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🧵 Making an animated music video in blender

stann co No. 958990

Continuing off from >>957433
I am making a music video in Blender with Hatsune Miku (character model also made by me, shown in previous thread),
singing about not making minecraft. The song is here

I am starting on the actual animation portion of the music video finally now.

this shot compared with the length of the entire song, i am 1% complete at this point.

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stann co No. 959013

Anonymous No. 959052

Oh hey there stann, I follow your work and I didn't expect to see you here, keep it up

Anonymous No. 959136

This is really impressive.

Anonymous No. 959265

great job I recognized it from the other thread. I tried emailing you but the address in your bio pooped out, do you have one that works?

stann co No. 959296

I changed website (still haven't set it up) so i forgot my email didn't work. If you wanna contact me, you can dm on twitter or ng or any other socials

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stann co No. 959297


Anonymous No. 959348

Eh, we can just chat here. Have you set a deadline on the project?

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stann co No. 959350

I have not, but i hope to have it done in one or so's time, but i don't know for sure.

Here's my timeline. Even the fiilled shots have barely been started on animation. Just the planning

Anonymous No. 959353

one month i'm assuming. monocolor background is a wise choice. i just finished pre-prod on a very similarly scoped project, and my plan is to rough out a single pass of super scuffed raw pose-to-pose for every shot of the entire duration of the song. a few upsides i can think of: 1) flexibility, as pacing can be tinkered with after the first pass without tossing dozens of hours worth of work. nothing is locked in. 2) there's something that seems intrinsically motivating about the prospect of having every single corner of the project touched relatively early on in the process. most of my experience is in 2D, and i think completing a storyboard is a bit LESS crucial for 2D solo projects compared to 3D; the former consists of mere doodles, whereas in the latter you're working with the actual poses on the model that will exist in the final version of the project. just spitballing here.

stann co No. 959354

very close to my own approach. Harder than animating is coming up with ideas for all the shots for the chorus and blank space. Hence why i want to try and plan and have very rought versions (even just a description of what happens) of all shots, and be able to retime them before i do the final pass

Anonymous No. 959425

this is actually cute op

Anonymous No. 959441

Why a new thread instead of continuing the last one?

stann co No. 959451

i realized i used the name field as the title and the title was very long as well. that's pretty much it

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stann co No. 959452

There is a LOT of time to be filled, the chorus is the hardest part, so i'm trying to come up with a lot of references to both popular media, other music videos, and minecraft related stuff.

If anyone has banger ideas do let me hear. Apart from this i've also roughed out a section parodying "Fallen Kingdom" and a short shot doing "bohemian rhapsody"

Anonymous No. 959501

a lot of my shot ideas are film references too. one general idea to keep in mind is to have things generally get more and more wild as the video progresses so people keep watching until the end.

also, i thought of a downside to one first rough pass described in >>959353, you don't really get any presentable updates worth sharing throughout that duration, which kinda sucks social media-wise

Anonymous No. 959525

Are you using a parallax effect like this effect for the eyes or are they just textures on spheres?

stann co on phone No. 959528

it's just textures, the eyes are nearly flat, they're moved and rotated with shaders, controlled by eye bones. If I can I might get that parralax thing though

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bohemian miku ren....png

stann co No. 959675

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stann co No. 959676

it was incredibly hard to get the lighting correct with the toony shaders, so i made a toggle to turn them off in some scenes. Though maybe i'll refine them later

Anonymous No. 959681

This is really really good-looking. How did you learn to do this?

stann co No. 959726

I've just had a few years of practice.
I see tutorials and try to remember them whenever something interesting pops up

I've never worked in 3d professionally. So all kinda self-taught

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stann co No. 959910

I am discovering trouble with how to render these scenes. As much as i love blender, if you wanna do anything stylized you are met with a lot of pushback and limitations.

This is an early render of the scene in cycles, and apart from lack of background detail, it looks alright, in eevee the same scene looks much worse.
But my character is made to be stylized using EEVEE Cel-shaders, which are currently impossible to do in cycles.
The lack of stylization options in cycles renderer is still my biggest gripe with current blender.

For the time being, the best solution is i'll have to render my character in EEVEE and everything else in cycles and merge the shots together. Luckily i can set it up to do that almost automatically within blender, but it's still a lot of extra setup time unfortunately

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think im going in....png

Anonymous No. 959963

Different and simpler scene. Here Miku is rendered in EEVEE and everything else is rendered in cycles.

