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Anonymous No. 958446

this is what Bethesda calls "game ready"

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Anonymous No. 958447


Anonymous No. 958448

wtf is that even ment to be

Anonymous No. 958453

A broken remote.

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Anonymous No. 958459

Topology fags btfo

Anonymous No. 958463

is this an asset form the game?

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Anonymous No. 958468

The apple chunk.

Anonymous No. 958469

Hardly a dent in the tens of billions of polygons modern hardware can handle. Polycount isn't as big of a deal as it was ten years ago. Upgrade your shitty system mate.

Anonymous No. 958471

is this real?

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Anonymous No. 958472

I'm very new to 3D, but why couldn't have they just done this?

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Anonymous No. 958473

How it looks in the game.

Anonymous No. 958474

because they're fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 958477

is it breakable?

Anonymous No. 958478

I don't know if that object in Starfield is breakable.

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Anonymous No. 958483


Anonymous No. 958488

You need even polygons for proper reflections

Anonymous No. 958490

"Even" as in "as close to even sided as possible"?

Anonymous No. 958493

You're using Blender, of course you have no fucking idea what's going on. 99% of the idiots on this board use Blender as well so they don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about. This topology is fine for static objects, not for animated ones. Please do yourself a favor and take a 3D class at school with Maya, it doesn't matter how shit and trash the school is it'll be better than anything you will ever learn with Blender.

Anonymous No. 958495

Is this some sort of an in-joke on this board, or are you being serious?

Anonymous No. 958499

He is taking about deformations on a solid box so the only person who is that stupid to make that remark is Cris,and I think that he uses blender so, for the sake of humanity I hope is a joke

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Starfield Cubes.png

Anonymous No. 958501

Here is a compilation from /v/
Pajeets and Bethesda cultists are on total damage control right now

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Anonymous No. 958502

This is a sandwich in Starfield

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Anonymous No. 958503


Anonymous No. 958505

I can see that this was initially a beveled cube. How would a competent person go about adding organic detail without fucking up the topology so much?

Anonymous No. 958507

It's like those /v/ retards don't understand what a static mesh is lol

Anonymous No. 958508

Topology only matters when you're deforming the object.

Anonymous No. 958509

use zbrush?

Anonymous No. 958513

>He is taking about deformations on a solid box
You read that backwards and thus need to go back to school.

Anonymous No. 958518

This is literally worse than the OP. At least the one on OP will look good in game, this will look like complete shit because the polygon size is all over the place.

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Anonymous No. 958519

Of course not. This is the in game model.

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who could be behi....png

Anonymous No. 958534


Anonymous No. 958537

they're called QUADS not RECTANGLES for a reason, aspect ratios matter

Anonymous No. 958539

Please dont be a copypasta that would be so funny as fuck

Anonymous No. 958540

Blenderfags are cringe, but 120.000 polys?

Anonymous No. 958549

You basically do that and then bake it in a fucking cube
it is a cube, idk the things that you want to animate there but it looks like a prop that could react to physics or to have some loopable animation at best

Anonymous No. 958553

do you suppose creation engine has different lod and that one happens to be the highest one?

Anonymous No. 958565

I thought of that, and also the possibility that it's tessellated (maybe dynamically) so that a displacement map can be applied.

Anonymous No. 958566

they don't do this because they need to sell computer parts

Anonymous No. 958575

FAAAAAKE. Why would a game asset have quads? The game already has its flaws, so why invent new ones?

Anonymous No. 958576

Where can I read more about why this is the case? Also, that doesn't explain the black wireframe between the details.

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Anonymous No. 958577

You need uniform geometry for correct shading.
For performance, you also want your quads to be small enough to fit in a fragment shader, they can be as tiny as 2x2 pixels.

Anonymous No. 958578

Still wouldn't make sense.
A geometry has to do two things: define shape and support other pieces of geometry and the quad meshed cube in OP is full of shit that does neither.
This would make sense, but I can't imagine what's going with that cube that you would want to tesselate it. I can't find what it looks like fully textured in game.

this is nonsense

Anonymous No. 958579

>this is nonsense

Anonymous No. 958583

Do Bethesda modelers not know sub-d? Pathetic.

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Anonymous No. 958584

should I need to remind you?

Anonymous No. 958590

They already posted a bunch of 3D art jobs lol. It seems like a whole department got fired for this.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 958596

ohhh, wait, so is this the dwemer puzzle cube? yeah, i knew this had to be some fake news shit where some clown on twitter takes some shit out of context.

Anonymous No. 958603


Anonymous No. 958606

>Required Skills:
>3D software: Maya or 3DS Max
oh well better luck next time /3/

Anonymous No. 958607

the same studios who made starfield's 3d assets also worked on stuff like diablo 4, god of war, bg3, and a ton of other shit. chances are they know what they're doing and you don't. besides, people have shown that the reason starfield runs like shit on pc is because the engine uses the gpu's ram inefficiently.

Anonymous No. 958608

Can anyone explain why this is bad without going full schizo?

Anonymous No. 958610

Maybe you just need a modern computer?

Anonymous No. 958611

making a cube use a billion polygons doesnt add any detail and kills performance. an anon said its fine because the cube is animated but I think hes trolling, even if you used Maya like he suggested you would still think this is retarded

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Screenshot (248)~2.png

Anonymous No. 958613

>ok topology
>can deform
>40k tris
how tf that shitty cube with awful topology have 120k tris

Anonymous No. 958614

i've never played starfield.

Anonymous No. 958616

A 4090 can't hold stable 60fps at max settings. Doesn't help that it looks like an early PS4 game either.

Anonymous No. 958620

My 3080TI is having no trouble at max
But then I don't do the whole 8k meme

Anonymous No. 958634

Knowing Bethesda's extensive track record, the artists know what they're doing and the studio doesn't.

Anonymous No. 958636

the artists aren't from bethesda. they are from 3d studios that have worked on a ton of triple-a games and movies. the shittiness of bethesda's code is not the responsibility of some 3d modeler in china.

Anonymous No. 958639

isnt this from garden of banaban

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Anonymous No. 958653

Imagine buying a 3080Ti for 1080p

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Anonymous No. 958654

Oh wait, it can't even do 1080p 60fps lmao

Anonymous No. 958675

Again had no issues maintaining 60FPS
Not sure whats wrong with those niggas rigs

Anonymous No. 958676

Holy shit lmao. This also completely explains that crappy art direction.

Anonymous No. 958683

Let me guess, you used upscaling? No shit the results are different

Anonymous No. 958689

What-what polycount? I am doing high-detailed printready models more optimized than this cube O_O

Anonymous No. 958751

How do you get that many chinese and indians in a room together without a bloodbath?

Anonymous No. 958837

What's wrong with the art direction? I like it. Also, those are probably just the people hired to do the menial labor of creating the assets, while the art direction was handled by more trusted people in Bethesda.

Anonymous No. 958855

So now instead of getting a warehouse with 10 million crates to interact with we get 10 crates like weve always had.

Anonymous No. 958856

And then it all made sense

Anonymous No. 958858

fun fact : 4channel is blocked in china AND india so you are just trying to make fun of like 3 billion people who cant even respond to you.


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Anonymous No. 958866

492 tris

Anonymous No. 958869

that bake isn't looking so hot

Anonymous No. 958939

So the game was made in India hahahahahaha

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Anonymous No. 958989


No you don't.

Anonymous No. 959003

that is better but could be more optimized.