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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957926

Dear Anons, please bear with me, this is not a bait thread. I've worked for 10 years as a graphic designer and when I decided to go 100% freelance I went for Affinity Suite instead of Adobe so I didn't have to pay a subscription. I had a really bad time because everyone expected me to use Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, etc. Eventually I had to go back to Adobe, I was losing money. Now I'm in a position where I have to learn 3D so I can keep a couple of big clients. My question is, would I have the same bad experience if I choose to go Blender instead of Maya? I don't care about stuff like FoSS philosophy or feature parity, if I have to spend money to make money, I will. I just want to know if it's true that Maya is what's expected when talking about 3D.

Anonymous No. 957927

Learn the industry standard (maya / houdini)

Anonymous No. 957944

Work in blender most of my life, I have never had any problems, in my last work they used Maya while I was using blender and I never had an issue, but it all depends on what you are working on

Anonymous No. 957950

Well ya you are going to face issues. Maya files don’t work on Blender and features in Maya aren’t in Blender. Also, why didn’t you just lie to clients about photoshop. Not like they can screen your computer or anything. Affity works the same as photoshop. Maya and blender don’t work the same.

See this guy lying, he is avoiding the issue of bone data corruption, MoCap incompetence, technical texturing issues, animation problems, etc.

These two softwares will never work together.

Anonymous No. 957955

You can learn Maya in an hour. Blender however...

Anonymous No. 957975

>My question is, would I have the same bad experience if I choose to go Blender instead of Maya?
yes, undoubtedly. not citing industry-standard software is a gigantic red flag that automatically translates to "highly unprofessional" for many potential clients.

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Anonymous No. 957977

So true anon, Look at all these unprofessional companies supporting unprofessional software.

Anonymous No. 957982

Blender is a toy software. Its not for serious production. Get this through your head.

The whole spiderman thing? Simply the grease pencil - thats it

Anonymous No. 957987

nice cope, blendertard.

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Anonymous No. 957990

This is incorrect, the picture shows what they actually do.

Unity - Since they are using Unity to Export FBX, they won't last long before Unity charges them for each export. This is why FBX sucks in Blender.

BioSkill - nothing important

AutoCRC - Useless since no one does fluid in Blender

Adidas - Useless cycle info

AMD, NVIDIA and Intel - Only supports their products, the newer ones not obsolete versions.

Facebook - Nothing note worthy

Apple - Their products

Everyone else is giving Blender money for reasons or other means.Blender doesn't have transparency report, the rumors of fire employees and workflow is entirely kept shut.

Anonymous No. 957994

Genuine answer here from someone that had to use all 3. Use blender. It will do anything you need well enough for free. Not only is blender free, you have full ownership of anything you create with blender.

Blender is what any beginner should go with to learn 3D. There is genuinely no point in going with anything else if it’s not a job requirement.

Blender is on par with Industry standard in all the ways that (You) need.

Anonymous No. 957995

Thanks everyone for the responses. I'm afraid I didn't express myself correctly, the question is not about the software capability (or lack of it) but about expectations from other people I might work with. The Affinity Suite did everything I wanted but the fact that I wasn't using the industry standard made people weary, specially when I had to send editable files (psd, indd, ai, etc) to others down the pipeline; if something went wrong people tended to blame me first simply because I was using other software (even if I did everything right), in the end this type of situations made me lose a couple of projects and that's when I decided to go back to Adobe. I don't want to have to deal with this when doing 3D stuff (it's gonna be mostly retopo it seems), if it was up to me, I'd go with Blender, but I simply don't know how ubiquitous Maya is.

Anonymous No. 957997

You already went through this once, failing to learn from it and going again for it twice means you have a learning disability/have low IQ so Blender would be the right place for you.

Anonymous No. 957998

so, is Maya as ubiquitous in 3D as Photoshop is in 2D? I just didn't know how prevalent it is.

