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Anonymous No. 959640

Is 3D modeling and animation gonna die out as a viable career path in the west now that every single studio seems to be outsourcing modeling and animation work to chinese and indian sweatshops?

Anonymous No. 959647


Anonymous No. 959649

Generally speaking yes, there will be a lot less room for anybody who focuses on just one aspect of the craft and go get hired by a company and treat it as their nine to five. However generalists and artisans will remain within various indie constellations that is in this for the art 1st and the bag 2nd.

But to get recruited to a outfit like that you already have to be able to more than carry your own weight.
However AI is coming. Within this decade AI will do to 3D and animation what diffusion models did to 2D.

What else gets automated and how fast is also uncertain, you want a future proof career path? Better make it something that absolutely needs to be a human.
Like become a whore or something, it would only be fitting if the 'worlds oldest occupation' also became the last.

Anonymous No. 959787

>what diffusion models did to 2D.
Like, nothing?

Anonymous No. 959790

yes, now fuck off forever. more time for you to gargle nigger diarrhea you goddamn spastic. literally everyone that disagrees with me is unfair.

Anonymous No. 959981

It's not just 3D anon.
The oligarchs of the West has decided a long time ago that they want to transfer the wealth of the west to India and China and make them their new golem.
You are right in the middle of the deliberate demolition of the West.

Anonymous No. 960026

Lmao why is animation in general incapable to thrive in america? Like seriously.

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Anonymous No. 960038

Pornography is illegal in both of those countries.

Anonymous No. 960077

nothing so grandiose, dummy. they just want more money, which requires infinite growth, but their own markets are saturated and their own populations are annoyingly well off and dont want to be sweatshop workers anymore, so theyre moving into places that are still capable of the tiniest bit of growth, and even better if their home populations suffer for their audacity to not eat the bugs

Anonymous No. 960091

>They just want more money
The most midwit thing someone typed in a while and I was browsing /v/

You never even asked yourself the question for what all that money these oligarchs make is used, because you have a weak mind.

All your mind is capable of is repeating memes that you have been saturated with.
In this case the meme the media has pounded into your head is that they do it out of greed or for the money.

Oligarchs spent most of their money, they don't horde it like Scrooge McDuck, as your childish worldview would suggest.

Most of that money is spent on the control of information.

And if you weren't a midwit you would have already figured out what the personal goals and ideals of the oligarchs that rule over you are.
They write books and articles telling you what they believe and not once one of them stated, "I do it for the money".

Anonymous No. 960093

wow its almost like money is fungible into informational control, weird

Anonymous No. 960094

Information control is what oligarchs want more than anything else. Money is a part of that equation a larger part are the relations to other oligarchs.

And if you listen to what the believe and want, the destruction of the West is part of most of their believes.

Anonymous No. 960097

>you want a future proof career path? Better make it something that absolutely needs to be a human.
>Like become a whore or something,
I dunno anon, sex robots could occupy that market, too.