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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958721

So this is all you need to get a job with a major player like MPC nowadays?
I feel like many people here have better reels than that

Anonymous No. 958787

MPC is a toxic shit show dude
They outsource workers from Bangalore and when the assets come back fucked at the 11th hour all the employees are rewarded with a weekend pizza party fixing all the fucked shit

Anonymous No. 958983

Nightmare to do anything in these companies, because the artists get to work on 5+ yo hardware. Shithole of a company and subhuman leadership, shit pay, crunch till you drop. Fuck this fucking place, fuck it to hell. And FUCK pixomondo too. Fucking shit company. Plus it is all infested with faggotry and niggershit. Fuck it all.
Especially lighting artists. Lowest of lowlifes, come from their faggoty art school to shit on senior texture and animation artists, that the scene doesn't go with their 3 point light setup and to redo the fucking materials and reanimate a scene, because he can't find a way to light some fucking shine, that's done in comp anyways.
These people should be slapped sensless and put 10 years to work, before being allowed to touch a computer at all.
Fucking worthless waste of life. Fucking rich cunts and faggots. Holy shit. Fuck this

Anonymous No. 958992

anyone working in VFX is a fucking spineless cunt.

Anonymous No. 959041

I really hope this isn't the new normal
is it really that bad? Allan McKay makes it sound like stuff like that doesn't happen anymore in the industry

Anonymous No. 959046

>Allan McKay makes it sound like stuff like that doesn't happen anymore in the industry
Wouldn't want to deter fresh canon fodder.
This is correct.

Anonymous No. 960403

Yes, brown skin is all you need to get hired nowadays

Anonymous No. 960505

i wanna get hired by them so i can steal that new arcee model

Anonymous No. 960534

What is this, a sandman for ants?

Anonymous No. 960565

Everyone in vfx seems to hate their job

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 960575

It takes a rational mind and a dedication to be good at it.
You end up working for Hollywood where all your leaders are nepotistic retards with some connection to the Jewish mob as their credential.
And as someone who's job it is to solve problems and figure out creative solutions you will notice that nearly all your superiors giving you orders are completely inept.
Being any kind of technical artists who actually has to do stuff and think how to solve problems has always been a shitty experience in Hollywood.

Anonymous No. 960577

It takes a rational mind and dedication to be good at it.
You end up working for Hollywood where all your leaders are nepotistic retards with some connection to the Jewish mob as their sole credential.
And as someone who's job it is to solve problems and figure out creative solutions you will notice that nearly all your superiors giving you orders are completely inept.
Being any kind of technical artists who actually has to do stuff and think how to solve problems has always been a shitty experience in Hollywood.

Anonymous No. 961178

large vfx companies are notorious for hiring literal hobos off the fucking street and/or just about anyone with a pulse who can work a computer in times of serious crunch, which, in the case of MPC, is literally all the time.
weta hired literal tourists off the streets of wellington during avatar 1 crunch.
this is nothing new

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Anonymous No. 961179


Anonymous No. 961180

Everything in 3d for movies and games is a visual effect