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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958334

How is the cg career going anon? You did spend time over the past decade plus working on your skills so you aren't made obsolete by AI or you aren't stuck doing shitty monkey work for the next 35 years. Right?

Please tell me you've paid off your house and don't have a 30 year jew chain still around your neck...

Anonymous No. 958335

I unironically wanted to get a career in CG while I was finishing up my degree. I always enjoyed the process behind world/narrative building.

I realized however that since I like CG work I really wanted to keep it as a hobby.
If you do something you love right and there is a potential, the money will come.
If you do something purely for the money, then your work becomes something you create so you can sell, and in turn from my experience the work suffers.

I have a good separate career where I can transfer my design skills, and I have peace of mind about my future for myself and my family.

Sometimes you got to pay your dues to do what you really want, and that is OK.

Anonymous No. 958336

if you aren't robbing a liqour store at gunpoint to pay for a personal render farm do you even belong in this industry?


Anonymous No. 958421

my career was over before it began, since i dont live near the industry and my money conversion rates get absolutely mogged by people living in the 3rd world who are willing to do the same job as i do (1st world)

Anonymous No. 958426

this is a Cris thread, he has his own thread too, please just ignore him.

Anonymous No. 960111

Truth. I wanted to make 3D games but started making coom for money. I fucking loathe 3D and my coom aint even great because of it. I wasted about a year just trying to earn 100 on patreon. Wasted 5 trying to draw for coom which also killed my interest in art.

Turns out unless you like it, it becomes a less paying job you hate. I would've been a better person in a better situation working at mcdonalds.