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🧵 Porting a fortnite skin to gmod

Anonymous No. 960616

>For reference I have absolutely zero experience with Blender and even less experience with porting stuff
Is it safe to get rid of all of these extra bones and mess with them accordingly so that they all correspond to the official list of the valve skeletons?

Anonymous No. 960640

i dont have much experience porting between those games either but ideally you want to delete as few bones as possible, since without a bone some vertices wont be animated and game engines dont handle unassigned vertices too well.
Try to rename the bones if possible and combine if you run into a situation where bones cannot be ported over

Anonymous No. 960644

Sorry but you’re boned

Anonymous No. 960658

How about not using Valve junk porting software and actually not mess with a 20 year old dead game. Just make your own game with the same dumb hide and seek features.

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Anonymous No. 960714

thanks for your opinion anon

Anonymous No. 960741

Anon you don't even know those bones make up for the cloth physics that don't exist in Gmod. You can't port the model into the game, you just going to upload a mess.

So how about you stop being a whiny bitch and learn to make your own game.

Anonymous No. 960743

>ask for help with porting a model in gmod
>get told to make a game instead
I'm sorry that you were dropped on your head as a child and therefore have had a stagnated reading comprehension but porting a model into garry's mod is a completely different task than making a game.

Anonymous No. 960752

That’s why you are so dumb, Gmod isn’t any different from common more modern game engines. The only thing you doing is wasting your time on a dead engine that people hate. Gmod copycats like you shouldn’t have right to post here if all you do is steal copyrighted content and use it on lame 3 game modes you commonly find in Gmod.

You’re not a gamedev, you’re not a modder, you’re not an artist, you’re a scammer.

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Anonymous No. 960773

What the fuck are you talking about. How can you take anything of what I said to me being a scammer.

Anonymous No. 960795

well you did steal something and try to use on on another place to make yourself popular but never tried to google the problems yourself.

You are nothing but a scammer, i bet blender community kicked you out and you are here asking for advice.

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Anonymous No. 960810

Do you need your schizophrenia pills because that’s the most logical solution to you thinking that I want attention from this.

Anonymous No. 960823

>stealing from fornight and thinking 4chan cares about it
You are already guilty anon give it up

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Anonymous No. 960825

look, i just want a robot in gmod. i dont want fame, money, power, or anything. i want to put a robot that i would fuck in a 20+ year old game. sorry for putting your panties in a bunch because i have a fun little side project

Anonymous No. 960854


Anonymous No. 960903

Just please don't fuck up the weight groups and keep that shit smooth.

Bake the materials maps down that you can't assign into source or it will look like ass.

Anonymous No. 960936

you should probably just delete that entire skeleton and use a valve skeleton/re-rig it.
i have no experience porting models though so I'm probably wrong.

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sexy cat.png

Anonymous No. 960981

i think the least effort way is to decompile the model of a hl2 citizen, import using the SMD addon, delete the the citizen mesh, rig your waifu to the citizen skeleton, then export the smd and compile using the citizen .qc

Crowbar is a decompile+compile tool for source models

you should look up some basic tuts on rigging a character, how to import/export source models into blender and how to compile/decompile source models.

good luck

Anonymous No. 960983

For gmod and other source games you can delete the helper bones (the extra knee, and elbow bones. Also the ones between the joints) but don't delete the main bones or the hand pos bones or face pos bones. For gmod this is where the player sees from and holds weapons from. If you remove them the player will have the item or their view stuck at their feet. This video taught me a lot of the weird and wacky rules that source skeletons can have

He also pretty much goes through the whole process. This is handy if the character already has a skeleton with vertex groups.

Anonymous No. 960993

OP here, I put the project on hold for the time being because the guide that I have been following has me stuck at some “proportion trick”. Theres also a quirk about the model that I’m using, all the extra clothing and visible pistons have their own bones. In order to try to keep the skeleton visibly simple I parented the extra bones to the main one
>theres a bag attached to the calf that has its own bone, I made the calf a parent to the bag
I’ll post pictures when I can get around to it but I haven’t made much progress besides simplifying the skeleton and scaling.

Anonymous No. 960995

I would just delete the rig you have and rig it up fresh and try running it to see what happens.

Anonymous No. 960999

I told you, you can’t make this into a dead engine. You are fighting Maya rules, Blender rules and SFM rules all at the same time. The model will never work.

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Anonymous No. 961051

The indomitable human spirit knows no bounds, especially Blender, Source or whatever the fuck Maya is supposed to be.

Anonymous No. 961057

reality says otherwise, you don't understand how model works, you lack basic blender rig, bones not supported by code, textures and lots more. It will become a mess, all SFM models are a mess.

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pic is completely....jpg

Anonymous No. 961060

Anon I can do a basic google search and convert my xps files to the shit thats needed. It has been done before and it's going to be done later. You can easily prove me wrong and explain exactly why this specific model won't work instead of repeating the same point over and over again. I'll quit once you say something productive.

Anonymous No. 961061

op here again
well shit, someone already did it practically

Anonymous No. 961076

>Why won't model work?
>Someone did it
This has to be a sign to stop, a quick google search (which i did) will have given you the answer. Gmod isn't SFM, you can not make a game file for movie file. It's dumb to try it. So, look at the files for it, tell me even if you can understand basic coding to keep the model in one piece. The answer is obviously not from you, it was rebuild top down, the modder had to have spent 4 months just to get it walking. Animation doesn't carry over from FBX in blender.

Now you'll try to make SFM into Gmod because you some dumb kid. There is not Gmod version of this model, this time you do have to 100% rebuild it.

Anonymous No. 961082

you have still yet to say anything productive other than the other anons

🗑️ Anonymous No. 961091

When people just use an icon render from the og content, I automatically assume shit port because they don't want to show what the end result is. I expect really shit tier work from this.

Anonymous No. 961118

>I want to port something from fortnite to gmod
>spoonfeed me an education, or watch me wreck the model
If you posted in the stupid questions thread, I probably would have held your hand to spite this guy >>960658 reddity non answer. But you made a thread as if you're entitled to tech support, while also insulting the people familiar and unfamiliar with source trying to help you.

Anonymous No. 961125

I’m not acting like I’m entitled to shit, the anons above who actually said something useful genuinely helped me.

Anonymous No. 961127

I’ve been running off of old tutorials for this project and have literally only read this thread to argue with>>960658

Anonymous No. 961131

You look so pathetic, did you get banned from Steam community. Gmod and SFM for 4chan is a laughing stock. Like OMG anon why not use blender instead. Learn some VR and you never need to touch Gmod. This whole thing about trying to get it to Gmod is just ridiculous and won’t help you get popular with Steam community.

Anonymous No. 961132


Anonymous No. 961139

Again, blender can do that and you don't have to worry about development abandoned because Gmod add on is known to never last forever. That lame VR add on only got one update from 2022. Face the facts.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 961156

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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