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Anonymous No. 961456

/3/ humor thread

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Anonymous No. 961458

Anonymous No. 961461

/3/ meetup

Anonymous No. 961462

they're literally cattles. holy shit look at their mice, there's not even enough space. even their chair wheels are touching. how can this be legal?

Anonymous No. 961463

Where's the humor?

Anonymous No. 961466

nigga you dont understand...the cg animation industry IS the humor, as in, a JOKE.

also, pajeets. doing cg. whats not funny about that?

Anonymous No. 961521

can someone identify what are they working on? I'd love to see the final result

Anonymous No. 961553

They look pretty amused while working. No comparison to Chinese sweatshop work.

Anonymous No. 961559

Is there a time when Asian men aren't total jokes? Japan is known for overworking like a slave. China, India and Philippines are cheap labor sweatshops.

Anonymous No. 961566

reverse image search suggests that they are working for an animation studio that makes Youtube Kids content.

Anonymous No. 963640

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Screenshot 2023-1....png

Anonymous No. 963645

i'm not like them i'm not like them i'm not like them

the chair nerd No. 964359


>Looks at garbage chairs.

I can't imagine sitting in such a piece of shit for anything longer than 20 minutes. My back hurts by just looking at that.

Thoughtful reminder to any of you guys that if you want to sit on a desk for 14 hours a day you better invest in a good chair before a good gpu.

the chair nerd No. 964361

There are many pajeet studios like that look at exhibit a:

You can hire hours and hours of cheap work when the diet of your workforce is literally shit and curry on a sidewalk.

the chair nerd No. 964362

Yep its them.

Anonymous No. 964364

i am more triggered by the fact that they have not enough space for their mice. they probably need to crack the mouse sensitivity way up high to work with that amount of space. this is literally like a cattle feedlot.

Anonymous No. 964373

what chair would you recommend if price doesn't play a role

Anonymous No. 964374

sar i recoomend sitting on the floor

Anonymous No. 964375

HermanMiller Aeron
When I still worked in the office every studio at least reasonably sized had these for every employee.
For larger studios that was easily over $1.5M worth of unbolted wares just laying about the office.
Worth the price tag? Dunno, but no denying they're comfy and don't fall apart after 2 years. If you were going to spend $500 on some logan-paul-branded gayming chair anyway just to spend them again later might as well drop $1000 now.

Anonymous No. 964376

Sir, Hemran Miller is too much. Also kindy be informed that Herman Miller doesnt ship to India sir.

the chair nerd No. 964389

Yep I have two of those one for my home office and one for my office and best investment I've ever made.
>Worth the price tag?
Fuck yes. They are usually priced at around 1500 usd but sometimes you can negotiate a new one with a contract provider for less than $1000.
Herman miller has a store and an assembly line factory in india you dirty fucking pajeet.

the chair nerd No. 964390

Yep just awful. But sitting on a chair is an 1000% upgrade from the usual india post.

the chair nerd No. 964391

Aslo improve your india bait kind sar.

Anonymous No. 964510

Is that in the UK?

Anonymous No. 964511

This is the pic that made me quit 3d ages ago because I knew that's where I was headed lmao

Anonymous No. 964537

honestly wouldn't mind working there. in my country the only 3DCG jobs available are very competitive requiring a lot of experience. there are no entry positions. the only low skilled work available is retail which is absolute hell. making crappy kids animations for minimum wage would at least let me get paid while practicing my 3D skills. working retail provides me zero benefit in my life, it is a waste of time and saps all the energy out of me.

Anonymous No. 965149

Motu Patlu?

Anonymous No. 965289

imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 965381

Agreed, also I'd rather work in one of these sweatshops rather than a proper animation studio because everyone in the animation industry seems insufferable, I would prefer working with people that see it as a job instead of a lifestyle.

Anonymous No. 965383

literal jeets and spics ITT. the west has fallen.

Anonymous No. 965386

/3/ - 3rd world

Anonymous No. 965387

lmao cumskins whitoids btfo

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Anonymous No. 967544

shit ton of "CG" humor here

Anonymous No. 967546

Any story and experiences?

Anonymous No. 967570


>They look pretty happy, think the joke is on some people ITT & Op.

Anonymous No. 967571

Long overdue. Seethe.

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Anonymous No. 967572

Image that broke /3/

Anonymous No. 967598

This definitely broke my boner.

Anonymous No. 967627

You're abosutely right. Your post is actually very insightful about a lot of the things wrong with our job economy.
As you said, all the entry position jobs have been outsourced, only highly competitive jobs are available, except in startups maybe but you have to work 24/7 for a sweatshop tier pay, leaving you no time to work on your personal projects.
Thus, success mostly resides on networking to get the highly competitive job.
This explains why the western animation industry for instance is full of hacks, while the pajeet that managed to climb to the top of the sweatshop is most likely actually very skilled.
I predict that pajeets will get to the top of the western animation industry in 2 decades, just like the did with tech.