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๐Ÿงต blender middle wheel button issues

Anonymous No. 959481

it was working as it should an hour ago, but it stopped suddenly. can't rotate (but occasionally it does in spurts), can't pan. i can still zoom in and out with the middle wheel though. nothing on google seems too helpful, even the youtube vids are limited although it seems to be a common problem. pic related are my settings.

already tried:
>factory reset
>enable/disable emulate 3 button mouse
>restarting blender
>restarting machine

mouse wheel seems fine everywhere else outside the program, it scrolls as it should. currently, alt+lmb on blender seems to work for rotation alternative, but i want the middle wheel button back since that was what i was used to.

any help appreciated

Anonymous No. 959483

skill issue.

use auto

Anonymous No. 959485

Happened to me yesterday and my spare mouse worked fine.

Anonymous No. 959486

thanks i'll give that a go.

Anonymous No. 959487

Just tried the original mouse and that works again now. Might be unrelated, but my keyboard played up the day before this. I have a slider on it that zooms in and I set it to scroll to use in Blender. Stopped working in Blender but worked in browser. I had to edit the xml file in Keyboard Center folder to fix that and also had to change the browser back/forward macros in the actual Keyboard Center software to fix another issue that cropped up.

Anonymous No. 959488

Anonymous No. 959496

i don't know what i did, but it started working again on its own; the click-grabs are a bit buggy still though. sometimes it grabs the screen and other times it won't, but it's working more often than before.

thanks for the help anons, maybe just need a new mouse.