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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Why are Blendlets so delusional?

Anonymous No. 961714

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Anonymous No. 961717

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Anonymous No. 961718


Anonymous No. 961719

schrekk is love, schreck is live

Anonymous No. 961720

>a thread died for this
le epic reddit win kind stranger
now go back and stay there

Anonymous No. 961721

Found the OP

Anonymous No. 961722

Did he take a year to make the model or is remaking the whole movie?

Anonymous No. 961723

He's planning on remaking the whole movie within a year.

Anonymous No. 961725

OP is a faggot as usual I see.

Anonymous No. 961728

I blame Astartes. But overtime we begin to learn that Syama had a team of dudes anyways.

Anonymous No. 961735

Crab mentality is one hell of a drug and OP is a egotist asshole

Anonymous No. 961736

He's going to be slapped with a cease and desist, just like all those unauthorized video game mods

Anonymous No. 961739

Add that to the list of words the internet has destroyed all meaning of.

Anonymous No. 961741

because blender is where all the low-functioning autists and indian drones flock to, in other words: "people" that can hardly be called functioning human beings.

also this >>961720
the whole thread reeks of "omg look at how hard i owned that guy". you want to impress us? pyw.

Anonymous No. 961742

faggot nigger crabs, I suppose everyone here is just a soulless crab who don't see 3d as a hobby and just a job

Anonymous No. 961744

the government should put all blendlets into concentration camps to be gassed en masse
cris should be delimbed, deeyed, denosed, delipped, dejawed, hooked to a life support system and put on display in a public square as a warning to everyone

Anonymous No. 961748


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Anonymous No. 961756

> Why are Blendlets so delusional?
pajeets sir.

Anonymous No. 961779

>Free software for enthusiasts
>Makes a tutorial for said program
>Le heckin poojeets at it again

What are you even trying to point out

Anonymous No. 961782

Would the most talented 3d expert in the world be able to remake Shrek 1 in a year?

Anonymous No. 961792

No. Animating alone requires so many work hours, that it's just not possible. If they want to match the quality of the movie that is. A somewhat realistic output for the level of quality in Shrek is around 1 minutes of animation per month per animator, assuming 40h work weeks, and if they're at a senior level. If they worked 120h per week, that would still be only around 3 minutes per month. At that pace, just animating would take 30 months. Realistically, no one would be able to handle that kind of a schedule for long of course. You can shave some of that off, since he doesn't need to deal with directors wanting changes/communicating with a team, and he has 1to1 reference footage that he can use. So there's little need for layouts and planning. I'd still say a bit under 2 years minimum for just animation alone, if he worked 120h per week. But that still leaves everything else.

Anonymous No. 961793

not quite.

>Animating alone requires so many work hours, that it's just not possible. If they want to match the quality of the movie that is. A somewhat realistic output for the level of quality in Shrek is around 1 minutes of animation per month per animator, assuming 40h work weeks, and if they're at a senior level. If they worked 120h per week, that would still be only around 3 minutes per month. At that pace, just animating would take 30 months. Realistically, no one would be able to handle that kind of a schedule for long of course.

just use mocap suit.

Anonymous No. 961799

I'm not sure if you're being serious, but a mocap suit is not the silver bullet you're implying it to be. Not to mention a poor fit if you're going for more stylized animation like Shrek. It would look like crap, unless they spend a ton of time tuning the motion data, at which point we're back to the animation stage alone taking over a year.

Anonymous No. 961806

> enthusiasts
pajeets and low quality porn-makers.

Anonymous No. 961817

>The crabs screeching "blendlet" at people are reddit users
Ah, it's starting to make sense now.

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drown in nigger d....png

Anonymous No. 961833

lol, this blendlet knows reddit!
point and laugh!

Anonymous No. 961836


You will never be a successful artist without using popular platforms, including reddit.

Also, you will never be a successful artist unless you remove blender from your machine.

Anonymous No. 961839

>he thinks success is measured by income

Anonymous No. 961879

No one ever asked me for my twitter follower count nor my total reddit karma at job interviews.

Anonymous No. 961917

>Remaking Shrek 1 in 1 year
He needs a team of people to achieve this. There's so many characters, sets, and characters you'd need to model. Personally, I think he should give up and work on something worthwhile.

Anonymous No. 961938

>not wanting him to "succeed" so you can laugh at the finished trainwreck.... ahem, trainshrek
I thought this was /3/. lolcows like this used to be daily fare here. I remember when there was always a thread up about that one Brazillian dude that made a whole 3d "anime" with himself as the main character. There was a fuckton of episodes the dude made.
I don't think he ever came to /3/, but he was definitely a "hot topic". I can't remember his name for the life of me though.

The project in the OP definitely strikes me as similar in terms of how the final product would turn out. We should be "encouraging" him, honestly. Not trying to dash it, explain the futility, and make him give up immediately. We don't get to see the end result that way.

Anonymous No. 961945

>I thought this was /3/. lolcows like this used to be daily fare here.
it stopped being the case when the "encouragement" stopped being ironic and instead became just sincerely delusional.

Anonymous No. 961963

who cares if he tries something super ambitious and fails, that's a great way to learn

Anonymous No. 961980

if there is justice in the world you will be reborn as a mentally retarded freak with everyone making fun of you, because that is what you are currently giving to the world.

