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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Best and most realistic running animation?

Anonymous No. 959905

Out of these two.

Best means the one that looks best or sexiest, most realistic is not necessary what you like to look at.

Which running animation is best, and which is most realistic?

Anonymous No. 959906

Left girl has the best animation. Good hint of butt squish, but done in a tasteful manner so that her ass still looks firm.

Both animation are realistic. Left girl is realistic for a firm ass, right girl is realistic for a flabby ass.

Anonymous No. 959907

I'm so fucking sick of you, Sybb.

Anonymous No. 959908

>3 IP counts with your post
Try harder, tranny

Anonymous No. 959909

>what is proxy/mobile data abuse
Gee willikers, I don't know! IP count doesn't mean jack shit when it's clearly the exact same posters with the same vocabulary popping up under every single one of these worthless troll threads.

Anonymous No. 959911

Lara wins. I like a firm ass on my female 3rd person avatars because I am a man and therefore a pervert.
But sci-fi girl's animation is so exaggerated it becomes erotic fetish stuff and that isn't what I want unless I'm about to yank my crank.

Sexy is fine by me round the clock but softcore perma-thirsty type shit is just annoying in a cringe kinda way.

Anonymous No. 959912

>Lara wins. I like a firm ass
Fully agree
>But sci-fi girl's animation is so exaggerated
It's not exaggerated, it's just flabby. Both animations are realistic, not all butts are the same you know.

Anonymous No. 959913

>It's not exaggerated, it's just flabby. Both animations are realistic, not all butts are the same you know.

Are there people with budonkadonk butts? Sure there are, but that's not what's going on there, she's contorting her coccyx while counter rotating her upperbody to swing her titties from side to side, absolutely nobody moves like that unless they are intentionally skipping about trying to have their floppy bits max-jiggle.

Only time a girl would ever move like that is to titillate onlookers but in the context of the game this is how she moves from point A to B when nobody is around.
Only reason she moves like this is because we the audience sits there to observe it happen and the author of the work is a archperv trying to please kindred spirits.

Basically she's breaking the 4th wall with her ass acknowledging how she's a videogame waifu and that we're looking at her butt.

Anonymous No. 959916

I don't agree with this at all. I don't think she swings her upper body in an exaggerated way. It's the same as with her ass - not everyone runs in the same way.

Anonymous No. 959918

>I don't think she swings her upper body in an exaggerated way

Bro she's putting so much torque on her titties you'd think peppy is in her torso telling it to do a barrel roll.

Anonymous No. 959919

Right is automatically better because its made by asians. It simply has more man-hourse put into it by better quality workforce. Arms feel like they have weight. Left is just basic lazy interpolation between keyframes.

Anonymous No. 959920

I know you're trying to be funny, but come on. I agree with this anon regarding her arms:

Anonymous No. 959921

You have a point about the artistry required to do right requires more from the artist than what Lara does, but in terms of styling Lara is much more believable.
Look at female triathletes who are able to run soaking up mile after mile at running pace, they have a stern consistent posture with very deliberate purposeful motion.

While right has more 'secondary action' and therefore looks more realistic in a physical sense, Lara's posture is a lot closer to the running form
someone of Lara Croft's fitness level would adopt in the real world in order to be able to cover the distances she moves at running pace.

If realistic running animation was your goal you would do something close to what Lara does but give all joints having subtle temporal offset
and subtly curved paths instead of the level of mechanical linearity depicted in the early Tomb Raider games.

Let's just appreciate how Core Design gave their character a true to life upright running form.
Today almost every game opt to depict their hero characters run permanently slumped over like doing some sort of Quasimodo like impression.

Anonymous No. 959922

You still don't understand that Lara is supposed to be bit and the other girl isn't?

Anonymous No. 959923

I swing my upper body way more than this but to be fair I think girls usually swing it less than men, so this "exaggeration" doesn't help with making it more sexy or girly

Anonymous No. 959927

I mean fit.

Anonymous No. 959929

One google search for 'PS2 game sci-fi girl with ass' reveals how other girl is 'Vanessa Z. Schneider' of P.N.03, a mercenary warrior that does cartwheels for fun between murdering stuffs with some sort of palm laser, Pretty sure that sorts under 'being fit'.

Anonymous No. 959930

Why do you pay more attention to what she does, rather than look how her ass moves? This is such a silly discussion, it's obvious at a glance that this Vanessa girl has a flabby ass. And that's NOT the same as unrealistic animation. It's just flabby. Some women have flabby bottoms, get over it and move on.

Anonymous No. 959932

There is no softbody dynamic at all at play there anon. Her entire butt-motion is driven by rigid animation of the pelvis.
I'm a professor in spectating the behind of women as well as an industry animator with ~20 years of work experience.

I've seen this happen before. A colleague of mine hallucinated boob-physics on his own player avatar while we where at Vespucci beach in GTAO. I had to make a slow motion video and go thru it frame by frame before he could unsee the jiggle that wasn't there.

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Anonymous No. 959933

She literally has ass jiggle physics in the game, professor.

Anonymous No. 959934

Interesting, I will admit when I am wrong and you have clearly demonstrated that butt physics is present. It's a jiggle bone, going frame by frame in Op's animation there is the faintest hint of it lagging behind the action, I suppose this explains her violent hip twisting, getting jiggle bones to jiggle on the PS2 prob isn't easy with the low hz of the physics update.

Anonymous No. 959940

Left one looks best. Right ass obviously has a lot more fat on it, which is not my cup of tea.

I like to look at a firm but feminine ass, not a flabby ass that's never seen a gym.

Anonymous No. 959948

As flabby as the right ass is, I'm deeply impressed with how her ass cheeks are individually animated. Look closely and you can see how her buttocks slide against each other as the flab is living a life on its own.

Anonymous No. 960040

Her ass shouldn't jiggle

Anonymous No. 960083

Lara's animation is a bit stiff overall, but the slight squish of her ass looks good. Vanessa's animation complements her flabby ass pretty well.