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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958701

hey /3/ this is a rendering of Rupert, who is my cat, using blender. There is a picture of him next to it for reference.
I hope you like it, feel free to make your own rupert

Anonymous No. 958703

nice cade

Anonymous No. 958704

stop shitting on slow boards with low quality content

Anonymous No. 958705

nice, I like the addition of the stripes, your work is improving

Anonymous No. 958706

any tips for improving?
thank u

Anonymous No. 958708

this is the designated shitting board saar

Anonymous No. 958713

This is art, true art.

Anonymous No. 958716

oh my god it looks amazing

Anonymous No. 958717

thank you it is my first time making something IN 3 DIMENSIONS

Anonymous No. 958790

Very cool. Has Rupert visited pol yet?

Anonymous No. 958794


Anonymous No. 958796

oh wow
/t/ has been my favorite so far

Anonymous No. 958832

posting in rupert thread, happy birthday Rupert

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Anonymous No. 958896

>Blessed by a Rupert thread in this godforsaken place
God bless you, OP. Scratch between Rupert's shoulders as a thank you from me.

Anonymous No. 958906

I'm still seeding for Rupert!

Anonymous No. 958907

Based Rupert

Anonymous No. 958928

rupert will save 4chan

Anonymous No. 958986

Cute cat. I’ll check out his adventures when I have time. God speed

Anonymous No. 959001

bless Rupert

Anonymous No. 959010

Life is hard but I am blessed to have witness rupert in my favorite board and now things are a little better o7

Anonymous No. 959132

thank you friendo


i did it he was happy and did a mrrp

Anonymous No. 959140

can rupert eat shrimp? give him a shrimp in my stead, he deserves it

Anonymous No. 959180

Damn, that's one handsome cat you've got s4stard

Anonymous No. 959482

cute. i thought i recognized him. tell rupert i said hi anon

Anonymous No. 960535

Trying your hand at as many hobbies as possible, I see. Are you going to collect all your attempts somewhere or just touring the boards for shits and giggles?

Anonymous No. 960553

Paint alphabet flag over your cat and it will do as contemporary artwork. Now fuck off.