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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958467

Is it even worth learning retopology nowadays?

Anonymous No. 958542

I'm curious to have an experienced persons pov on this
The points seem a bit random to me
Was this modeled in something like zbrush and then through some automatic repology tool jiggered down to the mess in OP's screenshot?
Or what happened here? that's my uneducated guess

🗑️ Anonymous No. 958543

are you aware that many things you see on the internet are completely fake?

Anonymous No. 958546

yeah right why would anyone do that? just go on the internet and lie
as if

Anonymous No. 958550

pretty sure it's some auto retopo

Anonymous No. 958555

I think we're looking at the first instances of AI generated meshes.

Anonymous No. 958558

The absolute state of this fucking board lmao

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starfield sandwich.jpg

Anonymous No. 958563

Real sick shit

Anonymous No. 958601

>I'm curious to have an experienced persons pov on this
its fake
look close, the mesh looks nothing like the in game model
i have seen the in game models, they are very pretty and clean, bethesda has good artists

Anonymous No. 958662

No, it's just decimated

Anonymous No. 959008

It was decimated. Most game assets are decimated like this. Most game scenes have a budget of verts although these days PCs rarely have to struggle with it. Most of the spergs using this dumbass box as an example dont actually understand game development for a big company like bethesda. If anything this shit was downloaded and retextured for speed not efficiency. But if the efficiency improvement is 0.5%, is it worth the hour or so retopoing and re uving this thing? No. So it gets put in like that.

Anonymous No. 959085

Made In India*

Anonymous No. 959087

>1. Sculpt the apple
>2. Decimate the mesh until target number of polygons is reached
>3. ???

Anonymous No. 959094

that's like asking if it's even worth paying for a TV just because niggers happen to loot them. if everyone always took other people's shortcomings as excuses we'd still be living in the stone age. maybe you just belong there.

Anonymous No. 959108

Learn retopo cuck.

Anonymous No. 959281

These models are for the inspect-item LOD in inventory. The model that gets rendered in scene is different

Anonymous No. 959285

Some fake shill.
Even the most crude autoretopo tools wouldn´t end up like that.
If this is really an ingame model, i´d blame that new tesselation crap from Nvidia that does that automatically to meshes when they´re up close.

Anonymous No. 959530

>i´d blame that new tesselation crap from Nvidia that does that automatically to meshes when they´re up close.
That wouldn't be baked into the mesh but generated on the fly in a shader

Anonymous No. 959588

if an object is static, all that matters are points that describe the object's silhouette. Clean or dirty doesn't matter come render time, even in film

Anonymous No. 959624

i've been making the ;low poly models first and sculpting/baking them afterwards. is this dumb or can i get away with it

Anonymous No. 960646

>low poly models first and sculpting/baking them afterwards
What is your workflow?

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Anonymous No. 960816

How's my apple?

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Anonymous No. 960818

Anonymous No. 960821

not triangulated
not indented like the actual apple

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Anonymous No. 960833

Anonymous No. 960845

>not indented like the actual apple

that is what the normal map does

Anonymous No. 960846

i guess take the low poly subdivide it and sculpt on that. i'm mostly reusing nicely retopod meshes other people have made.

i can't say it's been working well, but i think that's more because i'm shit at scultping

Anonymous No. 962918

>B-but the devs do a good job optimizing
Fucking lmao, prime example why vidya is dying alongside shitty millennial writing.

Anonymous No. 963254

Retopo becomes second nature by the time you're on your 10th thing

Anonymous No. 963257

why make a thread about a fake troll post as if it's real? who are you helping with this? what value does the discussion bring? it's been debunked ages ago. it was just some anon trying to be funny.

Anonymous No. 963272


Anonymous No. 965465

>Thees has beeng deeboonked, you betching basturrd! Sar, thees has beeng deeboonked!

Anonymous No. 965475

game will triangulate at runtime while rendering using the copeAndSeethe pipeline