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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Please help with .t3d and .unr loading (GPL)

Anonymous No. 959461

This video shows that we made the weapon models, and game code, for supporting unreal/unreal-tournament style maps allready (all opensource: models, gamecode, etc). Various 3rd party maps the game support: Q3, Minetest, Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory/TrueCombatElite

It also supports quake3 arena BSP format: I hacked that in when I was doing wolfenstine:enemy territory.

This video shows wolfenstine:enemyterritory maps being loaded in the game and engine and played:

And here is a collaborative rap using various wolfenstine:enemyterrtory maps:

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Anonymous No. 959462


> Our source code (GPL):
> (relevant files: model_brush.c, relevant function: void
> T3d_Attempt_Which_will_Mod_OBJ_Load(dp_model_t *mod, void *buffer,
> void *bufferend)
> We "just" need to beable to load the t3d and/or unr levels. There is
> opensource code to do it:

>(.unr) UShock(C++):

>(.t3d) T3d2Map(C++):
> Note: Our engine is in the C programming language, We already implemented various other files
> (Wolfenstine Enemy Territory, MineTest Obj, BzFlag Obj) additions)
> We would like help in adding more formats like the Unreal ones!

Our project (everything is opensource, including media):

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Anonymous No. 959463

Please help with .t3d and .unr loading (GPL)

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Anonymous No. 959464

plz, b a frnd

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 959465

plz pol*, plz hlp our opnsrc gme

>*note: now is /3/

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Anonymous No. 959466

> Repost on /3/ I'll meet you there. I am familiar with the map format of unreal tournament 1999 and 2004, I used to make maps and moved on to udk (unreal engine 3) and then UE4 and UE5

Reposting task completed!

Anonymous No. 959467

> Repost on /3/ I'll meet you there. I am familiar with the map format of unreal tournament 1999 and 2004, I used to make maps and moved on to udk (unreal engine 3) and then UE4 and UE5

We also used to map for Unreal (97) and UT (99). It was a golden age of user creation and fun. We had our CD, internet was slow, but everything we needed was on the CD.

And with UT even more so.
Here's maps and stuff we made from back then:

Anonymous No. 959468

> Repost on /3/ I'll meet you there. I am familiar with the map format of unreal tournament 1999 and 2004, I used to make maps and moved on to udk (unreal engine 3) and then UE4 and UE5

We posted stuff we found about it here:

Plus our engine's sourcecode, and other things.
We were able, last year, to hack into the game engine support for Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory bsp maps: that took a solid month of work.

Making obj exports from minetest/minecraft work as actual maps, and then the same for bzflag took about 2 weeks, maybe a month, but wasn't anywere near as intense this summer.

But with that: it gets us 75 percent of the golden age of mapping.

Engine allready had: Quake1, Quake3, halflife1 support
We added: Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory BSP, QuakeArenaLive BSP, Minetest/Minecraft OBJ maps, BZFlag obj-exported maps.

So that leaves: unreal 97 and ut 99 / unrealed (ie .unr and .t3d).

Wolfenstine:enemy territory got us the 2nd revanch of user mapping (600 maps), obj_from_mc got us all of sketchfab (as you can export from blender and it makes nice maps (obj renamed to obj_from_mc is how our engine looks for them map.scale10.obj_from_mc for example)

This would, if the dream came true: get us our childhood. We mapped from about 10 to 12 or so maybe for Unreal. Some maps I lost :(

Anonymous No. 959469

Also note: we extended the engine to beable to network and internally use up to 4 million entities: so procedual maps. (like our city there), and wrote game code to make it easy for mapper (spawnarrays, spawnradials, etc).

Our opensouce game has over 200 weapons and we often do our own models and maps and textures etc, and music.

So if you'd support our project by helping add the unreal and ut map formats (C project): then you can be sure that the rest will be done: infact it has: we did the weapons models and code allready.

Also all models and stuff can be used with eachother so if we could load them we could easily augment old maps with new stuff in the engine.
It's all opensource.

And as I said: we did a bunch of formats ourselves: just need more guys now: can't do it alone anymore: reached our limit

Anonymous No. 959474

>Please help
NO, ask /v/ we make 3d models and CGI, not game engine or programing. We do not understand how and why game engines; expectantly old game engines work with models. Nothing you said relates to /3/ which even Blender noobs can't help you.