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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957959

How much time do you spend making a character model from scratch?

Anonymous No. 957972

How long is a piece of string?
What is the model for, what style is it in, is going to be animated, what parts are going to be animated, is it a human, is it a monster?
it can be anything from 15 minutes to 15 weeks.

Anonymous No. 957988

as long as it takes. as usual (board quality is really quite high): fantastic fucking thread you've got going on here.

Anonymous No. 958000

Fuck up, idiot

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blender maximalists.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958001


board langue is english, prakeesh. take your time. what are you trying to say?

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Anonymous No. 958002


board language is English, prakeesh. take your time. what are you trying to say? :-)

Anonymous No. 958006

this is a Cris thread most likely.

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Anonymous No. 958012

lmao cow-diarrhea-crust-on-my-face stink-indian learn to THINK

filthy savage blender apologist

Anonymous No. 958014

Few hours for the parts I know how to do, few days for the rest.

Anonymous No. 958043


Anonymous No. 958125

NTA but that's the Australian English dialect.

Anonymous No. 958544

I really wish you retarded coomers would stop posting shit like that on this board.

Anonymous No. 958570

Like a week. That is not the amount of time I actually spend working on the model, in fact I like to work on it and then let it "simmer", let it rest for some time so when I get back any issues it has are more obvious.
Character creation is a lengthy process and one shouldn't be ashamed to take their time with it

Anonymous No. 961949

shut up christfag eunuch