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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957931

>working on converting model that needs to match certain polygon limit
>(((google))) several questions on how to reduce polygons on part of a over vertexed fairly simple model
>they all say the same thing that I already tried
>"maybe I'll just try and manually select what wont be seen"
>search up how to select with depth
>all of them telling me to use xray (I'm trying to delete one side only)
why the fuck is it impossible to get help with this shit

Anonymous No. 957932

Use Meshmixer and reduce the triangle count by painting

Anonymous No. 957938

I used to work on extremely low polycount, the secret is that if the texture is not mirrored, in the entire model you can get rid of a lot of triangles, so you can try this

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Anonymous No. 959343

some kinda opaque wireframe vertex monster has gotta have a ton of edge loops running from areas with wide shapes to pinch points. Like they needed more verts to make a smooth head, and ended up adding edge loops that squared the number of faces on the whole model and made way too many in the cratch and armpit.
Same process can undo it. select and delete whole edge loops. That'll eliminated lots of polygons at a time, and you can control where it happens with precision. A good split between tediously deleting faces manually and some remeshing tool thats going to distort the details.

Anonymous No. 959896

you can decimate down to whatever polycount you want.

Anonymous No. 960273

Show what you're working on and what you're trying to achieve exactly (if you haven't already
), I don't get why it's a struggle?

>Sept 13th
it's over

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Anonymous No. 960275

lmao this guy lives in a different timezone