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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959870

I'm compiling a list of good stuff being added to Blender soon(tm), so far I have:
>Spectral Cycles
>GPU Path Guiding
>New Principled Shader with new sheen model and better energy conservation
>BSDF Layering
>EEVEE Next with raytracing/GI
>Moar nodes
>Node tools
>Node previews
>Rigging/animation overhaul
What else is there to be excited about for the next couple of Blender releases?

Anonymous No. 959873

not excited in the least. I hate Blender ever since 2.79.

Anonymous No. 959875

also, they dont have any ai tools coming out, making it obsolete already. Look at maya, they already are working on ai generated textures and materials with help from NVIDIA

>The press statement continues and details how Maya's AI tools will offer "The ability to dynamically generate textures, materials and high dynamic range images directly into LookdevX in Maya will enable dramatically faster look development and scene lighting workflows".

once again, auto leading the way

Anonymous No. 959900

AgX is so fucking good bros

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Anonymous No. 959914


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Anonymous No. 959924


Anonymous No. 959925

2.79 blender was dogshit and I'm glad it's dead

Anonymous No. 959926

Blender has had ai tools for a year you retard

Anonymous No. 959931

Nope, nothing tailor made by heavy hitters like NVIDIA, just useless user made 'community' blender 'artists' crap

Anonymous No. 959938

what about revamping the texture paint mode?

Anonymous No. 959947

I think there's plans to port the sculpt paint tools to the texture paint mode or to merge them

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Anonymous No. 959953

Cool. Instead of crunchy, broken images we'll get undersaturated, broken images instead. Could have gone with the open, industry standard but no, blender has to do their own special snowflake garbage again.

Anonymous No. 959954

I hate it when retards who didn't bother to learn basic cg fundamental post their """opinions""" here.

Anonymous No. 959977

Tell me about this Agx. Is it a toy colorspace? Will we see it in real industry standard applications?

Anonymous No. 959998

Its just an ocio LUT?

Anonymous No. 960030

Nodes are fucking gay. I just want better sculpting

Anonymous No. 960067

can i just have new principled please thanks

Anonymous No. 960074

AgX has less gamut shifting at high light intensity, which gives you more control in post

Anonymous No. 960075

if you want to be able to control it in post, you have to pay the full price for a license of vinci. Otherwise, the node that controls this is locked behind a paywall. There is a video about this.

Anonymous No. 960078

Hopefully AMD HIP RT goes out of experimental stage and becomes stable soon.

Anonymous No. 960103

AgX just seems to be low contrast. It's like it is missing several stops compared to ACES.

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Anonymous No. 960131

>It's like it is missing several stops
Higher dynamic range means lower contrast, not the other way around.
Compare these two waveforms, see how compressed/clipped the shadows are in the high contrast image (left) while they are completely preserved in the low contrast one (right).

Anonymous No. 960141

We should abandon any hope that good physics solvers will ever be added to this program.

Anonymous No. 960143

>Higher dynamic range means lower contrast, not the other way around.

but anon, both Agx and ACES are LDR. Try this, go to blender 4.0, create an object, assign any shader to it, add an area light and then crank it. It just doesn't appear very bright, like at all. This is a disappointment.

Anonymous No. 960173

all thst lead posining got to your head

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Anonymous No. 960433

I got curious so I A/B tested myself on Agx VS Filmic (Medium High Contrast) on this scene with random colors
Can you tell which is which?

Anonymous No. 960436

funny, the only thing blender 4 is known for is AgX, a config not even made by a member of the blender paid staff but by some guy from blender artists

Anonymous No. 960439

There's also the new principled BSDF which makes a huge difference

Anonymous No. 960440

the difference is marginal compared to agx

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Anonymous No. 960578

we were supposed to get pbr painting early last year

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Anonymous No. 960579

you can thank adobe bucks for that

Anonymous No. 960848

aka "why is my blue purple now", imagine defending ACES

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Anonymous No. 960849

ACES is a color management system.

AgX is simply a tonemapper.

ACES is much more useful than AgX because of this fact. I bet anything you have never been in production.

Anonymous No. 961664

>ACES is a color management system.
>AgX is simply a tonemapper.
Is this correct?

Anonymous No. 961665

You guys aren't excited about grease pencil?????????? But guys, its grease pencil!!! I'm glad the blender foundation devoted a significant portion of their time making everything compatible with grease pencil!!!! What a great foundation.

Anonymous No. 961862

you mean they paid money to delay it?

lol fucking grease pencil, that's probably the only thing i never paid attention to in blender

Anonymous No. 962023

from top to bottom, just which I like more

left (not by much)

largely im looking for ones ones where I can see detail in shadows, I like the colors of the ones where shadows are clipped more, but the shadows being that dark... nah.

Anonymous No. 962103

No fucking clue. They both fuck with colors.

Anonymous No. 962136

>better sculpting
please describe what you want, and I will consider implementing it. I'm trying to contribute to blender to break into graphics programming.

Anonymous No. 962146

blender needs a rewrite of the mutiress modifier with a decent propagation, supporting paint and sculpt layers there would be nice too, it was made to work also with animation and that's a problem, the PVBH nodes work like shit too and fuck the performance, the trim tools work betwen 30 and 60 times slower than the modifier when they use the same code so you could take a look there if you want too, you could try to add some of the box cutter and hard ops thing to the trim tools too.

Anonymous No. 962150

the curve stroke is just screen based, you could add the surface option, the draw cuve has both options.

Anonymous No. 962151

And if you want you can pick any of the things that Pablo Dobarro left half reviewed 2 years ago too.
Anyhow if you are trying to contribute to blender and want to do something smaller.