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Anonymous No. 959123

I'm trying to cut the word "hear" into an object with a bool, but for some fucking reason which is unkown to me, he cuts every letter except the h. How do i fix it?

Anonymous No. 959125

That's because booleans are finicky like that and why people generally advise against using them. After all, a normal 3d polygon surface is expressed using triangles in the end, and trying to outline those complex shapes with few support loops is a recipe for disaster, so it's difficult to automate.
First consider if you really need it as geometry, a normal map for a small enough object is more than enough most of the time.
Then you could also use a displacement map rather than actually cutting the shape in.
You could also lower the resolution and work from the shape you're carving with to manually cap that particular surface, use edge marks to make crease or bevel marks and then throw on subdivision.
If you HAVE to use booleans, try changing the topology of the object you're cutting into, lowering the resolution of the object you're carving with (the text in your pic is stupid high res, lower it), changing the boolean solver settings, even moving the boolean objects around can make a difference.

Anonymous No. 959131

Check your normals aren't accidentally inverted for the "h".
"Good" topology is pointless bullshit if you're not deforming the mesh.

Anonymous No. 959135

make the mesh you cut into 100x more dense

Anonymous No. 959137

make Hear shaped 3d object, remove top faces and inver normals, add a square (not a quad, just vertices and edges) and place it at the same height as the upper vertices of your Hear mesh, select those vertices and the squsre then press f, extrude downwards and press f once more. recalculate normals and you're golden.
less gay way: write Hear in black on a white background and use it as displacement map, or, better yet, use a normal map.
booleans were made for brushes, using them in actual meshes is kinda finicky

Anonymous No. 959367

until your topology is so crazy the program crashes or your mesh just disappears