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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 961163

I'm making this character for my 3D animation class. I'm a total beginner. I need to make a rig for this dude but I'm having some trouble.

I want the arms and legs to have a floating and detached look like what you see here. I haven't figured out how to make a rig though without attaching it with arms. I tried making little rectangular arms and thought I could somehow make them transparent but I'm having a hard time doing that as well. I just want it to have floating arms and feet like this. Very nice and simple. I know asking questions like this is bad and I shouldn't be spoon fed but I'm having a difficult time trying to find information on how to achieve this online. Could I get some advice?

Anonymous No. 961164

I immediately found a youtube tutorial for exactly this. Go fuck yourself OP and learn to use google, lazy retard.

Anonymous No. 961166

>spoon fed
I wouldn’t worry too much about that. As long as you are willing to understand the information being given to you without expecting people to give you a paint by numbers list, you should be fine.

Rigging isn’t my field of expertise, but what I would do is create an armature with five bones, each positioned at the center of one of the objects (you can use the 3D cursor to help with this), then I would set a Child Of constraint on each of the objects, with the Target property being set to the armature, and the Bone property being set to the corresponding bone. You can also click Set Inverse if the objects become dispositioned after having the constraint placed on them. This is all assuming you want the objects to orbit around the body and don’t want any deformation.

It would also help if you named your objects descriptively.

Anonymous No. 961181

This is so fucking simple it's not even funny. Add the same armature modifier to all the parts.

Anonymous No. 961188

what fucking school teaches blender? I would end the contract immediately

Anonymous No. 961191

Homework requests should be in

You should ask your tutor for help

Anonymous No. 961243

I'm not sure why you need a rig, if there's nothing to deform then you can just animate by moving the objects.

Anonymous No. 961260

Rig it like you would normally rig a bipedal character, but make the limbs detached

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Anonymous No. 961448

this was too hard?

Anonymous No. 961453

Where butte?

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Anonymous No. 961497

Just say your making kirby we know anon theres no shame in saying. btw just parent the meshes together no rig required gg or if your really snooty just make one bone per mesh disconnected using shift+a when in edit mode of the bones.