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🧵 solids with wraping contour lines

Anonymous No. 959145

Hi I'm a total newbie in this right now I'm working on a personal project in which I need some basic assets but with set contraints:
- I have to use Blender
- all elements are either ellipsoids or organic shapes (image related)
- All elements, most of them, have wrapping contour lines.
- The end result needs to be smooth, the wrap lines need to look like they have been painted, not plastered over the main blob.
- The contour lines must be a different color to the main blob.
- GLB Binary
- The elements will be displayed on a web viewer in a 500px by 500px area, so the smaller the file size the better.
- It would be nice to have the option to make only the blob transparent.

I've found some howtos on most things except wrapping contours on solids, also read the sticky but I'm still lost. Anyway, what would be the most competent way to achieve this? At least adding the wrap lines on a sphere would be appreciated.

Anonymous No. 959146

No, do your homework the right way and understand 3D

Anonymous No. 959147

>- I have to use Blender

Anonymous No. 959152

I've done that, so far I've found topographical maps and shrinkwrap but they seem over complicated, that's why I'm asking, I think there most be a simpler workflow to achieve at least wrap lines.

Honestly, I'd like to just use gnuplot, but there are no good gnuplot to glb converters.

Anonymous No. 959154

You will never be able to do this in blender.

In houdini you would be done in 15 minutes.

Anonymous No. 959164

>You will never be able to do this in blender.
why? care to elaborate? which requirement must go to make it in blender?
I would love to keep my workflow open source, but if houdini is the easiest way I would check if there is a free tier.

Anonymous No. 959170

this is an open problem worth millions of dollars (high quality quad retopo), but since you asked so nicely surely some anon will post his thesis anonymously on a website famous for gore webms and loli pornography.

Anonymous No. 959171

I think a good approach in blender might be to generate the blobs with geometry nodes from a central curve (with weights), something like a geo-nodes version of the Skin modifier, and generate nice UVs, maybe by projection of each surface point onto the curve based on the normal (I'm sure I've seen a youtube tutorial for procedural UV generation for shapes like this)

Once you have nice UVs, you can get something close to what you want by writing a shader to draw solid colors at certain constant values of U and V (with smooth falloff for antialiasing, obviously. The quickest way would be with a color ramp).
The nice interaction of the different contour lines near the caps would require a little more effort, but I still think a good uv parameterization would be sufficient as a starting point to get your desired result, the rest is all shader math fun

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Anonymous No. 959174

Like this ? Just model in SubD modifier and duplicate the orginal object and add wireframe modifer

Anonymous No. 959175

yes, that result is acceptable. I will try it, thanks anon.

this sounds pretty complex to me, but if I can script it in the end and leave it as a process in my pipeline, it would be acceptable. Thanks I will check those keywords.

really doubt it

Anonymous No. 959176

This will not work.

I repeat, this will NOT WORK. You dont even understand the problem. You need to piss off, along with op


Anonymous No. 959177

wash your balls

Anonymous No. 959179

he's bullshitting you, of course you can do this in Blender:

Anonymous No. 959241

the only thing 4chan is famous for these days is being a second reddit without upvotes. you guys suck and have no edge and no humor.

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Anonymous No. 959258

Ok, I've played with the suggestions

This is the easiest way, but I don't have too much control over the end result, even if I use vector groups for the wireframe, I'm at the mercy of the remesh.
So close, but it is only post production, I need a glb binary to display on the web.

I think the UV map is the way quite easy to get what I want while using the blender primitives (image related) but once I try it on an organic blob it gets quite messy, I guess I will have to get good at uv unwraps. I'm thinking of inpainting the blob as a guide and then retouching the texture outside, but inpainting looks pretty primitive in blender.

Anonymous No. 959277

Just handpaint the contour lines.
I can think of a few ways to do it with shaders/geonodes, but it's gonna be a pain in the ass that will require manual fiddling to get it look right for each solid anyway.

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Anonymous No. 959278



...pic rel is node setup you need fpr this method!

-the group input is the object(A) with the lowres subd level, 1 or two depends on how dense you want to make it

-the second object(B) is a copy from the group input, but with much higher subd level

-then you let the simulation run until A is wrapped around B, it should look like pic

-to be able to render the lines, they need to be geometry, so, you take A, applies the node modifier, turns it into curves, enables geometry in the curve section of the object, ~0.008 or so goes well.

-an other option, after you applied the modifier, you can test out the grease pencil method the other anon mentioned. for that you must mark the edges you want to get rendered ...


...kek! seem to be an idiot!

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Anonymous No. 959280


...iam this >>959278 guy!

i tested around since my last post and found a somewhat easier solution, something without nodes, just use the shrinkwrap modifier.

here is the way, you have (A), the lowres, and (B) the highres version of the object. first you take A into edit mode and marks all edges for freestyle, then you add one or two levels ob subd to it and applies the modier, or, you just subdivide the mesh, should booth have the same effect, havnt tested it
when you switch back into edit mode, the marked as freestyle edges should still be activated, while the added edges of the subd you added afterewards arnt - you are done with it, go in object mode and add a shrinkwrap modifier and the target is the highres version, bam!

in render tap, on the side you activate freestyle, and in view layer, under edge type activate edge mark ...

...thats it!

Anonymous No. 959283

Why the fuck did you give him answers to his schoolwork. He did not learn anything and will not understand how anything works. Also nurbs again because you blender noobs can’t turn solid models into bendshapes, disappointing.

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Anonymous No. 959290


....mmhh? why are you here? to tell people how they should answer other peoples questions, that everyone who doesnt work with your pro tools is a noob?

show work ...! else fuck off! .... oh! i forgot, you cant! because you are so well known, and you would be immediatly doxed because the masses and the pros recall your uniqe style ...

...kek! ....even when you are good, you still sound like an asshole!

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Anonymous No. 959316

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Anonymous No. 959317

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Anonymous No. 959318

Ok I think I have come up with the most efficient method, basically the "wave texture" node is pretty good at contour lining because apparently its independent of the mesh so the end result is more organic and less squarish. The downside is that I can't make the bands transparent, so overlapping the "wave texture" is only possible using special HSV and a suitable colour blend mode (in this case divide works well). After that I have to bake the texture to make it usable as a glb. At least this way I get a textured image, so if I'm not happy with the result I can edit it in an image editor to get even better results. If the code for the wave texture is simple enough, I think I can code a contour line node :).
I didn't know about baking textures, so maybe I can bake a freestyle render, which would probably be even better?

Thanks Anon I will try it, looks good, geometry nodes are pretty powerful, your image is a bit low res so the node texts look blurry in the future maybe a little zoom a little bit more.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, but I need to get more mileage out of Blender because my first attempt at painting was awful.

You sound emotional deprived anon I can be your friend :), I don't know but I've learnt a lot.

Anonymous No. 959341

thanks, nice workflow, I will try to replicate this on blender.

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Anonymous No. 960066

Okay, I've made some changes to increase contrast and reduce noise while baking. I'll be using this setup until I come up with something better, like lines converging to a single point. It's quite simple, and the best part is I don't really need to waste time adjusting UV maps or remeshing. Thanks lads, Here are a few examples of the blobs I've made so far: