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๐Ÿงต Engine development is about to get freaky

Anonymous No. 958147

We're seeing more and more AAA devs drop their engines in favor of third-party, and even 500+ employee studios like CDPR and Ubi are dropping their in-house engines left and right cause no devs can figure out how to make them work. Now one of the only two engines "professional" devs seem to consider viable just committed suicide.

What do you think is gonna happen? Are we about to see more Cryengine game? Total Unreal domination? Godot in AAA? A return to in-house engines where devs struggle to keep up with industry standards?

Anonymous No. 958154

Every platform that would like to commit suicide is welcome to. The moment their pulse stops the vultures descend and their pricey tools become free.

Anonymous No. 958161

>The moment their pulse stops the vultures descend and their pricey tools become free.
Hmm, that must explain why so many franchises and tools are open source now instead of being shelved in a vault forever.

Anonymous No. 958182

I really wish godot was c# only. Instead they support like 5 different lenguages which seems dumb.

Anonymous No. 958183

it's hobbyware, you should already know the drill from blender.

Anonymous No. 958210

>Unreal domination
>Godot in AAA
A little of both and Godot will dominate indie games

Anonymous No. 958217

Don't most developers just make their own engine these days? An engine is just a shitton of libraries stacked on top of each other to get a graphical program with logic running. And yes the NGMI's will just use Unreal or Unity/Godot/Gamemaker/Roblox because that's the most widely adopted platforms with lots of tutorials to copy and steal code from.

Anonymous No. 958247

>Don't most developers just make their own engine these days?

Anonymous No. 958248

To expand on >>958247 (seeing as I work here), most in-house engine teams are a few people scrambling to add what they can while proprietary engine teams exist solely to improve the engine since it's their entire business model.
Just look at studios like Bethesda and Ubisoft struggling to make games that would look bad by last gen standards, while Unreal offers full photorealism *and* is super easy to make a game in (in-house engines almost universally have terrible UX cause it's not a priority for the aforementioned 12-man engine devteam).

Anonymous No. 958251

>while Unreal offers full photorealism *and* is super easy to make a game in

Anonymous No. 958253

Depends where you look
Most indie or smaller devs use 3rd party except a few for 2d which is usually just smaller frameworks and libraries
Bigger studios its a mix of Unreal and inhouse.

Anonymous No. 958254

Genshin is unity my man.

Indie is unity. The thing about unreal is its only suitable for large teams. I for one will be sticking with unity, since its multiple orders of magnitude faster to develop in and graphics dont matter.

Anonymous No. 958277

If you are a game developer, optimization is a first, period. Most people will run poo hardware because they can't afford to play a benchtest RTX game on a render farm computer. You either are a master with an proprietary engine like Unreal and Unity, where you tweak every last line of code to make your game for people who don't use a RTX 4090 and i9 processor, or you make your own engine to fit exactly the needs of the devices you are working on.

Anonymous No. 958278

I'm serious about both, stop browsing this thread and start looking at youtube tutorials. There's some amazing learning content, both on the official channel and from content creators.

Anonymous No. 958279

>is its only suitable for large teams.
>unity is multiple orders of magnitude faster to develop in
I'm convinced you're retarded and simply happened to learn Unity first.

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Anonymous No. 958562

>We're seeing more and more AAA devs drop their engines in favor of third-party, and even 500+ employee studios like CDPR and Ubi are dropping their in-house engines left and right

I wish they could at least consider open sourcing their engines before deserting them like what id Software did with id Tech 3 (the Quake 3 engine) in 2005 so people who are interested can continue their development and making games with them. A lot of amazing games came out of id Tech 3's source code release (Tremulous, OpenArena, Urban Terror, etc.).

Anonymous No. 958581

iD only ever released their engines because they were outdated, and couldn't be adapted to modern standards. It's why Doom 3 was the last project they open sourced.

Anonymous No. 958592

Blender got their shit together and became quite awesome.
Same might happen to Godot, if the increased funding and interest helps with the development.

Anonymous No. 958665

I make money every day with blender, a decent living to be honest, am I just a filthy hobbyist?

Anonymous No. 958690

>cause no devs can figure out how to make them work
Retarded /v/-tier notion. Plenty of people can figure out how to make them work, but you can't avoid a tonne of work with a custom engine, not just making it but keeping it up to date too. On top of that, you have to make a fucking game.
>Are we about to see more Cryengine game?
CE is a piece of shit with tonnes of bugs, awful documentation, etc. It only had an edge in lighting for a long time but that's gone now with UE5.
>Godot in AAA?
>A return to in-house engines where devs struggle to keep up with industry standards?
No, why would they?
>Total Unreal domination?
Yes, though bit by bit other engines will spring up, but Unreal is likely to dominate the engine business for a long time.