Anonymous No. 961990

I'd like to see you mocap the talking Donkey.

Anonymous No. 961993

Like you?

Anonymous No. 962104

Literal schizophrenia. Blender is free so there are nutcases in the community.

Anonymous No. 962625

This is cope for procrastinating on social media
A lot of people who act that way aren't delusional. They don't have a lot of confidence and are constantly told that they won't amount to anything in life. They find a thing that they're really passionate or skilled in, so they think they'll achieve a lot with it.

That's unironically a good thing as it is an effective way of learning, it beats being a nihilist or pessimist.
People ITT think that he's crazy, but they lack self-awareness since they're just as "crazy" as him. Why would they spend hours and years to be low-income artists instead of high-income useful lawyers or doctors within a less amount of time?

You guys are the reason why people have no respect for artists. When people do put their full effort and time into understanding the craft from firsthand experience, you end up ridiculing them.If you're replaced by AI or underpaid it is because of you.

Anonymous No. 962627

Why would they spend hours and years to be low-income artists instead of high-income useful lawyers or doctors within a less amount of time?

being a doctor or a lawyer is a high stress position, moving some verts around is not

Anonymous No. 962629

Fucking retard, these people are this way EXACTLY because their egos have been told for years that they're stunning and brave and amazing artists while in reality they suck niggerdicks.

>When people do put their full effort and time into understanding the craft
This is literally an example of the polar opposite.
>I'll remake all 90 minutes that took a team of artists and engineers, each with more talent in a toenail clipping than my smoothbrain is even capable of comprehending let alone achieving even a fraction of, years to make, because Andrew Price told me Blender can do it all.
I too believed I could build a functioning car to drive around the house with nothing but spare nuts and bolts I found in my dad's toolbox when I was 6. You can guess how that went.

Anonymous No. 962637

Based Shrekchad dabbing on the ngmis.

Anonymous No. 962639

This thread is so out of context and low effort that your post means nothing.
>Does he have any experience?
>Is this to see how far he can get, or is he expecting 1 year to be enough?
>Is this to help learn animation from scratch or just for fun?
>Is his goal to make the visuals on-par/better or just complete the movie?
We get one post where he acts arrogant about the age of the visuals and that's it.
What is the purpose of this thread besides some redditor thinking we give a fuck what's going on in his backyard?

Anonymous No. 962644

You will never be a successful artist because you lack passion, discipline, and ambition.

Anonymous No. 962767

>You can guess how that went.
You gave up because you're a quitter with no passion?

Anonymous No. 962770

Now he's Dominic Turetto

Anonymous No. 964577

there's 0 point in telling him this, he'll learn things & the dude can just quit at any time

Anonymous No. 964699

>90 minutes animation
>1.7minutes of animation per month
>84 frames of animation per day, given zero holidays/weekends/breaks
>multiply that by however many characters are in whatever shot he's working on

even if this moron was provided every possible required asset on a silver platter, and only had to focus solely on animation, this is either a) an impossible task or b) every single frame of animation will look like utter dogshit

factor in modeling, shading, rigging, fx, rendering, layout, compositing, etc.

i would be shocked if he had more than 5 minutes of animation completed by the end of the year, and that's assuming he's an industry professional who can just power ahead without having to learn how to do things along the way

anyone who disagrees can fucking fight me. i know more about cg and the processes involved in making a cg film than anyone else here or on reddit for that matter

Anonymous No. 964700

> i know more about cg and the processes involved in making a cg film than anyone else here or on reddit for that matter


Anonymous No. 964701

>follow the new doughnut tutorial
>dragging the icing around
>suddenly blender gets over 30GB of RAM used and crashes
why? I hadn't even applied the subdiv modifier yet so it's not like I was dealing with millions of vertices

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Anonymous No. 964767

I genuinely admire his determination with this project.
He set himself an impossible goal, and he fights to do that impossible goal. Who knows, maybe he will even actually achieve it, or he will fail miserably and gain good knowledge he gained on his way to the fall. This is something we all should strive to do, instead of thinking we're not "good enough" to do something and fucking ourselves up mentally.

Also, >>961718 got absolutely BTFO by the shrekguy, lmao.

Anonymous No. 964769

get out of here Gmod programmer this isn't about stealing other people's animation and putting it on models.

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Anonymous No. 964771

>Stealing animation and putting on models
I animate them myself though? Mixamo's animations are too fluid and real for the shit i usually go for.

Anonymous No. 965385

>spend years learning Maya
>nearly every job I'm offered or looking into uses Blender in their pipeline and wants me to use it

Maybe it's bc I'm more into vidya than the film/tv/graphics industry but wtf? Is it rly that bad to have only learned blender?

Anonymous No. 965390

Lot of doomer faggots itt wanting some blender fucker to fail when it'll be interesting to see what this nigga can output if at all. You dipshit /3/troons are the reason why people don't take art seriously if you're this much of a downie faggot.

>anyone who disagrees can fucking fight me. i know more about cg and the processes involved in making a cg film than anyone else here or on reddit for that matter
Pyw nigga.

Anonymous No. 965393

itt: neets insulting each other about the lack of a convincing larp

Anonymous No. 965413

>Syama had aides.