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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 960225

Anybody interested in making gamecube/xbox style games? I have gotten pretty good at cutscenes and demo programming. I'll eventually port this to C and vulkan

Anonymous No. 960277

na man, do it in unreal

and put a PS1 filter on it

actually, put two filters on it. one that makes it a PS1 game and another that makes it genshin impact

Anonymous No. 960282

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 960284

Yeah sure. What kinda of game play is it. What kind of assets. Like i know youre fake but just in case im actually down to collab.

Anonymous No. 960296

how can you say im fake when i posted the video to the demo? XD

Anonymous No. 960297

Yes, I’m interested in that exact era. Can you tell me more about your background and strengths?

Anonymous No. 960356

10 years of game programming (and more boring java/sql stuff too). i am basically bottlenecked by a lack of suitable assets, aka usually what happens is the assets i find have too many faces, weird shading that i cant easily reproduce, broken textures, or are ripped from a place that doesnt have open licensing (though i am really only interested in fair use and not really anything commercial).

my email is on my channel in that video, just scroll through my videos until you find it :)

i work in threejs currently because it is fast and easy but i am also working on a c/opengl version for systems that cant run a browser efficiently

if you want to know any cool tips and tricks feel free to ask me :) i take requests too

Anonymous No. 960357

>i am basically bottlenecked by a lack of suitable assets
make them yourself?

Anonymous No. 960359

i am doing that now, very slowly of course. i have the basics of extruding, subdividing, unwrapping, rigging bones to meshes, even texture painting.

but as you could imagine it is horribly inefficient and results in programmer art. basically what i currently do is grab assets from models-resource and mixamo and use those as placeholders, or just model everything as blockouts at first.

all it takes is one good artist and we're off to the races

Anonymous No. 960409

Very interesting. How much overhead have you had to build yourself? How readable is your code? I’ve been toying with the idea of shipping a game as an Electron app. What kind of story are you looking to tell?

Anonymous No. 960413

i've had to build quite a bit. basically everything that isn't rasterizing, transformng, and loading in meshes/triangles. but these demos usually end up being 200 lines of code all readable to me because i dont use any react or other bloated nasty frameworks

just email me id be happy to help. i like remaking old games and cutscenes :)

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sexy cat.png

Anonymous No. 960964


Anonymous No. 961956

I have a tip, kill yourself. I'm convinced only human shaped bacteria colonies like this gay shit.

Anonymous No. 961967

>crotch camera angle

consider using WebGPU as your backend, it has a more modern API / will auto translate to dx12 / vk / metal on your behalf. WebGL is overly restrictive.

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Anonymous No. 962117

Yeah I'm trying to do PS2 quality graphics and currently I'm having trouble developing my texture painting abilities. Right now I'm trying to learn how to paint stone walls like in pic related. I'm basically just looking at this guy mikeroegames videos on YouTube and trying to copy his style of texturing but if anyone has any resources or advice for learning to make hand painted textures in this style please let me know. I'm working in gimp with a tablet.

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Anonymous No. 962119

Here's an example from kh1 of some texturing that I like. I like the use of color and the obvious hand painted aesthetic of this door. But particularly when it comes to shading and adding depth to my artwork I'm finding it very tedious and think there must be an easier way. I just use the airbrush, paintbrush, and smudge tool in gimp to add shading and highlights but I'd really like to learn the best practices for producing this art.

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Anonymous No. 963717

I'm very nostalgic for this era of gaming and very interested on this style but haven't found any good guides, like how many tris and what resolution should textures be.
Also I've released making a game by myself will take me so long I should future proof my nostalgia and go for a ps3/x360 style which is even more obscure now.
What should I do? I'm sleep depraved, sorry if this is too rambly.