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๐Ÿงต Fear of AI making any learning pointless

Anonymous No. 959267

To preface, I want to clarify that I don't oppose AI development, and I recognize the inevitability of technological progress. However, I'm grappling with the uncertainty surrounding how long it will take for AI to perform 3DCG tasks I've dedicated time and effort to learning, but at a fraction of the cost it would take to employ me. If I decide to go to animation school, I'd like to ensure that my skills remain relevant for a reasonable span, ideally a couple of decades. Unfortunately, I'm unsure if I'll have that much time left in this career after completing my education. How do you all reconcile this concern?

Anonymous No. 959268

Become a plumber

Anonymous No. 959275

AI showed how many people practice 2D 3D art for the love of the craft vs those retarded faggots doing it for money.

You want to feel useful? Learn a trade retard. If you feel its pointless then its pointless. Shit changes, adapt or bitch about it.

Anonymous No. 959299

>>create an automated ai thread boi persona
>>sell courses about how to make an ai thread boi persona

animation school is for queers and transfaggots

Anonymous No. 959324


Anonymous No. 959336

On the future most people will be completely retarded because ai will do everything for them. The only non retarded people will be the people who chose to learn despite it being worthless.
Do you want to be retarded?

Anonymous No. 960712

AI will make humans worthless.
As in there is nothing a human will be able to produce that's of any worth to any other human being.
AI will do it better and faster and free.

Its gonna be a sad gay hell no one really imagined

Anonymous No. 960756

Codelets are going to get destroyed. AI will need human wranglers who both understand the subject matter and how to train, modify and maintain the AI systems. This will be like the transition to CAD. You better know how to use it or yes, you will be laid off.

Anonymous No. 960767

If you don't even try then of course AI will beat you, anon. AI is training to get better ever day. What are you doing? There's nothing to fear but fear itself.

In essence, it's like giving up because someone is better than you. That will likely always be the case, no matter where you go. So focus on yourself, find your own satisfaction in what you do, and hone your skills as often. Over time you will improve. You might even look down on AI one day. But only if you try.

Anonymous No. 960805

then piss off.

Anonymous No. 963434

AI is indeed pretty awful, and those who disagree will have to be destroyed for the good of humanity.

Anonymous No. 963435

Death of John Henry.
My only regret is i may not live long enough to see how far the world will go to shit.