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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 961681

how do I into animation? I'm especially shit at timing/spacing

Anonymous No. 961682

try doing simple animations like a waving flag or a bouncing ball

Anonymous No. 961684

>I'm especially shit at timing/spacing
Try applying to netherrealm, they can always use a guy like you

Anonymous No. 961686

I'd recommend looking into learning the 12 principles of animation, Alan Becker's video on it is quite good

Anonymous No. 961690

>how do I into animation? I'm especially shit at timing/spacing
you can only learn by doing what is interesting to You

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Anonymous No. 961740

1) use reference, try to replicate what you see
2) key 'end' poses
3) key 'inbetween' poses
4) adjust and iterate until satisfied

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Anonymous No. 961828

Anonymous No. 961830

nobody would swing a sword like this. This is shit tier animation

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Anonymous No. 961832

it's a dead-serious, dramatic tale about prostate enlargement and its consequences in everyday-life. show some respect, cis-demon.

Anonymous No. 961834

How "NOT" to do animation. Too many frames for the game, unreasonable attack patterns and your "arc" is fake human pose.

Anonymous No. 961845

Yeah when you start studying how people actually move in disciplines, esp fighting the '12 principles of animation' needs to fly right out the window because you don't wind-up telegraph or follow thru.

This seems to be for something super cartoony tho, but people do silly shit like that even with realistic styles.

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Anonymous No. 961846

>itt: extreme autistics don't understand theatrics in a game where pretty twink boy saves a princess for 342534th time

Anonymous No. 961861

>self learned in animation
>never liked pose to pose
>just saw the animation in my head and animate it piece by piece continuosly

I've been animating for like 10 years now, still don't like pose to pose. Redpill me.

Anonymous No. 961866

Probably works for you, but the cost is that you waste a lot of time. I don't know though. Usually when I have my own methods for things, they're just a slower and often worse version of the proven mainstream method.

Anonymous No. 961872

OP here, that's whan I've been doing for over 2 years and now I'm finally trying to learn how to animate properly as my usual method is good for short animations but I struggle at longer complex scenes and like 80% of the time I'm just fixing bad timing.

Anonymous No. 961873

>and like 80% of the time I'm just fixing bad timing.
That's normal, OP. No matter what ways you use that's just the reality of animation work, the same as it's normal that most artists re-draw 80% of individual elements in their drawing 2-3 times (at least) before they get it right
The only exception is when you perfectly trace reference, but even then you'd usually want to add your own flare to the movements.

Anonymous No. 962009

>you can only learn by doing what is interesting to You
meaningless if you don't have the fundamentals down

Anonymous No. 962010

Yeah I am thinking this autistic shit is not for me lmao

Anonymous No. 962014

Ugh this is that obnoxious bugs bunny type league of legends shit, where nobody can be realistic anymore, everything is extremely exaggerated floaty bubbly bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 962019

It's pretty necessary for zoomed out top down games because realistic animations would not really convey what's happening to the players
Even third person games like dark souls that are all about responding to telegraphed oneshots do it because gameplay > realism

Anonymous No. 962033

No, you are thinking about cut off during animation. When you press a button, the developer can make a choice of either cutting the animation midway or have iframe/no frame. Dark Souls has animation with iframe and cut off times.

There is no looney tunes animation, it’s why people call it hard because the playerbase never experienced such realism in 3D games. Older 3D games had given you way too protection for gameplay to move forward. Dark Souls didn’t give you protection.

Anonymous No. 962062

Just practice. You will suck at first, for many months, maybe years, but you'll improve.

It's the same with rigging or anything else. The basics are simple, but the basics are 99% of the work. When you say you want to get good at animation, you're saying you want to get good at the things you learned on day one but still suck at. Go practice. Worry about the 1% when you yourself know why you need it.

There's always someone in the MMD, SFM or other simple software threads
>you must use industry software!! You're wasting time!
but those programs have the fundamentals. You can animate entire films in them. The quality is mostly dependent on your skill, and you're not going to get that any quicker depending on what software you use, when you can get that skill from even just scribbling in the corner of notebooks. You have to do the work.

If you don't, you'll end up like Cris and other porn obsessed third worlders, making jak faces at things and gimmicks that are of greater interest to people who actually have the skills than they help people without the skills pretend for a few frames that their work isn't trash.

Anonymous No. 962159

So you just do straight ahead? Nothing wrong with that either. Honestly there is no "right way" to animate as long as you get the result you wanted.
Only thing I can think of with pose to pose is that you can plan it out easier. I just do a mix of it but usually like to do pose to pose then hit spline and just go nuts on straight ahead