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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 961794

Why are Blendlets always like "Now that X has been implemented, we can all eliminate software Y from our pipelines!!" And yet, their software neither scales well or is ever good enough to be used on anything of value.

Anonymous No. 961798

who cares about blendlets
you don't have to be a blendlet to use blender

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Anonymous No. 961819

"why are indians always like ..."
"why do bonobos throw their shit as a social..."
"why do dogs catch peoples logs with their mouth when..."

caring about these types of questions automatically means you are one of these animals.

are you spiritually an indian nigger monkey? or do you not care about them? you can only say "yes" to one of these questions, anon.

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Anonymous No. 961827

Talked to blender dev about their creation.

>the rest of the industry is wrong, my blender addon is right

Anonymous No. 961831

official board language is english, you fucking retard. i don't even own blender lmao (owned)

Anonymous No. 961847

It's 3d Software for the poor, what do you expect?

Anonymous No. 961851

>software fanboy thread
into the trash it goes

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Anonymous No. 961939

just let them find out the hard way that no jobs await them. rather simple.

Anonymous No. 962006

As a European mayafag, no jobs that pay more than stacking shelves at lidl await me, either.

Anonymous No. 962007

skill issue

Anonymous No. 962015

sounds like a you problem

Anonymous No. 962465

Go outside

Anonymous No. 963674

Low quality bait

Anonymous No. 963954

Its been that way every update. Every clickbait fuckin thumbnail.

X will change the game. Yet that feature is fucked for performance (vdms) or isnt even finished yet (hair) meanwhile shit that needs fixing now (texture painting that follows the form) gets ignored.

That and theyre fuckin retarded cause that kind of "app loyalty" is why it never gets any better.

Anonymous No. 963960

the world would be a better place without blender. autodesk would actually have lower prices to include all the poorfags as customers. but because of blender they have 0 reason to attract any of the foss third worlders.

Anonymous No. 965813

When trannies somehow infiltrate and destroy your proprietary tech and tools, you'll come crawling to FOSS.

Anonymous No. 965818

lmao you're trying to defend capitalism and at the same time, proving a point of why alternatives exist.