The result looks pretty cool. Especially with how the microphone looks much more "real" compared to her, it's a nice contrast i think.

But to work with it is very annoying. There's 2 scenes that are linked together, and then the compositor of the first scene uses the second's render as well.

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Anonymous No. 959966

EEVEE and Cycles combined

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Anonymous No. 959982

>If anyone has banger ideas do let me hear.
The weekend's bogdanoff impression

Anonymous No. 959988

Whaaa?? Your model is fucking adorable! Good luck!

Anonymous No. 960006

looks cute

Anonymous No. 960014

I don't know if you're taking critique but I think her eyes could use some shading on it, like a darker pupil or just a dark gradient to match her hair
the dark line details in her iris get lost when viewed at a distance or in a tiny gif and I think a shadow of some sort would help

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Anonymous No. 960108

i would post a webm with audio but this board doesn't allow it. Great lol.

Anyway this is another render preview. Ill adjust the lighting a bit and animation too. Though the lower framerate is on purpose

I will consider

Anonymous No. 960396

could you show your node setup or share the resource you used to learn how to make them I like they look and don't want to use the floating plane in a vacant socket like most npr charchters use.

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Anonymous No. 960429

I dont think it's perfect, but here

Anonymous No. 961063

Bumping for a talented anon

stann No. 961176

op on phone. I am putting this project on hold to focus on a game project for December, expect my return next year!

Anonymous No. 961603

Really cute model, good luck

Anonymous No. 961650

gross looking western miku but damn your animation is great, good luck on the project

Anonymous No. 961825

I think it looks cute, I understand what you mean by “western miku” but in this case I think the style is uniquely anon’s, i.e. genuinely reflects considerable effort in a specific hard-earned artistic direction, rather than being grabbed arbitrarily out of a hat

Anonymous No. 961829

Would be better witb pantsu and not those western censored sony approved spats

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Anonymous No. 961928

I don't want to tear op down with my arbitrary opinions and nitpick why it's off-putting to me, and they definitely could have done way worse. I agree it's unique and they definitely put a lot of effort into it. I genuinely hope they come back and complete the project.

stann No. 962463

Hey guys little update, there's obviously been a lot of wait. But thing is i've post-poned the project to try and finish a videogame for christmas. As soon as that's done i am straight back to working on this music video tho. i included the finished shots i did in my new demo reel at least

stann No. 962464

i have no idea what any of these words mean

stann No. 962466

oh you wanted to see her panties.
I'm not a snob, i like hot girls, it's just not the focus of this animation

Anonymous No. 962471

Very nice work stann. Looks real professional. Looks damn good too. I love those hard edges on the hair with the toon shader. It's straight dope. I hope I get to see the finished product.
Godspeed with your video game you chad bastard.

Anonymous No. 962755

this song has got stuck in my head several times since last thread, I can't wait to see the finished video! I hope it's a hit!

oh I agree he should have just used an MMD model so it looks like every other miku music video :^)

Anonymous No. 962912

spats and panties are both pure sex

Anonymous No. 962921

True chad.
After all, pantsu is nice, but there's nothing better than ripped spats.

Anonymous No. 962936

honestly and unironically would have been better off, yeah

Anonymous No. 963097

Kinda defeats the purpose of doing it yourself though, eh?
It's like saying instead of drawing a character and scene in your "style" you should just use a PNG image of that character and draw the rest of the scene.
Yeah you can do that, but it takes the fun you get from doing it yourself away. Some people enjoy the process and journey of creating something more than the end result.

Anonymous No. 963473

Unironically he's an artist, you're a technician. That's why you have hot takes while he has actual OC.

Anonymous No. 963475

cool thread (no sarcasm)

Anonymous No. 963555

Great animation skills OP I'm amazed. How do you manage to keep the pace of the animation so intriguing? all my animations look slow and robotic compared to what you do

stann No. 963583

pacing is something you just have to get a feeling for, I know when it's off. if you look at your animations and realize it's too slow, then make it faster. If there's too little break between actions then pad it out.

also within blender it's important to set the playback to not play every frame. If you lag just a little bit, the playback preview won't be an accurate representation of the final render. In my project I set it to sync with the audio.