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๐Ÿงต Getting a job thread

Anonymous No. 959473

Thread to discuss how to get a fucking real job with 3D tools.

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Anonymous No. 959477

owari da, omae wa mou shindeiru

stann co No. 959563

make your own company, and start looking for people who needs stuff made. I'm doing it with friends now. There's no jobs so we're making our fucking own

Anonymous No. 959577

I hate looking for work so bad bros.
I would love for a manager or something to take 25% if I never had to do it again.

Anonymous No. 961904

>Become a rigger
>make bank
>hate your job and studio higher ups/production,
>maintain job security because they can't risk losing you

Anonymous No. 961908

First, you need to be an asian. If you are not an asian, the peak job you can get is writing articles how generative AI will replace modellers.

Anonymous No. 962291

newfag here, I dont plan to get a job in 3dcg, but say I were to build up a portfolio of design work using houdini, blender, substance painter, etc over the next 4 years
lets say I focus on houdini and become very proficient in procedural stuff
I have a twitter account of a thousand or so followers, a website, etc
how hard is it really to get hired?

Anonymous No. 962311

Just do a normal job.
This is supposed to be fun.
Men in suits making money from your work is not fun.

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Anonymous No. 962336

Doing something you like doesn't make you money. Doing something you like while the cost of living goes up puts you closer to homelessness. Doing something you like in an industry known for shit working conditions will never make you happy. Please do not pull an uno reverse card showing someone like Raf Grasetti or Frank Tzeng or Eric Barone those guys are anomalies when it comes to work ethic, social standing and business acumen. You do not have those traits. You were not born in the right place at the right time. It's over. Stop daydreaming and face the reality you are nothing but a NEET leeching of taxpayer money in your favela, Cris.

Anonymous No. 962380

Make a standard portfolio, but also search in niche markets too, there are so many people looking for modellers to make their projects, but they will never go to the professional modeler because they don't accept to sculpt a concepts for a retractable dragon dildo

budget casting, budget writing, with blood No. 962804

yea, how much skill do i need to secure 6 number jobs

especially currently

Anonymous No. 962818

You generalise with other 2D disciplines (graphic design, UIUX, illustration, video editing + mograph) and do multimedia for corporate, publishing and learning.
9-5, stable, and still something different everyday. Only downside (for you people I guess) is it won't be 24/7 3D work, but if you want a good job, that's the compromise you'll have to make.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 962826

What if i dont do 3d. At all.
Only mildyl everything else too. But mostly notthign too corppor8 looking

Anonymous No. 962851

Not having 3D is fine (a bit funny to say this in a 3D board), but it'll definitely value-add to you as a candidate, since companies usually just want to hire 1-2 multimedia guys (up to maybe 3 if they are big enough) to handle literally everything.
You'll have to up your "everything else" from "mildly" to at least a "moderate" level. As a generalist you won't have to know how to make agency-tier graphics, but you should know a ton of software, or at least quickly know how to use them (for example, I had to learn how to use Fontforge in 30 minutes to solve a font issue). Also, if you want to get into learning, you'll have to learn Articulate Storyline. Try to learn at least 2 different software for each discipline, while knowing the technical ins and outs of 1 for each.
Knowing how to at least read and edit code will also help you a lot when they inevitably ask you to help design a website for them (a pretty easy task nowadays with wordpress, but you'll still run into some issues).
Typing all these out I just realised it's probably a lot to expect lol, you don't mind telling me what stage you are in your life rn?

Anonymous No. 962861

Literally me
part from the making bank think, we make minimum wage with university diplomas

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 962897

>stage of life
Less than moderate
What is this definition
Pls expand tx

Anonymous No. 962937

>worthless metaslop company nobody has ever heard of

Anonymous No. 962939

They really hit it all, techbro dream

Anonymous No. 962961

just don't... sitting 10 hours a day doing for work what you used to do as a hobby will kill you inside and your back

Anonymous No. 963014

two ways
1. be junior level and know people in the industry and get hired through nepotism
2. If you know no one in the industry to get you in, you have to have a senior level portfolio and years of freelance experience and you will get yourself a junior to mid position sooner or later. Probably 4-6 years required before you'll get a job.
There's also a more elusive 3rd way but it requires you to be a moderately attractive woman and either fuck or hint at fucking your boss

Anonymous No. 963488

This is the only accurate post in this thread. I came to post essentially this. Even if you're shit hot you will SERIOUSLY struggle unless you know someone. The whole industry runs on nepotism, diversity hires and hot girl hires. Its sad and I wish it wasn't true but its experience of the whole thing. I myself only got in because an old school art director stumbled upon my work online.

Anonymous No. 963557

have u tried getting an mfa from a halfway decent school? believe or not people are more likely to hire some with a grad degree over someone who watched a bunch of blender tutorials on youtube

Anonymous No. 963602

Sucks to hear that man
my perception is coloured by having sat next to the rigging team as an anim rev/tech anim junior and see this dude litter an adjacent desk with Sideshow Collectibles statuettes

Anonymous No. 964029


Im so glad that Im 1, most of my colleagues are 2. You either know somebody or you have to compete with senior portfolios

Anonymous No. 964086

Make an only fans and sell feet pics.
If you are referring to 3d, the answer is furry degenerate characters or a good rigger

Anonymous No. 964308

Start doing deliveries in my off hours, makes you learn how to do your own taxes, manage work time, and operate a small business (fking easy)
you're on your phone anyway look for ways to sell your stuff or advertise

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Anonymous No. 964317

Finally got an interview but no job. Getting jobs with no experience is a fucking scam.

My demo reel is better than 99% of the other applicants but the job always goes to the cute girl, diversity hire, or nepo hire. If I see whoever got the job make a post about it and they're yet another attractive woman or a diversity hire with a mid portfolio I will scream.

I swear to god I wrote this post before reading these. Fuck this industry. And then ofc if you try to point this out to anyone else they'll go "N-n-n-no I got my job because I have the skill!!!" and their demo reel is still made up entirely of shitty school assignments they did 2 years ago.

Anonymous No. 964383

Try to move to India

Anonymous No. 964417

No thank you Anon. I would rather be unemployed in America then employed in India making 2 cents an hour and walking through streets filled with poop.

Anonymous No. 964465

That is true kek

Anonymous No. 964475

Any advice for freelance work?

Anonymous No. 964492

Would love to but I can't afford to move there.

Anonymous No. 964624

Are you a nigger or a blue-haired cunt? Instant hire. If you are a white male, good luck, fren.