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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958824

Going to be using A*obe PS for masking and comp but ran across this on their new generative AI tool and got put off. Is it pozzed? I read the regular terms of service too and they are also anti everything, like

>6.9 Share any Content or engage in behavior that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, obscene, violent, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, lewd, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or otherwise objectionable;

what should I do? My renewal is almost here. Didnt use it much last year. But, this coming year I will need to comp and mask, but I don't want to become pozzed, too

Anonymous No. 958838

Anyone? Am I to believe that according to this I can't mask or composite violent, cg imagery?

Anonymous No. 958887

you can do whatever the fuck you want, that stuff just applies to their generative AI tool. You can still use AI masking for whatever violent libelous vulgar content you want without breaking TOS. Also you can break TOS if you need to, it's fine.

Anonymous No. 958889



Anonymous No. 958904

1. This is just boilerplate legal ass covering
2. Kys

Anonymous No. 958930

If it generates something bad like a nipple it will say "fuck you that's BAD" and you won't get the pic
this applies to violence as well, and probably white males

yes it's pozzed