Anonymous No. 958724

>Don't most developers just make their own engine these days?
They try, sometimes. Usually what happens is that a studio has an in-house engine, but the management keeps hiring contractors for cheap and each new developer has no idea what the previous guy did. They try to save money and create a mess in the process. After a while they're like "oh fuck we don't have anyone who knows how this fucking engine works anymore because we fired them to save money, let's just start using UE"

Anonymous No. 958785

The advantages of using UE (or some similar competitor like CryEngine) seem overwhelming for a studio.
>Large pool of workers already trained with it, no long onboarding process
>Huge amount of tooling and development, man-centuries of work
>Better graphics than any custom engine will likely have (barring a genius graphics engineering team, and even in that case, the trade off is somewhat unlikely to be worth it)

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Anonymous No. 958788

>Are we about to see more Cryengine
There's literally no reason to use Cryengine when O3DE exists.

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Anonymous No. 958914

Pretty much the amount of time and money and effort being put into godot and unreal makes any newcomer literally be under such disadvantage is much cheaper to just unreal if you're an AAA and godot if you're an smaller studio or indie.

Sadly, but it seems more realistic to fork godot into your own niche engine, like rpg in a box and castagne engine than try to outcompete unreal.

Godot has literal shit like a fucking full time developer working just on the 2D tilemap for an entire year, dunno if he was paid.

A year of a single developer time went just to polish godot tilemap 2D feature.

It's simply not possible to compete with that, or hell, unreal like 10 billions yearly profit.

Anonymous No. 958915

Unity is still the "go to" for indies. For one, they only take up to 4% of revenue, undercutting unrealengine.

Anonymous No. 958924

Funny because Deadhaus Sonata dropped O3DE for Unity

Anonymous No. 958927

The outrage was warranted and it gave the desired effect, the doomer clickbait calling Unity dead over this was always very hyperbolic in nature.
Did it cause damage and erode trust? yes. Will many big name indies leave Unity now no matter what? Probably.

There are too many people out there who knows unity inside out, have multiple years of experience in it and love what it does outside the corpo mismanagement.
It'd survive worse scandals than this.

>What do you think is gonna happen?

Unity is gonna walk it back. Riccitiello's gonna be quietly replaced a bit further down the line when it doesn't look like he's fired over this mess.
Gamers are gonna grumble but forget this ever happened soon enough. Devs who's been going ham on social media is gonna have reality sink in what the cost of emigration will be.
Most of them will realize that abandoning ship is more expensive than staying the course.

>A return to in-house engines

That era is over. These things have grown much to complex for solo devs to develop these tools for themselves. Working on a subset of what goes into a current day
game engine like this takes a lifetime to learn and implement. Only large teams of experts can build the tier of tool that Unreal and Unity are today over the course of decades.
Combined man hours building these tools are measured in centuries at this point.

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Anonymous No. 962492


Anonymous No. 962523

people have been saying this for decades
modern engines (even godot) manage so much basic stuff and make it easier to focus on the game part of the development
in house engines make sense for smaller teams, however massive studios like Ubisoft can't afford educating all of their devs on the weird ins and outs of their engine

Anonymous No. 963073

I suspect Unreal domination for now

Anonymous No. 963357

>What do you think is gonna happen?
Japan makes all the games just like they took over comics because they still hire skilled programmers instead of 200 pound pink haired retards.

Anonymous No. 963386

I really which Godot didn't support C# in the first place. Shit language to prototype, shit language for performance, wholly unfit for game dev.

Anonymous No. 963459

you have never released any game

Anonymous No. 964026

it will not because there's not ENOUGH increased funding. Of course they might just ape Unity for a while, but that could carry legal risks.

Anonymous No. 964027

There needs to be a rebellion to stop this war on coding.

Anonymous No. 965261

>If you are a game developer, optimization is a first, period.
false. none of the big games this year were optimized at all.
>Most people will run poo hardware because they can't afford to play a benchtest RTX game on a render farm computer.
plus, the majority of gamers are on consoles, and they're used to, and fully accepting of unoptimized disasters running at sub-30fps, sub-900p upscaled to checkerboard 4K.
>You either are a master with an proprietary engine like Unreal and Unity, where you tweak every last line of code to make your game for people who don't use a RTX 4090 and i9 processor
this doesn't happen at any level at all.
>or you make your own engine to fit exactly the needs of the devices you are working on.
no one is doing this either.
>t. 13 years at ubisoft, and ea

Anonymous No. 965281

>Godot in AAA
even the redditor onions hype train after unity shitstorm couln't give godot any relevance