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๐Ÿงต My first rigged chraracter model - good enough?

Anonymous No. 959707

I have certainly made many mistakes here, but I'm hoping this will be passable enough to finish and release a game in the next couple months. My aim here is to look "stylised" in a way that makes my amateurishness not as obvious as if I was targeting a AAA-style game.
Any/all tips are appreciated. I'm kinda fumbling in the dark. I like the "256fes" style textures but I have no idea how to draw them, so right now the texture is literally just a few flat colours and gradients and I just place them in various places along the gradient.
I am aware that the animations aren't really up to snuff. Not really sure how much of that I can fix without spending a disproportionately long amount of time down that rabbit hole.

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Anonymous No. 959793

i think you should concentrate on silhouette and personality.
also if she has a floor length skirt you could probably get away with not giving her legs

Anonymous No. 959855

>dat wireframe
i coom

Anonymous No. 959866

shoulder and hip sway

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Anonymous No. 959867

>i think you should concentrate on silhouette and personality
this is a great point, thank you for the drawn example. I realise now that I had basically just been creating something with "realistic" proportions and then just "stylising" each element/feature of the model rather than designing it as a whole that way. Even just making the eyes bigger is such a silly thing for me to have missed, as the face isn't exactly being used for much else.
>if she has a floor length skirt you could probably get away with not giving her legs
she doesn't, as you can see in webm rel the skirt has physics in-engine and is affected by the legs when you jump. Still, I see your point, that and the pointy gloves are great examples of where the silhouette being more lively helps the model despite making it less realistic.
Definitely will be in the next revision of the anims. Stupid as it may sound, it's hard to know what parts of even a simple motion like walking are necessary to make it not look uncanny.

Anonymous No. 959883

Why did you make an entire thread for this dummy
Cute witch, but learn to use QTDTTOT or WIP threads

Anonymous No. 959885

her walking is a bit stiff. what helped me was slightly moving the shoulder the bones along with the arms. also yea, give hip sway

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Anonymous No. 960541

Thanks again for this, here's what I've got now.

Not perfect, but I'm a lot happier with it. For a while I couldn't get the face to look nearly as cute your image, 'til a friend pointed out that it's extremely rare for cute stylised characters to have much of a visible neck, if at all. Did actual UV unwrapping this time instead of just projecting parts of the character onto gradients. Still no real texture painting skill but oh well. Had to redo the rig and now I need to fix the weight painting, so that's fun. Still haven't remade the animations.
Sorry, my bad. Sage'd.
Yeah, will do.