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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958812

my work-flow? non-destructive!

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Anonymous No. 958813

>Lets use the sculp tool for the ham
>should we retopologize it?
>nah leave it as is

Anonymous No. 958819

>30 fps on 12 teraflops

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Anonymous No. 958820

What the fuck, and the game is running and all? Should we still care about vertex count or are those days really over?

Anonymous No. 958821

laughing at boomers who spent years learning topology when we can't just brute force anything with powerful machines

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Anonymous No. 958823

It makes me feel better now I can simply stop worrying and make my fucking waifu waifu pantsu summer days volleyball sexy waifu trash, and will be much better than AAA goyslop.

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Anonymous No. 958863

Fake. This is the real one.

Anonymous No. 958938

> if you're worried about being good at your job here's an example from someone bad at theirs

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Anonymous No. 958950


Anonymous No. 958957

>my fucking waifu waifu pantsu summer days volleyball sexy waifu trash
What did he mean by this?

Anonymous No. 958966

Those days have been over for a long time anon. The rule is more 'use as many polygons as you need' than trying to conserve every where.
But also realize that the more you conserve somewhere the more you can waste somewhere more important so being an absolute retard about it isn't good practice either.
My recommendation to artists targeting AAA for the last decade has been to be poly conscious but not poly concerned.

You going out of your way to optimize a surface shaving of the last few polygons is a waste of your time, the number of polygons on a individual model is not what will
tank performance on PC or game console hardware, it's batching, drawcalls, overdraw, occlusion culling, shader complexity and stuff like that which will tank performance now days. You're not gonna brush up against mesh geometry limits unless you go absolutely ham with your polycount.

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Anonymous No. 959033


Anonymous No. 959034

itt anons forget about gpu topology tesselation and in scene game rips

Anonymous No. 959047

That's strange. Why isn't the triangulated game model not clean? Lmao
I know that game engines like to fuck around when triangulating, but I've never seen it this bad.

Anonymous No. 959063

I mean it looks pretty ugly but if it doesn't need to deform in anyway I surpose it doesn't really matter

Anonymous No. 959065

They are probably using some tech like nanite already, why is everyone crying about it

Shipped an asset smaller than a human with 700k poly this week for a game, such is life

Anonymous No. 959095

that's still abysmal topology

Anonymous No. 959098

>oh boy guess I have to buy another 4090 again to run this year's Ding-Dong Bing Bing Wahoo Adventure

Anonymous No. 959293

No it isn't. Mesh isn't going to be deformed so it doesn't need to be all quads. Nice job telling us you started using blender last month retard.

Anonymous No. 959435

Nah, it's pretty much perfect. Even the lettuce is smartly modeled instead of being a transparent texture.

Anonymous No. 959444

While this isn't a good model I'm tired of model fags obsess about muh topology. It all gets broken down to triangles anyways. GLTF literally doesn't support anything but triangles. If your model has something other than triangles it requires an extra preprocessing step where you must split and interpolate all vertex attributes. Adding extra triangles because muh topology is bad.

Anonymous No. 959457

>game engine
>fuck around when triangulating
You realize this is the same engine that Oblivion uses, just with some extra patches added to enable extra shit right? There's no way this shitty engine is performing any kind of optimization, that's the raw model.

Anonymous No. 959551

>It all gets broken down to triangles anyways. GLTF literally doesn't support anything but triangles. If your model has something other than triangles it requires an extra preprocessing step where you must split and interpolate all vertex attributes.
It's not that the concept of triangles is bad, it's that too many of them wastes resources in rendering, and historically there wasn't enough spare processing power for a game to handle that. In addition, if you are animating a mesh, the deformation will be determined by the topology, and it will look like shit if it isn't optimized for the expected motions - for example, there are special techniques used to model things like elbows and knees in character models so that they look correct when bent.

As mentioned by a few posters above, static models don't need to be concerned with topo for deform, and modern computers are often powerful enough to render high poly counts without too much concern - although having multiple models optimized this poorly will stack the effect quickly.

Anonymous No. 959571

wtf its just a cylinder

Anonymous No. 959789

You don't understand how realtime rendering works, they definitely use LODs and algorithms to automatically generate them, no engine is drawing 100,000 triangles for a sandwich on the other end of the map

Anonymous No. 960126

NTA but I thought mesh density should be uniform? The top tries are so much larger.

Anonymous No. 960137

>NTA but I thought mesh density should be uniform?

Anonymous No. 960388

Why would mesh density need to be uniform?

