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Anonymous No. 959527

how do i learn & master this art style?

Anonymous No. 959578

You have to practice a lot.
Acquire a lot of knowledge about 3D.
You have to be very talented.
You might also need to be Japanese.

Anonymous No. 959582

It's practiced by people who are extremely proficient at operating their PC one handed, play a lot of old school RTS games like starcraft to get a strong click-rate going.

Anonymous No. 959611

If you mean the delicate balance of semi real 3d anime faces then it's actually a big ask. The same face and style that looks good in wither 2d or 3d usually doesnt look good in the other. Basing your mesh on a good drawing and a semi realistic anime face might not produce a good looming 3d face. It would come from making the face look as good in 3d with ine style youre good at and itersting it to make it more like the other style. So make the face 3d, then try enlarging and moving the eyes till it kinda gets that look. Then tweak the mesh to work with your deformations as needed.

Anonymous No. 959616

Years of hard work

Anonymous No. 959631

Check westoid character designs and do the opposite, that works for me to always make cute and appealing girl characters

Anonymous No. 959683

just start modeling

Anonymous No. 959687

2000s Japanese coomer style is a high tier aesthetic. Sad that it's dying out.

Anonymous No. 959695


Anonymous No. 959856

>go to deviantart
>search for xnalara doa
>download rips
art style mastered

Anonymous No. 959859

hold i seeing normal/bump mapping? on a PS2 game?? or is that just baked texture? i cant tell.

i only know that the Matrix game on PS2 is the only PS2 game with realtime bump/normal map but this might be new to me.

Anonymous No. 959888

prob legacy bump-maps where you constructed the normal from the adjacent pixel.
Sorta like running a two directional emboss filter to skew the direction of the normal.

Legacy bump maps have some advantages in fine surface detail to normalmaps, basically you can have it read more than 2x more detailed for the same texture resolution
as it can create features that read as a ridge or depression from single pixel wide lines.

A normal map would need at least a pixel to describe the up-slope and another to describe the down-slope to depict the same thing meaning it needs at least twice the resolution
to appear as detailed as the bumpmap. So for micro surface details that don't dome over large areas like skin features, fingerprint, scratched metals etc legacy bumpmaps are actually superior.

It's mind-boggling how close to the modern concept of the normal map Jim Blinn & co was in the 70's when he came up with the bumpmap concept.

Anonymous No. 959893

i want to marry, take virginity, nakadashi and impregnate marie rose

Anonymous No. 959902

this but Honoka

Anonymous No. 959903

another way to "fake" bump/normal map in pre 7th-gen consoles is by specular masking. instead of modulating normals, you make a mask to vary the specular intensity. in effect, its actually quite convincing. one game comes to mind that are using this is Black for PS2. i was in college when i played it and i thought it is actually "real" bump mapping (it's not), on a freakin PS2. which was thought to be impossible/too heavy. that is a big deal because bump/normal mapping hype in thoose days is like the raytracing hype of today.

so talking about that Galdelic game, what makes it hard to tell if it is real or faked bump/normal is perhaps, it might in fact using this specular mask method to simulate bump/normal.

Anonymous No. 959928

That's actually a very cool idea, I can envision how that would work. I guess the core reason we did not see more stuff like that is that the tools to make it happen wasn't widespread and well understood. Today you could easily do such a 'specular mask' by render to texture a 'lit from above' bumpmap.
But without 'render to texture' tools you would have to have some level of ingenuity to figure out how to create such a map in the first place.

Knowing what I know today I could do it with 90's era max and photoshop using auxiliary UV set's and the emboss filter, but I doubt I would ever been able
to come up with that process in the pre-pixel shader days.

It's kinda cool to look back at what a wizard one could've been even with those less refined tools just knowing about what we do now.

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Anonymous No. 959935

theres also another obscure tech used in PS2 called Geotexturing as used only in Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. details about the tech is sparse but its speculated that the game utilizes ps2's vector unit to replace flat polygons near the camera with a higher poly tesselated mesh based on heightmaps in real time. sort of an early implementation of parallax mapping

Anonymous No. 960098

the stupid butt game is THAT old?

Anonymous No. 960104

Pretty much everyone does this now with roughness maps, don't they?

Anonymous No. 960119

Everything but the actual people is really simple to do

Anonymous No. 960124

How do I create or obtain nice palm tree textures (unencumbered by license requirements)?