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๐Ÿงต How do I connect ring and leather?

Anonymous No. 960404

How am I actually supossed to do something like pic related when placing straps and rings like this all over a character body?

Placing the straps was easy with curves, but I can't think of an easy or better way to do this than manually bending the ends of each strap converging on a ring to make it look like they are actually joint together, the look is not great and is extremely time consuming, what is the less retarder version to do something like this on blender?

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Anonymous No. 960406

Model a connection mesh you instantiate at every ring and tweak a bit manually to twist and bend in the correct direction. I had a similar issue many years ago when I had to model this sneaker with each lace forming to match the eyelets.

Anonymous No. 960407

Seek jesus

Anonymous No. 960411

That does seems like a good idea, I am surprised no one has mentioned or shown a similar technique like this before

Anonymous No. 960491

You can't do something like that on blender it's just not possible, use zbrush instead.

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Anonymous No. 960571

Gonna shill this addon because it's pretty handy if you want to save some time from making your own system.

>the closed loop adding extra geo to the lace around the eyelets
I love your topology

Anonymous No. 960582

by switching to zbrush where this is done in 3 fucking clicks.

Anonymous No. 960596

Is that for VRC?

Anonymous No. 960959

what the fuck am I looking at? tactical pampers?

on second thought: don't answer.

Anonymous No. 960982

why are you lying nigger?

Anonymous No. 960996

holy batman look at those quads

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Anonymous No. 961037

most game models i've seen just do this

Anonymous No. 961046

nothing about that model is particularly impressive

Anonymous No. 962531

Keep it simple rigger.

Anonymous No. 962532

Blendfags losing brain cells when this can be done effortlessly in industry software.