Anonymous No. 957999

If your 3D work is gonna be design-related still, then Cinema 4D is kinda the standard. For 3D graphics design and mograph/motion design, C4D (+ After Effects/Illustrator/PS) is THE industry standard, and it is also commonly used for broadcast design and product visualization.
3ds Max is the industry standard for archviz.
Modo is the standard for footwear design, for some reason.
CLO/Marvelous Designer is the standard for fashion design (not that there are real alternatives).
The thing about all this proprietary "industry standard" software is that these programs play together mostly nicely. Not C4D-with-the-Adobe-suite nicely, but good enough most of the time. With Blender you will have problems with integrating into a typical pipeline of these "proprietary industry standard" programs.
If the central 3D DCC software of the project is Maya/Max/C4D, sculpting is done with ZBrush, texturing is done with Substance Painter, rendering is done with Octane/Redshift/V-Ray/Arnold, compositing is done with Fusion/AE/Nuke - you get the idea - likely the only thing that could be contributed with Blender there is non-animated meshes, like hard surface props.
If you know you will have to work with other people, especially teams of "professionals" employed by companies, then you better prepare and familiarize yourself with the software they might use beforehand.

Anonymous No. 958003

unless you are integrating into someone elses pipeline (you need to get work files from and pass work files onto other people), it more or less doesnt matter what software you use.

if all you are passing along to the client are either finished images/video renders or 3D export data like OBJ, STL, FBX, then any software can accept those, and thus it doesnt matter what software you use to produce them, 3D software exports to a universal set of file types

project files though are proprietary, so if you have a client who wants MEL files, you need to be using maya, or blend files for blender. but this is uncommon unless you are working in the middle of a pipeline or as part of a team that needs to pass working project files back and forth.

otherwise it doesnt matter and the software you use is up to your personal preference and the performance/capability of the tools within. if the renders look good and you can produce, clients wont really give a shit what software you use to produce it unless they need to integrate you into their pipeline

Anonymous No. 958008

What part of ‘Maya and Blender don’t work together’ did you not understand. You’ll only going to lock yourself in Blender communities? No one in Blender pays enough to keep a roof in your head. They are scammers who lie about everything. New updates break things like 3.0 versions.

People won’t go to you for modeling when someone more experienced can do the job better.

Anonymous No. 958015

>someone more experienced can do the job better

thats going to be the case regardless of what software they're using. thats going to be true of every job in every industry (except maybe congress)

Anonymous No. 958022

yes but Blender doesn't give the feeling or look of a professional. Everyone who worked on or has experience with someone with blender comes up with problems, that are otherwise non-existence in Maya.

People pay you to get the job done, not wait until you find YouTube video to fix your own problem.

Anonymous No. 958936

What about video editing? It is similar?
Da vinci resolve or adobe premier?

Anonymous No. 958937

Maya not because it's inherently superior but better job opportunity

Anonymous No. 959002

the only thing that would probably matter is the export options, fbx is locked by autodesk and had to be reverse engineered for blender, all the people telling you that maya is better as a software are trolling faggots

Anonymous No. 959007

fuck off jew

Anonymous No. 959012

>people telling you that maya is better as a software
that's not the question
See these two statements (from >>957995 and >>958937)
>the question is not about the software capability (or lack of it) but about expectations from other people I might work with
>Maya not because it's inherently superior but better job opportunity

Anonymous No. 962174

did you all pirate maya? Ive pirated software in the past but Im at the point where I dont trust keygens and I dont want to fuck up my computer
how do I use this thing as a poorfag? virtual machine?

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Anonymous No. 962185

The common meme of Maya is the industry standard is bullshit. Just like the meme of Macs being better at graphic design. It all started because old school studios such as Disney and Dreamworks designed all of their Animation tools ontop of Maya. The thing is unless youre a big shot working for Disney or Blizzard or some shit like that then Maya is no industry standard. Even then the Maya those people use is just a platform to run all of their scrypts and tools and is NOTHING like default Maya.

Autodesk is a company that has stopped innovating all of their software is ancient and the only thing they do is buy tools and add them on top to keep themselves relevant. They often go in dead ends though, just look at Mudbox and Mayas supposed sculpting tools that are a joke. Maya is so old than going from Blender to Maya for modeling feels like going back to the 90s.

