymous No. 979306

ironic because that word means unable to handle the reality of your problems. What you gotta do? Make a fork or something?

Anonymous No. 979400


Anonymous No. 979401

ESL-kun, I...

Anonymous No. 979417

Your English chat-box can't pass elementary school level, shut up about your dumb language that is entirely made up.

Anonymous No. 979423

Case in point.

Anonymous No. 982452

Ive been doing 3d for games and film for 10+ years now
Milkshape was my first intro to 3d, then blender.
About 7 years in I forced myself to learn Maya by uninstalling blender and not taking any contract work for a few months
I have to say, it wasnt worth it at all. Maya is a sluggish, unintuitive bugfest compared to the modern blender releases, with a tight grip on the big boy industry and the wannabe big boy industry of small to medium studios. These are usually lead by 40+ year old something hacks who can barely model anything in under a week but swear by Maya as if its their grandmothers shitty chili recipe. Its a human nature issue, the arrogance of unwilling to change towards something better. Usually with the excuse of "our pipelines are built around Maya"
Well guess what, most industry pipelines are streamlined and universal. Your shitty tools can be recreated for blender or you can at the very least let your modelers use whatever they fucking want and then pass it on to the riggers and tech art monkeys to implement in your super cool secret pipeline that is a holy thing that cannot be touched.

Anonymous No. 982459

This is also happening in software dev because it turns out when nobody is hiring for months at a time people don't just specialize at random for funsies and do non-dev work to pay bills in the interim.

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Anonymous No. 982463

Is possible achive late 90/early 2000 cg SOUL in Blender? if so, how?

Anonymous No. 982470

Oh come on that’s a fuck ton of lies, Maya has working Python and working software. Your point of Blender’s freedom doesn’t apply because of the software cheating to create a phantom version of the files. Blender can’t create anything without additional plugins and can’t maintain the level of detail without bugs. Not even the most experienced Blender users can understand bone structure, the dumbest developers decided to never care about such things. It won’t matter how great the project will work in Blender because it doesn’t in real world applications.

Anonymous No. 982490

>Blender can't create anything without additional plugins
This sentence means nothing, its just blank ignorant statement towards a software you dont like/are afraid to learn to use. Provide an example or gtfo
>Bone structure
The way blender handles bones is admittedly stupid because its stubbornly keeps to itself while other even non autodesk software maintain the joint hierarchy structure which autodesk set. 4.2 seems to be headed in the bone hierarchy direction and imo they're easing the users into the more accepted hierarchy structure

This also does not refute my point of letting the modelers use what they want.

Regarding plugins- if youve ever been in a professional environment, you probably realized that most will have custom tools and even modified versions of maya to suit their specific needs. The good thing about blender being open source is that professional programmers could essentially tailor make a complete custom version of the software tailor made for the needs of your pipeline. You cant so this with autodesk products, or you can but its highly limited by the propriety locks.

Anonymous No. 982497

Yes, this problem >>982233

And this one >>981764

Big problem here: >>981381

Last one: >>970017

You’re never getting any fixes for these problems and the blender developers don’t care. Also, you people are trying to make it into CAD capability but failed to even mention how to import and export DAW files or similar software. Blender is not worth anything.

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Anonymous No. 982498

It should be illegal for companies to only sell subscriptions for their programs.

Anonymous No. 982503

That's how you end up with abandonware

Anonymous No. 984810

why you gotta bring my dating life into it?

Anonymous No. 984875

Bruh, what are you even doing that you can use default materials?

Anonymous No. 984883

I don't feel like supporting kikes, so I will never pay for any 3D programs, period.

Anonymous No. 987015

I don't think it should be illegal to do, but I strongly believe they should be strictly forced to use the word "rent" and not "buy" when doing so (as shown here >>963158
). I hate subscriptions and marketing departments with a passion and it would be wonderful to call out their bullshit.

Anonymous No. 987109

Blender being open source inherently gives it an element of longevity that propietary software doesn't have. Someone can always fork the former, the latter requires engagement from it's owners or being sold to someone capable and willing to be developed. That said, if decompilation was more capable this trait would be irrelevant. The only thing I hope for in AI is the automation/advancement of software reverse engineering.

Anonymous No. 987136

>AI in the automation/advancement of software reverse engineering
I feel like this should be relatively easy to train for since we’ve got lots of open source projects available that you can compare the source to the compiled code. Obfuscation will hinder things but I guess you could run automated obfuscation on open source projects and train it on those too.

Anonymous No. 989883


Anonymous No. 990919

>There are no workflows in Blender.
LOL stop talking

Anonymous No. 991449

>Giving money to Autodesk or Adobe
No, I don't think I will.jpg

yours truly, pajeet. No. 991996

I will use blender and if I have to pay, it'll be houdini and nothing else

Anonymous No. 992092

I work in industry and little known fact about Blender like all free software it leaves small residue undetectable to the eye on your finger after use. To remove it is a very involved process that many simply don't understand the importance of, even then some small residue can be missed.
During the hiring process we often scan the full hand (palm + backside) to test if the prospective employee has been using these free softwares. Let's just say if the test picks up anything, you're out the door.
Do NOT use Blender, not even to try it. I'm serious.

Anonymous No. 992131

who the fuck said this? and why? blender is just fine for making "good art"