Anonymous No. 960483

even i could do better

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 960546

When can I know when to not worry about topology too much, and when to worry about it?
The pinch between the eyes bothers me too much, as I want it to be as low-poly as possible

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Anonymous No. 960547

When can I know when to not worry about topology too much, and when to worry about it?
The pinch between the eyes bothers me too much, as I want it to be as low-poly as possible

Anonymous No. 960548

topology is important for animation rigging and bending, for solid and static things not so much though you never want to waste processing power on needless polygons like the pic on OP

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Anonymous No. 960550

Although most of it is static, I still don't like the pinchy looks on between the eyes...The pinchness often distracts me a lot

Anonymous No. 960551

you might try averaging the faces, but if that doesn't work it means you'll need to add more topology

Anonymous No. 960552

But wouldn't it make a lot more unnecessary triangles/quads?

Anonymous No. 960559

I hate how you zoomers call everything a waifu. Stop using our words

Anonymous No. 961217

Only when it's a high poly mesh where the topology is mostly quads. If it's a triangulated video game prop that doesn't bend, twist or get its surface displaced, it can have very ugly topology as long as it's the correct shape.

Anonymous No. 961334

what many fools here don't understand, the time of a 3d designer is more expensive than time on a renderfarm

Anonymous No. 961440

Worry about topology a lot when you intend to animate something, and the more you need to animate the more you need to worry. You also need to worry a bit for deforming stuff.
For everything else, you just need as many polygons as is required to define something's shape. More exactly, to define an object's silhouette. If that is too many polygons for the application, make compromises to the shape or change the design.
For your example, the problem is the shading and maybe how the sub-d is applied. There's ways to work around that and get what you want, I would probably start with a weighted normal modifier and start messing around with there. There's probably a way to get that crease out with some kind of bevel setting too.
IDK exactly because I don't do sub-d modelling and that kind of shading issue rarely comes up for me. But there'll be a way around it.

Anonymous No. 961474

correct me if i'm wrong but this model is only used when you drop it on the floor or look at it in your inventory, so you wouldn't see it in regular play anyway

Anonymous No. 961504

They aren't unnecessary if they are holding or smoothing the shape

Anonymous No. 961656

How do you even reach this state? It doesn't seem sculpted and even if you crank the subdiv to the maximum, it will not fuck with geometry this much

Anonymous No. 961731

>Feminist cup is horrible underneath

Anonymous No. 961732

>I like to collect all the sandwiches
how fast is her computer bros

Anonymous No. 961767

Most likely a scanned mug they didn't bother cleaning up.

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Anonymous No. 961856

would anyone like a slice of bread? Fresh out of the oven, only took me about a minute

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Anonymous No. 961858

No thanks. I made my own sandwich. I made sure it doesn't got immense amount of unhealthy calories/triangles.

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Anonymous No. 961859


Anonymous No. 961895

I've inspected a number of bethesda 3d models before. They hold a better average level of quality than 95% of gamedevs these days.
A larger portion of their budget goes into art creation than almost any studio.

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Anonymous No. 961976


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Anonymous No. 962153


Anonymous No. 962413

same, i've looked at a lot of their models over the years in fallout games and they're really good. usually in games, only hero assets are really clean and nice looking and the rest of it is outsourced to india or whatever, but in bethesda games, everything seems to have consistently good quality.

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Anonymous No. 962796

>all those fucking edges coming from what looks like a single vert.
What in the-
Are they even trying?
I'm a novice who's not buggered about with 3d programs for about 4-5 years being busy with other shit and even in my rusty balls state I could do better than this shit.

Anonymous No. 963366

fake btw

Anonymous No. 963369

Retard here: what’s wrong with this sandwich? It looks like a sandwich to me.

Anonymous No. 963382

>Are they even trying?
The 3d credits for Starfield is like 80% indian with a few chinese supervisors.
Unless Bethesda explicitly rejects shit models and tells them exactly what to do this is about what you'd expect.

Anonymous No. 963639

The real issue here isn't the topology, it's the triangle count

Anonymous No. 963661

It's fake, guys. Stop believing everything you see on the internet.

Anonymous No. 963671

good marning saar

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Anonymous No. 965786

Someone post the video of the guy recording how he extracted it straight from the game files please, tired of these street shitters

Anonymous No. 965787


Anonymous No. 965797

That. Quadrangle have one angle more than triangle. That's 1/4 more angles. Everything you can do with triangle you can do with quadrangles, and you can do better with quadrangles.

Anonymous No. 965817

I always found the industry obsession with UV wrappings when infrared wrappings were never tried absolutely retarded.

Anonymous No. 965831

whoa there you're gonna educate them