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Anonymous No. 959331

Is it a bad thing that I don’t focus too much on making realistic/highly detailed stuff? It’s getting annoying figuring out texture stuff or needing to find a new software to bake better or do some other little thing I’m going to hate the process of. I’m still improving, but here’s a cel shaded thing I’ve done to show where I’m at with this so far

Anonymous No. 959333


Anonymous No. 959347

If youre a hobbyist you can do whatever you like

Anonymous No. 959349

Im not trying to stay one

Anonymous No. 959383

Just get substance painter if you want realistic textures.
If you're talking about realistic models then there are no shortcuts. You have to put the effort in.

Anonymous No. 960654

I wouldn't recommend trying to learn stuff you're not interested in. If you like Cel/Toon stuff then have fun and deep dive into tutorials and learn it inside out and how to make stuff look amazing in that style. Do this instead of trying to learn loads of styles at once and you art results only looking mediocre at best. This is not to say you can't learn multiple styles but that it takes way longer learn to a professional level

Anonymous No. 960655

>I wouldn't recommend trying to learn stuff you're not interested in
bad, narrow minded advice. If you don't learn stuff you're not interested in, you're not interested in making it.

Anonymous No. 962083

If he's not planning on making money from it, I don't see why it matters.