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๐Ÿงต Commissions for /3/?

Anonymous No. 960494

The hell? There's no thread to hire or commission /3/fags for work?

Anonymous No. 960506

No one would want to do that

Anonymous No. 960508

go away cris

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Anonymous No. 960509

not cris.

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Anonymous No. 960521

Ok? Commission me.

Anonymous No. 960523

sorry you dont appear to have the qualities i'm personally looking for, but if the >imagine the smell posting is unironic you shouldn't be hurting for work if you start a gaytreon

Anonymous No. 960555

What are your prices...

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Anonymous No. 960556

i can do stuff like this

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Anonymous No. 960557

and this

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Anonymous No. 960569

Idk. $100 for a character mesh with uv. Another 100 for textures and for a rig. So 300 for a fully done character. Thats if youve got a design already.
I have no idea and im likely to undercharge. Of course i know no one's itt really looking to commission a model. It's just a little skit so OP gets to reject people

Anonymous No. 960573

Nobody pay shit here, that's why, i do sculpts for free for >>>/tg/ from time to time.

X@200_Pong No. 960576

I add dong to models for 5 bucks a piece.

Anonymous No. 960613

We should collab

Anonymous No. 960615

What is a good place to contact you?

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Anonymous No. 960702

[email protected]

Anonymous No. 960738

are you the stash guy?

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Anonymous No. 960748

this nice but can you do anime style stuff at all? your falcon gives me hope but I must ask first.

Anonymous No. 960749

my project is /tg/ related but doesnt really fit the realism/low fantasy aesthetic a lot of /tg/ homebrew goes for.

Anonymous No. 960753

Nope, I'm not that good, I made the Champion of Slaanesh and I've shared others too, I sculpt for me mostly and I used to post my wips there.

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Anonymous No. 960757

I'm not hawk guy. I'm giant yellow butt guy.

Anonymous No. 960760

ey, i remember you, it was a cool sculpt, gj man

Anonymous No. 960762

I didn't ask you, my posts are clearly at hawk guy.

Anonymous No. 960840

hawk guy here, sure I could.
with some 2D looking shaders.

Anonymous No. 960986

how would you like to be contacted? can you present any work that's similar to anime here or?

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Anonymous No. 961008

Can anyone here accurately replicate the style of Virtua Fighter 1's 3D models? I don't know shit about modeling or posing or anything, I just want to make a shitpost to put on a t-shirt. It's not gonna be a commercial thing or anything, just something to print out for me and a couple of friends

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Anonymous No. 961033

I dont usually do anime stuff, however i dont see that being much of a problem since i did a lot of style matching for work previously. If you would like to give me a shot you can mail me at [email protected]

Anonymous No. 961108


Anonymous No. 961111


Last I checked and that has been a few years a full character starts at 1k and that should have gone up by now.