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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958718

Going to try to make this in Maya this week.
Any tips or tuts before I get started would be appreciated.

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Anonymous No. 958719

This was my first attempt before I dropped it. Going to start over.
Yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing.

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Anonymous No. 958720

So, I'm going to start with blocking out larger chuncks for the foreground, middle ground, background and water. Keeping it relatively low poly and avoid details like the foliage and rocks.
For the rocks and foliage, I'll make separate models, but I don't want to duplicate so many of the rocks, amping up the model count. I don't know how to approach that. I want to save whatever extra models for the foliage.

Anonymous No. 958723

bro, skip all the bullshit
go download UE5 and try to collage that scene together with megascans. anything else in this day and age will be a waste of time

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Anonymous No. 958730

Alright, I'll give it a go.
How well can you stylize the pre made assets tho? Are they all going to be hyper real?

Anonymous No. 958735

dude just fucking die. no one cares about you or your retarded ass jungle scene. if gigantic, critter-infested holes with untrimmed hedges around them interest you so much then go fuck the street whore that shit you into this godforsaken world.

Anonymous No. 958737

>Build the cliffs/grounds out of lowpoly geo with a tiling scan texture. Tesselate + displace it.
>Use particles/procedurals to spawn rock scans on your ground (not sure how you do that in Maya but use the same technique as foliage)
>Use scans for the logs
>Buy a couple tree + plant models, or make them yourself in speedtree (use scans for leaf/bark)
>Use speedtree for the hanging vines
>Figure out how to do a proper water shader, do absorbtion, refraction, surface waves, water line with bubbles + debris around objects
>Get some procedural moss on your rocks, start with shaders + textures but you can supplement with tiny autistic moss meshes
>Use the same procedurals to spawn foliage on the ground, pebbles on the ground, dead leaves on the ground, dead leaves in the water. Remember to paint unique scene-wide masks or vary your breakup so your procedurals show where you want them to be and don't look dumb as shit.

And don't forget to
>Block out camera + FOV
>Block out scene
>Block out lighting
>Check PBR values (texture albedo, light color + intensity, exposure, correct SSS color + depth on foliage)
Don't trust scans to be accurate, many of them have bad calibration including Megascans.

If you don't want to use scans you can learn how to do all this by hand, it'll take a couple years.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous No. 958738

they will be hyper real, but they're just assets. you can stylize and curate it as much as you want, the only limiting factor is you

Anonymous No. 958740

Thanks. I don't know what half these words mean, but i'll look em' up. and continue.
Good to know.
I'm going to continue with Maya along with messing with Unreal. I'm in the midst of downloading it after the Unity bull shit. I want to keep the renders not terribly high in poly count so potatoes can run em'

Anonymous No. 958742

with nanite you can run incredibly heavy scenes in unreal, check that out too

Anonymous No. 958755

>I'm going to continue with Maya along with messing with Unreal
honestly, its for the best. Unreal could pull the same shit Unity is doing so its best to not put all your eggs in one basket.

Anonymous No. 958770

>Thanks. I don't know what half these words mean, but i'll look em' up. and continue.
You are not ready. Start by looking up tutorials with visibly good results and follow them.

Anonymous No. 958771

Will Maya work for me with 8GB of RAM and without a graphics card?
There is a lot of work in 3D modelling in my country, and I want to learn...

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Anonymous No. 958879

Figured out how to tile textures. I understand what Tesselate and a Displacement map are now, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to activate them in my version of maya.2019. Managed to get a bump map going for it a little.
As for scanning logs, I think I'll just model em.

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Anonymous No. 958884

Well, I think I got this at a good base to start with to add some single rocks, logs, and trees. I want to add moss to the rocks without adding polygons , idk. the vines are already adding more geo. I'll figure it out later.

Anonymous No. 961784

just lurking here as a tourist, but I have to say Im amazed at how vicious and mean people are here in a way thats almost comical
Ive never seen such bitterness on any other board
what is wrong with you?

the chair nerd No. 962868

>what is wrong with you?
Lurk more.

Anonymous No. 962892

4channel is meant to relieve the stress of the everyday, some people are more stressed than others.

the chair nerd No. 963052

Stress. pfff I eat stress for breakfast. This is only my 4th coffee of the day and I´ve only had 2 strokes before my 35´s.

Anonymous No. 963087

if you are still here, or for anyone else who might be dropping in, follow this advice


if you care at all about 3D, pursuing 3D art as a career, hobby, or passion project leave this board and never look back. go to reddit, go to facebook or discord, go to 3D forums like polycount or 11 second club, go anywhere but here.

this is a board of bitter, cynical washouts and spiteful trolls that will contribute nothing to your growth or experience as ana artist and seek to tear you down and disillusion you for their own amusement, for reasons they will never disclose.

Anonymous No. 963107

It's like going from your house in Beverly Hills and getting lost in Compton. You are clearly in the wrong neighborhood nigga.

Anonymous No. 963109

4chan is like porn addiction, you can do whatever you want but you always come back

Anonymous No. 963365

It takes years for shit threads to drop off the catalog here.
And they're all made by retards who want an instant internet reward for just thinking about picking up 3DCG.
In addition, 3D is just about the hardest art form you can decide to pick up. In the time that it takes for your shit "I'm starting 3D modelling tomorrow" thread to finally get deleted here, even if you tried for sixteen hours every day, you wouldn't be good enough at it for anything you could say to be useful to anyone here.
And these losers give up within a few hours anyways. So most of the catalog is threads from people who gave up years ago, who were looking for the equivalent of mommy placing their shitty crayon scribble on the fridge at thee years of age.
Imagine for a minute what /a/ would be like if it was 90% people asking for recommendations on how to get into anime and never actually watching any. /3/ is literally not discussing 3D because of these tourists.

/3/ is in the creative column, these are not meant to be passive entertainment boards.

Anonymous No. 963407

>shits on begs starting out their creative endevor
>says 4chan is for creative people not entertainment
pick one retard.

Anonymous No. 963465

I didn't say either of those

Anonymous No. 963466

>>963087 it's exactly like /ic/ then.

Anonymous No. 963476

I would recommend you to create a depth map with zoedepth first

Anonymous No. 963576

its /ic/ in slow motion. 1/100th the post speed, 10x the spite

Anonymous No. 964360

Someone got discouraged: the thread

Anonymous No. 964480

saw this exact comment on /ic/ today