Feel free to use whatever youre comfortable with but IMO Blender is a complete package with way more capabilities than Maya has out of the box. It's easy to use, has tons of support, tutorials, free tools and add ons to do whatever you want and more. Everyone I know went from Maya to Blender and never looked back.

But again, do whatever you feel comfortable with, but IMO Blender is much better than Maya in almost everything.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 962187

obvious troll since if you use adobe suite the most likely 3d package to add to your workflow would be cinema 4d.

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Anonymous No. 962193

Once you gain real skill after about 10 years of working with 3d and are able to script and make new nodes, maya + houdini + painter/mari + katana + nuke + something like plasticity become overwhelmingly powerful and blender looks like baby shit and laughable. These programs are part of the "paid" ecosystem. You have to buy in. For many years, you're not going to understand them or be able to utilize them fully because you cant script and program well enough but that's just how it is. Just keep paying your sub fees and keep practicing the paid ecosystem and eventually you will be able to achieve much much greater things than blender ever will.

Anonymous No. 962198

At this point I wonder if its even worth it anymore. I do 3D mostly for fun but I imagine that soon AI will be able to reproduce 3D with the press of a button just like it does with 2D now and then what will be the point of learning to scrypt and work with all that software?

Anonymous No. 962199

>Once you gain real skill after about 10 years of working with 3d and are able to script and make new nodes
Good thing I have 15 years of experience in 3D including Blender, Substance, Mari, Maya, Nuke, Rhino, Plasticity AND a degree in computer science and therefore am able to tell you to suck shit. >>962185 is entirely right, I use Blender whenever I can because Maya is trash and has received zero useful features for at least 5 years. No new toolchains are developed for Maya, all the VFX houses and other studios I know have a skeleton crew to fix the worst bugs in their Maya plugins while the rest works on new plugins for Unity, Unreal or Blender.

Anonymous No. 962200

>No houdini experience
>No katana experience
>Guaranteed marginal, tourist maya experience
Thats a big cringe from me

thunder thighs No. 962203

Why don't you use whatever you can get. Pipo who complain about the infrastructure before starting often end up dropping out before learning anything of significance. Meanwhile those who keep learning and switching things up if it suits their work actually end up doing something worthwhile. Tldr: faggots can't learn either blender or Maya but still keep discussing which is better to seem relevant

>Verification not required
even the server doesn't want to waste resources keeping iS xYz BeTtEr tHaN LmN threads. and wants to get over it

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Anonymous No. 962214

No need to argue about it everybody who starts 3D will want to know whats the best software to use and what are the differences thats just common sense.

The problem is the constant hear say that if you dont know Maya youre basically doomed to never find work, or Maya being the holy grail of employability.

I think what matters when starting out is trying everything and learning the process and I think Blender is free, easy to use, and full featured, theres no reason not to try it at least. Especially when thebalternatives cost thpusands of dollars.

Anonymous No. 962216

>full featured,
you cant even do the most basic of stuff in blender, like saving a .blend file to a human readable text file that you can diff between

Anonymous No. 962220

>the most basic of stuff like <asspull "feature">
Maya needs text file output so people can fix their file when Maya inevitably fucks it up. I have stopped counting the occasions where Maya's """stable""" history and nodes shit the bed and corrupted my files. I have -never- seen a corrupted .blend file.

Anonymous No. 962221

>he thinks diffing is for corruption only

Anonymous No. 962222

There is no other reason for diffing when Blender's file format is completely open source.

Anonymous No. 962224

you cannot open a .blend in a text editor you retard

Anonymous No. 962225

Yes, instead you open it with Blender (free software).

