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Anonymous No. 961151

I'm so fucking infuriated right now this fucking overpriced piece of shit unreliable software just lose my save file data after i'm done for no fucking reason, no it have to redo all that shit again. fuck Autodesk and also fuck Blender

Anonymous No. 961152

are you arr harr harr? (cgp?)


Anonymous No. 961153

Backups retard. Automatic saves. Version control for 3D models.

Anonymous No. 961154

He was pirating. All of his saves are corrupted :)

Anonymous No. 961160

Fuck you faggot mine is licensed, as for autosave I did turn that on before but after this incident, when I checked it was turn off, i hope the fags at Autodesk burn

Anonymous No. 961168

Incremental saves + occasional cloud backups (in case of SSD failure) is more useful to have enabled than autosaves. Always make sure you have incremental saves on. And either manually save the preferences, or restart Maya after doing changes to settings. They'll reset otherwise, if the program doesn't shutdown properly, which isn't all that rare. Corruption will happen to you eventually, no matter what, regardless of software, so you should always be prepared for it. It sucks to lose progress, but at least you learned a lesson, before it happened with something much bigger.

Anonymous No. 961172

How much does Maya pay you?

Anonymous No. 961182

>mine is licensed
Yeah, to XFORCE lmao

Anonymous No. 961183

Thank you for the advice, I'll try doing that from now on, feel like shit when you finish your work just to open it up next time and it's just nothing there anymore.

Anonymous No. 961184

Skill issue

Anonymous No. 961270

No software is bug free, so users can and should use incremental save system, autosaves or version control and thats in their own responsiblity.
Ive had it happen to me a few times too but its just part of the work. You get a bit angry and then go re-do the work and thats it.
No need to bitch about it on a random forum like some salty gamer kid.

Anonymous No. 961275

Proprietary fags are so dumb they probably name their files like furryporn fina final final3.max

Anonymous No. 961336

somehow this makes me damn happy right now, i am actually not a bad person, but i feel a deep sense of inner contentment

Anonymous No. 961338

holy shit just use blender. it's free and you own what you make. stop being stuck in the past bozo

Anonymous No. 961361

you also own what you make in maya as well as the program itself being industry standard.

Anonymous No. 961876

Industry standard is bullshit, do you work for Pixar? Disney? Blizzard? No? Then fuck Autodesk. Why would anyone pay 5k susbscription fee for inferior technology just because its the Goy Standard?

Anonymous No. 961885

Anon, maya indie is $270 a year. Houdini indie is even less. What the hell is wrong with you?