Anonymous No. 962226

you have single digit IQ

Anonymous No. 962228

Yeah, and it's shrinking too, by next year it'll be below 5 and then I'll have to use Maya :^)

Anonymous No. 962235

put your money where your mouth is and post your work

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Anonymous No. 962236

Im trying to be amicable and this retard complains about wanting to hex edit a fucking txt file like the mothefucker is in the Matrix. I wish people could stop ridding Autodesk's dick for a second and just enjoy making and discussing 3D like normal people. I guess its too much to ask.

Anonymous No. 962237

post your work

Anonymous No. 962238

additionally, a .ma file is not a hex file, it is human readable

Anonymous No. 962240

Well seems like someone is overly fake on the numbers. I have actual 15 years of experience and have worked on many projects you may had seen. What bullshit did you learn about blender being better when it falls apart every time. The people who hire me want real results with real time expectations. Not experimental stuff on blender or junk code you rushed within the few hours.

Haven’t you downloaded any free models that require dead plug ins. Blender community has always had a problem of people abandoning projects. Yet blender requires plugins to work otherwise you aren’t solving 3D problems that the developers of blender refuse to solve.

Anonymous No. 962242

>Haven’t you downloaded any free models that require dead plug ins. Blender community has always had a problem of people abandoning projects. Yet blender requires plugins to work otherwise you aren’t solving 3D problems that the developers of blender refuse to solve.
you could say that about any plug in for any software that requires a license server

Anonymous No. 962317

You will be resented/blamed every time your use of Blender causes extra work for someone else. Which might not happen if all you do is model/UV, as OBJ export are simple enough. But if you do anything else, or even are potentially just requested to do modifications later on, you might end up causing trouble, depending on the studio/project, and how things work there. So yes, I'd expect the same that you already experience with Adobe.

Anonymous No. 962323

Maybe you forgot that I make 3d models, and not mocap, also i worked on a 5 full environments for that game, and never had a problem, no file corruption of anything whatsoever, maybe is a skill issue for you

Anonymous No. 962328

How would you know if there were problems? Do you think the person down the line who needs to deal with your work is going to bother complaining to you? No, he'll curse you in silence, while fixing the mess you made, maybe complain to management if it caused a bigger delay on his usual work.

Anonymous No. 962329

I know for a fact environments required light and good quality. What you say doesn’t match the description of someone who has worked in such environment. Reallusion gives a very good example of how things work. I know blender will never work with such assets because again the softwares are at odds of each other.

Anonymous No. 962340

>Do you think the person down the line who needs to deal with your work is going to bother complaining to you? No, he'll curse you in silence
that is so fucking weird man, because the same guy give me work monthly, he may be a masochist then, or maybe you are a Maya fanboy.
I guess I am a fucking magician, or you are just unskilled

Anonymous No. 962345

Anon I know for a fact it’s a waste of time to have two people working on the same project. Management or whoever is your boss would see this mistake. Unless you are telling me you do the models and nothing else because it’s also unbelievable in this day of age. You also, got exposed for the fake you are. Everyone knows Maya has special rules for transparent texture. Yet, you clam no such thing has happened. Blender transparency rules are incompatible with Maya. You also, fail to understand Maya import rules when you are sending multiple models in OBJ, no one wants to deal with such mess anon.

Anonymous No. 962366

It ultimately depends on what softwares your clients were familiar with.

Anonymous No. 962375

Keep telling yourself that, if it helps you not going to sleep crying. I have an amazing job doing what you consider impossible.
Better for me I guess...

Anonymous No. 962388

You didn’t refute anything, so what you are saying is you upload OBJ models to someone and it’s their problem? If such models have texture, it’s their problem? OMG anon this is a jerk move in the industry.

Anonymous No. 962389

Fbx is universal format for game engine not just unity, this is why all 3d software let you export to fbx

Anonymous No. 962542

.....Blender is Maya for the Poor; simple as that.

Anonymous No. 962547

Maya is blender for the proprietary fags, you just pay a service, simple as that

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Anonymous No. 964034

Someone in a different thread keeps saying that Maya doesn't use topology. Is this true? If yes, then how does that work? Is this an AutoCAD situation where shapes are defined with math?

Anonymous No. 964039

of course it uses topology